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Desperately seeking fps for BS2


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I think my problem is really CPU bound as pushing texture and scenery to HIGH with cockpit shadow ON doesn't take a single fps from BS2.

I am deeply sorry for taking so much time from you.




First: You didn't took "my time" at all - I'm also very interested to see what's possible on various systems. And we both (maybe someone else too) learned a lot.


That you don't lost any FPS when going to "high" settings is indeed a indicator that your CPU is throttling the output...


But you shouldn't give up at all - try (I know that this can take time and can also be a little tricky..) to scale down the abris,shkval - and also disable them in the cockpit render- There a some instructions how to do this...

the thread is called something like "Export/Extract additional things...." ;)


Very good explenation how to disable the internal ABRIS/Shkval render:

HUD Only View


Also see how the system behaves without the USB - just to see what has to be upgraded the next time.


4 frames extra can be very much when usually in the 20-24...




Edited by PeterP

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It's clear that BS2 is more demanding but did you guys get worse performance with the same settings as with BS1? I thought that it would be no problem to make BS2 look the same as BS1 but I've already lowered the settings way below BS1 level and it's still pretty much unplayable. That is beyond me. :huh:

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As far as I'm concerned, BS1 shows a way better performance than BS2.


BS1 with loads of eye candy (HD Pit, Flares mod, Runway and landscape textures mods, etc.) and all options maxed out (mirrors on, heat blur on, etc. pp.) doesn't drop below 30 fps.


In BS2 "stock" (i.e. no eye candy) and most options set to "medium" (no mirrors, no heat blur, no HDR, etc.) I usually get about 30 fps, easily dropping below 10 (especially when there is smoke or "scenery" about).


(i5 2500K, 2x5770, 8GB RAM, DCS @ seperate HDD)

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Is it the new AI, weather engine etc. that tax performance so much? Visually it looks worse and runs much worse. Is there really so much more simulation in the background that makes it unplayable on a rig that could run BS1 easily on quite good graphics? :huh:

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I got a lot of mixed messages regarding fps between BS1 and BS2. Strangly enough, I got several squad mates telling me BS2 is running smoother than BS1 on their rig. But I am not sure their graphic settings are identical. And most of them are running single display.

It would be logical with more eye candy in BS2 to have lower fps than BS1.

Actually, BS1.00 and BS1.01 were also painfuly slow when I started to build my pit. Around 18 to 20 fps (and "only" 5 displays) . Then I reinstalled it when BS1.02 came out and I suddenly got the fps jumping to a confortable and steady 30 fps (with 7 displays).

I can only hope that the future BS2 patch will somehow do this small miracle again.


@PeterP: My shkval and Abris were already disabled in the cockpit when I tested SoftTH with you. For the SHKVAL, windows does not allow me to go lower than 800x600.

Maybe I'll go the 3082x768 way for head up view, but for the time being, the missions I flew with 3 or 4 of my mates were very flyable even at 24 fps. The moments I got some slow downs are only when taking off from big detailed airports like Tbilissi. Once in the country side, it's fine.

My next upgrade will be to go for 16Go DRAM and maybe try to push a bit further my CPU above 4Ghz if I can.

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Hi Bad CrC,


Sorry to see you already gave up...biggrin.gif

...this is not the end of the road!


Didn't I told you we will first see if SoftTH kicks in with Helios still visible and then optimised it further....?!:



I see some things that can be optimized in your setup - but we first will leave it as it is to see if SoftTH will start properly and Helios will be at the top. - if this work we can work out a streamlined version ( "streamlined" in the meaning of bandwidth/recurrences - not in complexity!!!) - but this will mean you will have to re-configure parts of the Helios appearance and some parts of your "monitor-LUA". - this can be al little tricky in the end but is doable that everything will still show at the right place in your pit- and this will make it really necessary "to think around corners"... just like in the old days - when you had a comodore64 and you had to squeeze your code into it...



@PeterP: ...For the SHKVAL, windows does not allow me to go lower than 800x600.

Maybe I'll go the 3082x768 way for head up view, ...


but we can use SofTH to do this!


