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Unfortunately both issues are related to the recent 1.2.6 update. They are not a problem with the mission file. I recommend either waiting for the next update or reverting back to 1.2.5.


You can read about both issues in these forum posts:


Frequency issue: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=112739


Joining and disconnect issue: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=115118&highlight=tanker


Hopefully the next update will fix these issues.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

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  • 1 month later...

I believe Air to Air Refueling is supposed to be fixed in the 1.2.7 update but I don't know when ED will release that.


1.2.5 is ok. Once 1.2.7 is out we will test our missions against that and post if AAR is corrected.


The other missions should be fine.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Send us your SUID code and we can generate the keys quickly (once the Paypal transaction is processed).


You can read more about the requirements at our FAQ.


We have thought about automating the process, however we would prefer that ED provide an App store (similar to ITunes or Google Play) which would benefit all content providers.

Edited by Sabre-TLA


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates




Loving it so far!!! Narrator kinda' rushed me through startup, but that's alright, some of it's stuff you never really get to play with anyway. I did fail for not turning of my TACAN on shutdown though, even though I taxied perfectly. Kinda reminds me of the time in real-life (way back when I was a tanker 9 years ago) when I a NOGO on the M240 station because I disassembled it before clearing it >.<


It might seem like an extraneous detail to some, but attention to detail is everything!


Outstanding work! I like the Mission Cards too, that's clever. I am impressed!

Posted (edited)

Small bug


I got through the first mission, but I waited for a long time after he gave me the, "Let's check your shutdown" speech and he never got back with me. I realize that this may be how Officers behave IRL, but that's a bit unneccesarry here. :megalol:


Not gonna' lie though, overall, I'm having the time of my life with this. :joystick: :pilotfly:


By chance, are the names listed in the AAR's the names of the people who made this campaign a reality?

Edited by Oggii80

What version of DCS World are you playing the mission against?


The FE should give you a rating after your shutdown so it could be one of the triggers didn't trip properly. Have you seen the video on our YouTube channel:



Also you can try the practice mission package where each switch is called out. That might give an idea to which switch the trigger is failing against.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


We have updated the installers to work with the new DCS World OpenBeta 1.2.7 release.


Links can be found in the first post.


Users who already have a mission key for the campaigns can use that to unlock these OpenBeta campaigns. No new mission keys are required.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

  • 2 weeks later...

Just purchased both the Basic Training and Advanced Training campaigns from you after hearing great things.


I take it the mission key you send is for both campaigns?


Thanks Sabre, Keys received very quickly.


Would i be better using the missions in the 1.2.7 beta patch due to the fixed refueling or should i stick to 1.2.6 for the basic campaign first?


I think the jury is still out on AAR in 1.2.7. See this thread for more details.


Since there is no AAR in the BFT campaign it should be ok for either 1.2.6 or 1.2.7.


Hopefully they get the AAR fixed soon as it's the first 2 missions in the Advanced campaign.


MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates


Just completed BFT tonight and can't praise this training enough! It's really made me a better pilot. Time to get cracking on the AFT missions now until AAR is fixed so I can go through the campaign.


Flight Qualifications Campaign


Not really BFT specific but I was just wondering going through the training...


IRL, do checklist items have to be followed in the exact same order as written down or are you free to set up your own sequence as long as you don't skip anything and as long as you stay within one section before going to the other? E.g. complete pre-flight in whatever order before going to engine start?


I'm asking this because the mission script does not care for the order pf checks/actions it seems.

i7 4790K: 4.8GHz, 1.328V (manual)

MSI GTX 970: 1,504MHz core, 1.250V, 8GHz memory


When I fly the AFT03 or AFT04 missions, the trim is way off at mission start (in air). This doesn't happen on any of the BFT missions. Anyone else experience this?

  • 1 month later...

AFT02 is broken in 1.2.7. No ILS at Kobuleti makes it impossible to land. I tried editeding the mission to remove the thunderstorm, but the tanker just flies away at speed after RVCP.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just started my basic flight training tonight. I must say, I'm impressed so far.

Windows 10 Home, Intel Core i7-9700K @ 4.6GHz, Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming (8GB VRAM) on 34" LG curved monitor @ 3440x1440, 32GB RAM, TrackIR 3 (with Vector Expansion), Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Saitek Combat Pedals, Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs.

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