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New warehouse for airfield


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I started working on this toward the end of finishing up the new hardened aircraft shelter I made. I cant decide if I like how this turned out or not. So rather than scrap it, I thought I would post it here to get some input. Its not totally polished, but its mostly finished:







Other than me, credit goes to OldCrow for the unwrapping

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Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo

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Thanks Deadman. Always good to hear from ya :)


Viper: that's exactly why I'm unsure about it. It looks too generic and not like a maintance facility n stuff. It has the exact dimensions as the existing model for what it's worth

Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo

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