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Posted (edited)

spent 13 hours balancing these special effects yesterday. getting there. what u cant really see is the smudge style effects i have on the on the metal, the finger prints & smears that only are noticable at the special angle etc, the dust and grime build up that you cant really see all the time and the ageing of the metal but i still want to keep it factory fresh somewhat. none of these effects are diffuse related.





look closely now. invisbile smudes and smears. ive tried to catch whilst in the shadow light. and some wip metal material ageing (still have some effects to add, scratches and edge blend.)




next project is our combat related skins. like these display skins but the weathering will come from the special effects solely as above but taken to the next level.


ive spent in excess of 100 hours getting this right. i hope it shows. pictures dont do it justice. hopefully our flight display work will.

Edited by Ali Fish


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spent 13 hours balancing these special effects yesterday. getting there. what u cant really see is the smudge style effects i have on the on the metal, the finger prints & smears that only are noticable at the special angle etc, the dust and grime build up that you cant really see all the time and the ageing of the metal but i still want to keep it factory fresh somewhat. none of these effects are diffuse related.





look closely now. invisbile smudes and smears. ive tried to catch whilst in the shadow light. and some wip metal material ageing (still have some effects to add, scratches and edge blend.)




next project is our combat related skins. like these display skins but the weathering will come from the special effects solely as above but taken to the next level.


ive spent in excess of 100 hours getting this right. i hope it shows. pictures dont do it justice. hopefully our flight display work will.


Go Freddie Go....love it:thumbup:


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

Posted (edited)
Tonight we had another Practice training run : Ali-Fish, Tiger, Air_Wolf...also some nice new skins..Ali-Fish is just amazing...:thumbup:








Nice picts - now for a riddle (a little tester-contest)

Find 2 issues in Pict 1.

Find 1 of the same issue in bottom picture.


PS, not 'picture issues',nor 'skin issues', but they are clearly game-issues.

And you can see them. ;)

Edited by Panzertard

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

Nice picts - now for a riddle (a little tester-contest)

Find 2 issues in Pict 1.

Find 1 of the same issue in bottom picture.


PS, not 'picture issues',nor 'skin issues', but they are clearly game-issues.

And you can see them. ;)


Thanks....Okay sorry I don't see them..could you point it out for me..so I can then know what I am looking for...:thumbup:


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

Thanks....Okay sorry I don't see them..could you point it out for me..so I can then know what I am looking for...:thumbup:


Just a mini-riddle, to see who's able to spot 2 'bugs' :)

I won't reveal any answers.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

Posted (edited)
Just a mini-riddle, to see who's able to spot 2 'bugs' :)

I won't reveal any answers.


Okay you got me on that one...hope the bug you found gets fixed..or I have to get the Raid out...:megalol:


But you got to admit the last photo looks so real...no??




" By Request " piloted = Air_Wolf

" Little Freddie " piloted = Ali-Fish

" Lollipoop " piloted = Tiger

Edited by Double_D


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

Posted (edited)


The prop blade thickness and tail shadow on 88 are "correct".


The other two don't have them.


Shadows underneath the elevs, thats #1 :thumbup:


Prop can be a result of engine not running (or angle at the bottom pict, hm) - not #2. Possible #3 now, thanks.


Issue #2 remains.

Edited by Panzertard

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

Shadows underneath the elevs, thats #1 :thumbup:


Prop can be a result of engine not running (or angle at the bottom pict, hm) - not #2. Possible #3 now, thanks.

Issue #2 remains.


Wow, now I see what you mean ..I thought it was a skin problem..but like you mentioned game bug...:doh:


In pic #1 LiL Freddie he hadn't started his engine yet...


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

Posted (edited)


#2 under carriage doors. :thumbup:

Well done, you just won a tester-award - a spanking new tinfoil hat :D


Edited by Panzertard

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning


when i was taking the shots and flying ingame etc i noticed the cloud cover that affects the planes materials dont naturally transfer between overcast shadow and full direct sunlight. infact there is no transition at all.


on off on off etc. i couldn`t help think at the time the lack of shadows were due to that bug. is this the bug ? or this somthing else, a render issue etc ?