What I have in mind is this:


Variant A - optimized DCS render = 4096x1024:




or Variant B - maximum optimized DCS render = 3328x768:



What you see is what DCS/your GPU has to render.

We will use the functions of SoftTH to spread this onto the different monitors - -and after analysing your setup a little I realised that we don't have to edit Helios at all. :)

You should set cockpit display render to 256 in DCS for this - there will be no noticeable image loose on the abris/shkval.


So it should be possible to lower the render-surface significant without losing image quality - but before I can go on to write this SoftTH profile I need your currently used "monitor-LUA". -and I have to know how the Ekran is exported.



When I have all info - I will post a softth-config with a graphical explanation how this works.

Edited by PeterP

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I got a lot of mixed messages regarding fps between BS1 and BS2.



I've found very inconsistent results between installs. At the moment I'm actually pretty happy with my BS2 FPS. I re-installed win7 x64 did some tweeking and reinstalled BS2, now its actually playable in campains at medium-high GFX on 2 screens. Before its was <15fps even in instant missions.


I've bitten the bullet and ordered a 2500k et al excited on my first upgrade in years!

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path: DCS Black Shark 2\Config\MonitorSetup - your *.lua that is in use

Normally I could figure it out myself - but I want to see yours - so I have the exact dimensions - so the Abris will fit into your pit without try and error.


and also please post the configSoftTH.config that you successfully have used.



Hi PeterP. Excited about your new ideas. My EKRAN is exported through Helios only.

Do you need my options.lua or "multimonitor conf".lua in the /monitorconfig/?


This is what I have in mind:



There is a undocumented function in SoftTh that will allow us to resize/replace parts of the 4096x1024 render of DCS. (you use right now 5100x1080 windowed mode)


So we will be able to use a optimized render-size of DCS but still be able to place the Shikval/Abris anywhere we want/need them on the Desktop -without making the area of the DCS render-surface bigger.


Maybe this will give you better FPS.

Edited by PeterP

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PeterP, this is my monitor config.lua file for my pit:


_ = function(p) return p; end;

name = _('Cockpit Config LR');

Description = 'Cockpit Config Low Res';

Viewports =


Center =


x = 0;

y = 0;

width = 3840;

height = 1024;

viewDx = 0;

viewDy = 0;

aspect = 3.75;




Shkval =


x = 3840;

y = 480;

width = 800;

height = 600;





x = 4640;

y = 355;

width = 460;

height = 500;


UV26 =


x = 4020;

y = 55;

width = 120;

height = 60;




x = 3915;

y = 360;

width = 330;

height = 110;


UIMainView = Viewports.Center


As you can see, I added many thing on my USB 800x600 screen such as a UV26 gauge as well as the PVI.

Your idea sounds really great. Can't wait to test it!

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UV26 and PVI? -that's really new Info!;)


- so please also add a screen-capture when DCS is running (and do what I wrote in the PM) - so I have a reference image when I will try to squeeze the UV26/PVI in the space between the Abris/Skval and keep it readable at the same time.

Because all what I have right now from you is this:


-only the helios profile -

The Abris/Shkval I had to guess ;) -OK! -it's not that hard - but the PVI/UV26 was a surprise! :)


And I really would like also see the PVI/UV26 - so I could do the same with them as I have with the Abris/Shkval in mind - without guessing.


But this raises another question again-

I just think this will lower the bandwidth/Vram again significant... - Is there no way to show the PVI/UV26 only by Helios - Do we really need the exported render from DCS on the USB-Monitor to show this info? - isn't there a way to let it be done by Helios alone?


Just to underline what I'm saying: a USB-monitor is a real bottleneck when showing DirectX data on it (how tiny it is..)- and it doesn't matter if this is done by SoftTH or native Windows.

A bottleneck is, and will be a bottleneck...

That's why I ask: is there is no other way to show the data of the PVI/UV26 by Helios alone?






A USB monitor has to delivered in this way:

Backbuffer of HD6900 > pci-e-bus > ram > USB-bus


And this is much slower than hooked directly to a graphic adapter- and you loose also all hardware-acceleration because the data is handed out to a "virtual" graphic-adapter...

