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Mega Crash


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Tonight we were flying in the server. At some random moment every player and the server crashed at the exact same moment.


The error log for several players had the follow error.

warning: no weapon sensor for host

The server had virtually no errors in the error.log


The "Crash" file on the server is listed below.


# -------------- 20100514-100834 --------------
C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\simulator.exe
# C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 005C44AA 01:001C34AA
# EAX = 0000132C
# EBX = 55B6D068
# ECX = 0000000B
# EDX = 539795B4
# ESI = 55B6D070
# EDI = 0000000B
# CS:EIP = 0023:005C44AA
# SS:ESP = 002B:0018F92C  EBP = 00000000
# DS = 002B  ES = 002B  FS = 0053  GS = 002B
# Flags = 00010246
005C44AA 00000000 0001:001C34AA C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\simulator.exe



We will test soon with the same mission in a closed session to figure out if it was mission caused... There are nearly 900 triggers in the mission, maybe the server didn't like one.

The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world.

Current Projects:  Grayflag ServerScripting Wiki

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 SLMOD, Wiki wishlist, Mission Editing Wiki!, Mission Building Forum

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Access violation means a bad pointer (pointing to an invalid or protected memory location). Only possible through a program fault (bug) or bad data that wasn't validated on input.


Theoretically can also be caused by a cosmic ray impacting the RAM chip (which ECC RAM is designed to correct for), but this is not likely.

Edited by Moa
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That one can be a tough one, Grimes. Had something similar on DCS, it took a few hours to nail down the culprit - but we were lucky enough to see a pattern when the crash happened.

(AI launching IR missiles on Ka-50s in this particular case - now resolved).


So basicly you gent's may have to try to figure out when this is happening - perhaps by checking what it isnt.

Let's say nn-groups spawns fine - then perhaps you can eliminate them as a problem and remove them from the mission.

Then keep iterating yourself through all the things that do work - maybe you will find a kind of unit - or a specific order for that group - or action they do, which contributes to the crash.


And then perhaps it's possible to reproduce the problem and remove it from the game.


Alt 2:

Keep the same mission running on another server just to see if the problem occurs there at all.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

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FC2 Crash (C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll)


If this is helpful to debuging... this is from .crash file... happened in 3Sqn Server... Initially the game statred getting lot of pauses and stutters... then it chashed after some 5 minutes after, actually my whole system froze... I had to do manual restart.


# -------------- 20100515-111255 --------------


# E06D7363 at 7770B727 01:0000A727


# EAX = 0018EE18

# EBX = 00000000

# ECX = 00000003

# EDX = 00000000

# ESI = 7C380EDC

# EDI = 0018EEA8

# CS:EIP = 0023:7770B727

# SS:ESP = 002B:0018EE18 EBP = 0018EE68

# DS = 002B ES = 002B FS = 0053 GS = 002B

# Flags = 00000216

Also, every time I had a game crash (just CTD) I get these tmp files in Temp folder:













Edited by Kuky

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Okai, the kernelbase would indicate that one of the operations involving the Windows Kernel failed.

One of these things can be:

- Memory management

- Video / DirectX output

- Also filesystem, but I think it would fail eslewhere first if that happened.

- I dont think sound is one of them.

A dev should know a bit more on when / why it happened just there.


Unfortunately it can be caused by bad mods / broken files - all the generic system problems.

But also a bug of course.


So still, keep observing - see you you gents can figure out when this is happening - if it's related to a ingame event - or the period the server runs by.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

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If this is helpful to debuging... this is from .crash file... happened in 3Sqn Server... Initially the game statred getting lot of pauses and stutters... then it chashed after some 5 minutes after, actually my whole system froze... I had to do manual restart.


Also, every time I had a game crash (just CTD) I get these tmp files in Temp folder:














Thats the EXACT stuff i get when i have my crashes! all those .tmp files, the dreaded .crash files containing KERNELBASE.dll over and over....



Edited by Mustang
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3Sqn server crashed again... the.crash file is 38.16MB in size?! (Is this normal?)... looks like this:


# -------------- 20100516-023018 --------------

C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\WorldGeneral.dll

# C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01F585F8 01:000275F8


# EAX = 41652488

# EBX = 3BD67F00

# ECX = 3F1ED100

# EDX = 3F1ED1B0

# ESI = 435C15C8

# EDI = 435C15C8

# CS:EIP = 001B:01F585F8

# SS:ESP = 0023:0012DC38 EBP = 41356FE8

# DS = 0023 ES = 0023 FS = 003B GS = 0000

# Flags = 00210202

01F585F8 41356FE8 0001:000275F8 C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\WorldGeneral.dll

01F585F8 41356FE8 0001:000275F8 C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2\bin\x86\stable\WorldGeneral.dll

