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Russians and Wind :)

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Why is it in 2 Fltsim programs coded in Russia that wind logic is the complete opposite to all accepted Aviation conventions ?


In both FC2 and ROF you need to input the Wind direction as where it is BLOWING TOO not from where its coming from.


In International Aviation (including in the CIS) Wind Speed is reported as where it is coming from. So A reported wind of 270 for 10msec means the wind is blowing FROM the west at 10msec so you would land on Rwy27.


In FC2 Mission Planner to get the wind blowing from 270 (A westerly) you need to input a wind direction of 090 ??

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I think it's because they're written by programmers, not weathermen. ;) It makes more sense from a physics point of view to have the direction and strength, rather than the "direction from which it blows". I never really understood why it's convention to report the direction the wind is coming from. Seems completely backwards to me. But then, I tend to think like a programmer.

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I think it's because they're written by programmers, not weathermen. ;) It makes more sense from a physics point of view to have the direction and strength, rather than the "direction from which it blows". I never really understood why it's convention to report the direction the wind is coming from. Seems completely backwards to me. But then, I tend to think like a programmer.


I agree. It still confuses me.


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I'm not 100% that this is actually why it is like it is IRL (in the west), but it certainly makes sense to me in that when I do a crosswind landing IRL the wind report from the tower makes it very easy for me to figure out which way I need to offset my nose to keep myself on a true track - if wind is 6 knots 090 I shift my nose in the direction of 090 instead of having to figure out what the opposite of the report is. Not that that is hard, but if you are planning a crosswind landing you really want to minimize the possible distractions. ;)


Same for creating a clock-and-compass flight plan.


And we need to remember that a lot of things are handled differently in russia - for example it is common to go QFE instead of QNH, which can be confusing for western aircrews.


EDIT: Another point in meteorology is that getting the type of air you should expect. For example, where I live a northern wind (that is, coming from the north) means it will probably get pretty cold, while a southern wind hints at warm air. During spring the difference can be whether I have -10 degrees celcius or +15 degrees celcius, though obviously there are a lot more factors in that than just where the air is coming from.

Edited by EtherealN


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

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QFE is used in some western nations as well. In fact many modern FMS systems allow QNH or QFE to be selected by the pilot for all Wypt altitude datums as well for that very reason.


Its still standard in the CIS to report wind as where its coming from though.

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Why is it in 2 Fltsim programs coded in Russia that wind logic is the complete opposite to all accepted Aviation conventions ?


In both FC2 and ROF you need to input the Wind direction as where it is BLOWING TOO not from where its coming from.


In International Aviation (including in the CIS) Wind Speed is reported as where it is coming from. So A reported wind of 270 for 10msec means the wind is blowing FROM the west at 10msec so you would land on Rwy27.


In FC2 Mission Planner to get the wind blowing from 270 (A westerly) you need to input a wind direction of 090 ??


This has always bugged me too. They use wind vector like you'd draw in navigation in the ME - I understand. However weather briefing (inside mission briefing) is not inverting it - so briefing for pilots is already confusing.

Edited by Shaman

51PVO Founding member (DEC2007-)

100KIAP Founding member (DEC2018-)


:: Shaman aka [100☭] Shamansky

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[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] 100KIAP Regiment Early Warning & Control officer

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As far as I know there is no differentiation between them as far as the sim is concerned - it's all true. Basically consider it as if you have already compensated.


Though it would be fun to have to take deviation and such things into account. :P


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

Intel i7 2600K @ 4.4GHz, ASUS Sabertooth P67, 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600MHz, ASUS GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 1GB, Samsung 830series 512GB SSD, Corsair AX850w, two BENQ screens and TM HOTAS Warthog

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