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Need help on voting contest


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lol hope i can get some help around here, I entered in a T-Shirt contest on AimHigherJets.com. If I win, I get a pretty nice Sr-71B Blackbird model that will go well in my collection.


The voting for the T-Shirt contest begins today, if you participate in the voting, you would receive a $5 coupon off any Century Wings Model airplane priced about $50 and another coupon for $25 off of a $250 order of Century Wing models- century wings models are the best quality in terms of diecast model planes.


All you gotta do is e-mail: contest@aimhigherjets.com

Subject line: Contest

and in the body paragraph, write the entry number you wish to vote for.


My entry is #2 which looks like this



I would appreciate any votes that goes towards me, thanks guys!


More information can be found on aimhigherjets.com


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I have an Idea...



We need a poll.



A poll where you can choose between some possible skin themes.(Like: special Camouflage or an interesting or funny animal...something like this.)


And if SuperKungFu wins, he must make the suggested/voted skin for us.







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I liked the 3rd alternate quote the best.



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DCS Wishlist: 1) FIX THE DAMN RIVERS!!! 2) Spherical or cylindrical panorama view projection. 3) Enhanced input options (action upon button release, etc). 4) Aircraft flight parameter dump upon exit (stick posn, attitude, rates, accel, control volume, control-surface positions, SAS bias, etc). 5) ADS-33 maneuver courses as static objects. 6) Exposed API or exports of trim position and stick force for custom controllers. 7) Select auto multiple audio devices

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lol THANKS GENTS. Rep to you all!




Voted for your #3









#2 :thumbup:


edit: I hope it was correct, I simply send a mail (subject: contest) with the text: 2


? (thats how I understand it. Or should I have to register?)



Yea that's all you have to do, a simple e-mail with the body paragraph saying only the entry number you want to vote for.


lol surprisingly enough, entry #3 is actually beating me. haha. It's all good fun in the end.


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The voting doesn't end until oct 24 but I just found out you can vote more than once. According to the rules, you can vote for one per e-mail address, per day. So if you have multiple e-mails, you can vote multiple times a day lol. So fire away gentleman! I would be funny to see an entire e-mail box that screams entry#2!


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