3F03D2E0 41FA6E10 0000:00000000

41356FE8 41AF5238 0000:00000000

41FA6E10 420F60F0 0000:00000000

41AF5238 4211FC88 0000:00000000

420F60F0 42107110 0000:00000000

4211FC88 4213A400 0000:00000000

42107110 421A5FA0 0000:00000000

4213A400 421A0E30 0000:00000000

421A5FA0 3F1ED1B0 0000:00000000

421A0E30 3F1ACED0 0000:00000000

3F1ED1B0 3F194360 0000:00000000

3F1ACED0 3F447600 0000:00000000

3F194360 40AFE0B8 0000:00000000

3F447600 413434C8 0000:00000000

40AFE0B8 41344160 0000:00000000

413434C8 41342630 0000:00000000

41344160 405E19C0 0000:00000000

41342630 405E9098 0000:00000000

405E19C0 3F028B10 0000:00000000

405E9098 41344B80 0000:00000000

3F028B10 3CE6F4A0 0000:00000000

41344B80 3CDB0CD8 0000:00000000

3CE6F4A0 41341AC8 0000:00000000

3CDB0CD8 3EED07C8 0000:00000000

41341AC8 40461CD0 0000:00000000

3EED07C8 422A2E18 0000:00000000

40461CD0 3F196DC8 0000:00000000

422A2E18 41341BD0 0000:00000000

3F196DC8 41342058 0000:00000000

41341BD0 41342790 0000:00000000

41342058 413421F0 0000:00000000

41342790 413443A0 0000:00000000

413421F0 41341C10 0000:00000000

413443A0 3EA4F848 0000:00000000

41341C10 3EA2A088 0000:00000000

3EA4F848 3EA7CF58 0000:00000000

3EA2A088 3E223248 0000:00000000

3EA7CF58 3EAC7D80 0000:00000000

3E223248 3ED0E218 0000:00000000

3EAC7D80 3ED37A78 0000:00000000

3ED0E218 3EECFD68 0000:00000000

3ED37A78 3EAA5AC8 0000:00000000

3EECFD68 3EADC1A8 0000:00000000

3EAA5AC8 3ED0FD48 0000:00000000

3EADC1A8 3EDD8050 0000:00000000

3ED0FD48 3EECFE48 0000:00000000

3EDD8050 41344980 0000:00000000

3EECFE48 3ED0ECE0 0000:00000000

41344980 3EA85C48 0000:00000000

3ED0ECE0 3E221AD8 0000:00000000

3EA85C48 3EFB4BA8 0000:00000000

3E221AD8 3F18C2D8 0000:00000000

3EFB4BA8 3EA1FBD8 0000:00000000

3F18C2D8 3EA3C410 0000:00000000

3EA1FBD8 3EA2A488 0000:00000000

3EA3C410 3EA571F8 0000:00000000

3EA2A488 3D625ED0 0000:00000000

3EA571F8 3E22A9E0 0000:00000000

3D625ED0 3EA2A3A8 0000:00000000

3E22A9E0 3EA623D0 0000:00000000

3EA2A3A8 3EA6A278 0000:00000000

3EA623D0 3EA31B50 0000:00000000

3EA6A278 3EA20680 0000:00000000

3EA31B50 3EDD7EC0 0000:00000000

3EA20680 3F1A0660 0000:00000000

3EDD7EC0 413449C0 0000:00000000

3F1A0660 3EAFA968 0000:00000000

413449C0 3EA434B8 0000:00000000

3EAFA968 3EA1FCF8 0000:00000000

3EA434B8 3E5C5780 0000:00000000

3EA1FCF8 3DCBC798 0000:00000000

3E5C5780 3CE6F4B8 0000:00000000

3DCBC798 3D625E40 0000:00000000

3CE6F4B8 3DCBF6C8 0000:00000000

3D625E40 3E22D130 0000:00000000

3DCBF6C8 3E5BEA08 0000:00000000

3E22D130 3EA2A5E8 0000:00000000

3E5BEA08 41342098 0000:00000000

3EA2A5E8 3F20BA98 0000:00000000

41342098 3F191930 0000:00000000

3F20BA98 3F03D2E0 0000:00000000

3F191930 41356FE8 0000:00000000

3F03D2E0 41FA6E10 0000:00000000

41356FE8 41AF5238 0000:00000000

41FA6E10 420F60F0 0000:00000000

41AF5238 4211FC88 0000:00000000




There are 1212733 lines in this file... it's insane!
Edited by Kuky

No longer active in DCS...

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Errors.log file:


2010/5/15 05:04

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 1b651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 1b651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 15651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 1b651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 22651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 28651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 28651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 4651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 15651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 15651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 15651002

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

warning: no weapon sensor for host 110e0c03

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Kuky I got that same CTD one day but not server just regular simming.

" any failure you meet, is never a defeat; merely a set up for a greater come back, "  W Forbes

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,"  Winston Churchill 
" He who never changes his mind, never changes anything," 

MSI z690 MPG DDR4 || i9-14900k|| ddr4-64gb PC3200 || MSI RTX 4080S|Game1300w|Win11| |turtle beach elite pro 5.1|| ViRpiL,T50cm2||MFG Crosswinds|| VT50CM-plus rotor Throttle || G10 RGB EVGA Keyboard/MouseLogitech || PiMax Crystal VR || 32 Asus||

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