And this copying through the ram involves the CPU much more - copying data through only the PCI-E bus is much,much faster -like it is done by a normal Monitor.



Edit again ;):

There is no hurry - take your time- as I take mine.

Edited by PeterP

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Sorry for the last minute change. Hope this is not messing with your optimizations.

The USB screen didn't have any visible impact on my fps in windowed mode. But if you think this will help in full screen mode to remove the USB screen, I can give it a shot.

Here is my new desktop conf. I detailed what is displayed in the green areas.





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Bad crc I can not view this from my iPhone it states you need

To make it available to all viewing devices. YouTube that is.

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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,"  Winston Churchill 
" He who never changes his mind, never changes anything," 

MSI z690 MPG DDR4 || i9-14900k|| ddr4-64gb PC3200 || MSI RTX 4080S|Game1300w|Win11| |turtle beach elite pro 5.1|| ViRpiL,T50cm2||MFG Crosswinds|| VT50CM-plus rotor Throttle || G10 RGB EVGA Keyboard/MouseLogitech || PiMax Crystal VR || 32 Asus||

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Bad crc I can not view this from my iPhone it states you need

To make it available to all viewing devices. YouTube that is.


I know. Me too. No go on iphone/itouch and iPad. I think this is due to some licenced music I put in the video that prevents to view it from a mobile device. You have to watch it from a computer,....unless you are based in Germany in which case you have no solutions.

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I think I got it now:




Thanks for the edited desktop image - but you can clearly see that it is slightly different form what your "Cockpit Config LR.lua" is telling.

never mind...;)


This are the files you need to use :


NEW_Cockpit Config_LR.lua :



_ = function(p) return p; end;
name = _('NEW Cockpit Config LR');
Description = 'NEW Cockpit Config LR'
Viewports =
    Center =
         x = 0;
         y = 0;
         width = 3840;
         height = 1024;
         viewDx = 0;
         viewDy = 0;
         aspect = 3.75;

Shkval =
    x = 3840;
    y = 0;
    width = 256;
    height = 168;

    x = 3840;
    y = 710;
    width = 256;
    height = 314;

UV26 =
    x = 3840;
    y = 600;
    width = 256;
    height = 110;

    x = 3921;
    y = 295;
    width = 93;
    height = 60;
UIMainView = Viewports.Center



config.SoftTHconfig :




; 2 Camera on 6900 Series

; [head_1]
; 1 HELIOS on 6900 Series
; devID=1
; sourceRect=5408,0,768,1024
; transportResolution=768x1024
; transportMethod=auto
; noSync=0
; fpsLimit=0

; 3 ABRIS/Helios on HD 5800 Series

; 4 Shkval on HD 5800 Series 





\Saved Games\DCS BlackShark 2\Config\options.lua :


["fullScreen"] = true, -- line 35

["aspect"] = 4, -- line 38

["width"] = 4096, -- line 44

["height"] = 1024, -- line 48




Just try and report.


If this works and give you more FPS you can do following to streamline it even more:



Attach the monitor #4 (Shkval) directly to your 6950. so the data don't has to be copied through the ram anymore.

And attach the monitor #1 at the 5850.


after you have did this the [head_3] has to be edited in you config.SoftTHconfig...


But first try the attached files.



Made a very small tiny typo in the config.softthconfig. - this normally shouldn't be noticeable at all - but if there are problems - please load up the files again.

Or do the correction manually:






transportResolution=256x451 -- This has to be 415 !!

Edited by PeterP

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I've been following this thread closely since I'm running a dual monitor setup myself. I eventually plan to try the softTH thingy but I have not seen a significant difference in frame rates in windowed versus full screen mode when just driving a single monitor, so this is on hold for now. Currently, I have my second monitor just displaying the ABRIS and Shkval. What I'd like to do eventually is shrink the size of these displays and also add some other cockpit instruments.


However, my question at this time is how do I turn off the ABRIS and Shkval in the virtual 3D cockpit? I'm more than willing to give up the virtual 3d immersion factor if not drawing some instruments in the 3d cockpit increases frame rates. I've tried searching the forums for a while but I was not able to find an answer.


P.S. That's a WICKED setup Bad CRC! I had no idea that someone could replicate a cockpit so thoroughly.

Edited by limbo696
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Thanks Peter. I had seen that link previously but I was not originally able to make the connection from one monitor to two. After a closer look, I was able to get the ABRIS and Shkval to not be displayed in the cockpit and just on my second monitor but this did not yield any frame rate differences, unfortunately. I guess once the displays are computed, it does not make any difference if the program draws them once or twice. I can see how the single monitor, HUD only view with the ABRIS and Shkval being displayed would yield a frame rate increase, however.


So, do you have a good link on how I can get other instruments on my second monitor? This lua scripting stuff can definitely get complicated. ;)



Computer: AMD 965 Quad-core @ 3.4 Ghz CPU, Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 Motherboard, ATI 5850 GPU, 12GB DDR3-1333 G.Skill Memory, OCZ Agility 120Gb SSD

Gear: Thrustmaster T.16000M joystick, Act Lab Performance Pedals (running PPjoy virtual joystick driver and GlovePie to simulate single axis rudder pedals)

Edited by limbo696
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OK PeterP.


Gave it a try. Put the softth dll as well as the config.softthconfig (the correct one with 415) in the /bin BS2 directory.

Then dropped the NEW config monitor.lua in the monitorsetup. Edited my options.lua according to your recommendations.

I launched the mission I am using for benchmark and I could instantly feel an improvement with the framerate. fps counter gave me an extra 3 to 4 fps which was great.

BUT, no display for the ABRIS, SHKVAL, UV26 and PVI800. Helios is working fine.

Could it come from the fact that I disabled them in the virtual cockpit?

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(please read first "Edit#2" at the bottom of this posting)


No - should have nothing to do with disabling them in-cockpit. -as they show up when you where in windowed mode...


I'm very sure it's a small logical failure/ typo from me...


To Debug try this:


-Does a "softTH" slpash-screen show anywhere up on the monitors?


-Please start again with my settings and make a screen-shoot.



-use the "app-key+S" (You should see all data that is rendered at the primary screen) and make a screen-shoot again.


You will find them in :

C:\Users\>User name<\Documents\SoftTH\Screenshots


Please also post the SoftTH.log you find in

C:\Users\>User name<\Documents\SoftTH


Than do everything again without the Helios profile enabled.

It could be that the Abris/Shkval/... show up but at a wrong place and is covered by the Helios profile...


-and double-checked your/mine setting if there is a logical flaw somewhere...;)

(Please re-read the softth-readme -so you can maybe find the culprit alone)


Possible reasons:

Could be a small typo, a different arrangement of the monitors that I use in the config...


But one thing is sure: If SoftTH kicks in - everything of DCS is rendered what is defined in the "monitor.lua" -but didn't show up on the right place... and the FPS gain is true...

but we have to find out where the pixels of the ABRIS/Shkval/PVI/UV26 is going to.


Please post your observations and the screenies+log.


Than I can say more.



We can also establish a Phone/skype connection tommorro or at the weekend- to speed-up the debugging process.


Please PM me your connection-data if this is possible.



Could it be my failure...;) ?


Changed the Head ID's slightly...

Before you start the debugging process I posted above - use this config.SoftTHconfig:




; 2 Camera on 6900 Series

; 3 ABRIS/Helios on HD 5800 Series

; 4 Shkval on HD 5800 Series 




From the SoftTH readme:

[head_X] section:


These sections define an additional output head. There can be any

number of outputs. The numbers must be sequential starting from 1

I didn't started with "Head 1" in the previous config...:doh:
Edited by PeterP

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Ok. With the new config.softhconfig, i can see the softh logos when loading the sim and the abris, shkval and uv26/pvi are displayed. There are some tweking though as the abris is not the correct size (a bit too large and not high enough). The uv26 and pvi are not correctly displaying either. Pvi letters are quite small and uv36 numbers are too big with wrong place. I guess i can fix that by looking at your configuration file. Should be easy enough.

But, the display of shval and pvi are really ugly and blurry. Set them to 1024, without any improvement. The extra 3 fps cannot justify such drawback. It got difficult to fine the targets.

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Good to hear "the good, the bad and the ugly" news ;) from you.



Everything shows up and you have the 10% FPS gain.



not fitting


The Ugly:

very blurry Shkval/ABRIS

(BTW: raising the CockpitDisplayRes to 1024 can't change the render-res that is defined in the "monitors".LUA...)


To counteract I have reworked the settings (I also found some mishaps regrading the PVI/UV26 that I have done...)




First I raised the resolution of the ABRIS/Shkval (+100px proportional) to give you a better res.

To be honest I was a little radical with my first attempted.


Here is a 1:1 preview





I hope this is acceptable this time :) (I made a lot of research on the real Shkval resolution and I think I came very close - roughly 240p)


Now the overall horizontal resolution is 100px more - ...this shouldn't lower the FPS noticeable.




["fullScreen"] = true, -- line 35

["aspect"] = 4.09765625, -- line 38

["width"] = 4196, -- line 44

["height"] = 1024, -- line 48



config.SoftTHconfig :




; 2 Camera on 6900 Series

; 3 ABRIS/Helios on HD 5800 Series

; 4 Shkval on HD 5800 Series 




VeryNEW Cockpit Config LR.lua :


_ = function(p) return p; end;
name = _('VeryNEW Cockpit Config LR');
Description = 'NEW Cockpit Config LR'
Viewports =
    Center =
         x = 0;
         y = 0;
         width = 3840;
         height = 1024;
         viewDx = 0;
         viewDy = 0;
         aspect = 3.75;

Shkval =
    x = 3840;
    y = 0;
    width = 356;
    height = 234;

    x = 3840;
    y = 586;
    width = 356;
    height = 438;

    x = 3840;
    y = 493;
    width = 356;
    height = 92;

UV26 =
    x = 3953;
    y = 234;
    width = 129;
    height = 51;
UIMainView = Viewports.Center



It is very likely that the PVI/UV26 also don't show up at the right place this time...

But in consideration your newest info

The uv26 and pvi are not correctly displaying either. Pvi letters are quite small and uv36 numbers are too big with wrong place.
and the Image I had... - its not very surprising. ;)

attachment.php?attachmentid=60052&thumb=1&d=1323605360 (not 1:1 / green area is not matching your "monitors".lua...)


So when you use the attached files in the "BaD CrC VERY new SoftTH setting.zip"

I give you this self-explanatory Image to do the necessary replacing/resizing your self:



BTW: when the "destRect" line is missing - the Source will be spread at the whole target monitor (like it's done with the Shkval).



And when you think again that I have spend again hours only for you... -this is not the full truth.

I mainly do this to collect enough material/examples to write a complete illustrated SoftTH manual.http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1306009#post1306009

And learning from others helps a lot in doing this.;)


So please have a last(?) try and report !

...preferred with images of the Desktop and all necessary info -so we both don't end up like this :D :







@ limbo696


So, do you have a good link on how I can get other instruments on my second monitor? This lua scripting stuff can definitely get complicated. wink.gif


Try this: http://forums.eagle.ru/search.php ;) or HELIOS


or go directly to this thread : [How To] Export ALL Indicators like MFCD via ViewPorts

Edited by PeterP

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Thanks for your help PeterP.


I installed your latest configuration files over my BS2 and everything is working great. You got the PVI and UV26 displays right so nothing to modify on my side. SHKVAL and ABRIS are OK definition wise. Slightly below the windowed mode, but still very playable.

I will stick with your configuration from now. It's not like I doubled my fps, but:

- got an extra 2 to 3 fps

- can now turn on HDR without seeing any drop

- don't need to run the 'phantom monitor fix' anymore


I don't think I will try to lower the triple screen config since it's getting a bit too ugly for the fps gain. My next move now is to go from 6 Gb RAM to 24 Gb RAM. I have to pick them up at the post office this afternoon. :thumbup:

Not sure it will help on the fps, but at least I hope it will prevent my win7 64 to switch off aero during my flights (Helios hates to run without aero and turn BS into a 4 to 5 fps slideshow).


I'm off for vacation from tomorrow so I'll keep you posted beginning of January.


Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.

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