Posted (edited)

The shadows: IMO, rather a feature/tweak I guess.

- the other planes are not rendered as intensively as your own aircraft. Own aircraft (on your own PC) always renders with greater details.

It's been like this in all the DCS/FC versions - own vs other clients.

It could be part of 'conserving bandwidth & FPS' during MP. For SP, conserving FPS.


For the players it appears as a problem that should be fixed.

Haven't checked it out with the ED QA yet though.


As for the undergarriage doors - it should be shown.


Both of these are minor issues, but will get reported today.

Edited by Panzertard

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

The shadows: IMO, rather a feature/tweak I guess.

- the other planes are not rendered as intensively as your own aircraft. Own aircraft (on your own PC) always renders with greater details.

It's been like this in all the DCS/FC versions - own vs other clients.

It could be part of 'conserving bandwidth & FPS' during MP. For SP, conserving FPS.


For the players it appears as a problem that should be fixed.

Haven't checked it out with the ED QA yet though.


As for the undergarriage doors - it should be shown.


Both of these are minor issues, but will get reported today.


thanks bud


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...


Our Site is up and functioning




Well our site has been updated and is functioning..those who care to join you can start by just registering and once I set up the app..we will go from there...



Cheers... www.virtualtuskegeeairmen.com




Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...


Guys, I'd just like to say I don't think I'm going to have a lot of time to make myself useful in a squad so if you want you can take me off the roster. Sorry, guys.

ED have been taking my money since 1995. :P


a lot of games will use a slightly simpler model for client aircraft which might explain the prop and shadow issues, this is assuming that the screen shot is taken from the pilot of 88s PC. no idea how ED manage this but its the same reason most AI models are less complex, Helps yer pc to manage.

a lot of games will use a slightly simpler model for client aircraft which might explain the prop and shadow issues, this is assuming that the screen shot is taken from the pilot of 88s PC. no idea how ED manage this but its the same reason most AI models are less complex, Helps yer pc to manage.



If your talking about the skin texture's of the just recent post...well those are not the originals skins..a member " Ali-Fish " had re-done them..for the squad...


Also that's me following and AI...


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...


I just watched a movie on Netflix about WW2 in HD and color and they had a section about this group of pilots. They did great and what a dark time in history for everyone involved that had to go through that bullsh*t. They did the job they were asked and then they were made to stay away from the other pilots at the base because of the color of the skin. I am sure there was alot more then that they had to deal with. My Hat tips for them!:pilotfly:

Posted (edited)
I just watched a movie on Netflix about WW2 in HD and color and they had a section about this group of pilots. They did great and what a dark time in history for everyone involved that had to go through that bullsh*t. They did the job they were asked and then they were made to stay away from the other pilots at the base because of the color of the skin. I am sure there was alot more then that they had to deal with. My Hat tips for them!:pilotfly:


It was originally called the " The Tuskegee Experiment " and was suppose to fail..but these few selected men..showed that when times calls for it,( I will coin a famous phrase ) " Courage has no Color "...did you also know that one of the original Tuskegee Airmen was the very first " Top Gun "...





The true story of the Tuskegee Airmen is far broader than one of just aviation and the first American Black Military Pilots and Crewmen to serve during WWII. Their story and contributions were not recognized for decades, until the 1995 HBO movie release "The Tuskegee Airmen" presented their inspiring story of unwavering human spirit, courage and enduring determination. The Quest To Be The Best. Not only could black men become pilots, but they were arguably the most skilled aviators of World War II.

Since the film's release there has been a wide misunderstanding that all Tuskegee Airmen flew pursuit and escort missions in Red-Tailed P-51 Mustangs in WWII. Not the case. Only a fraction of these airmen actually flew fighter aircraft, including the P-40, P-47 and P-39. The vast majority of Tuskegee Airmen were assigned to other duties such as ground personnel, nurses, mechanics and instructors. Many also served in the 477th Bombardment Group as navigators, bombardiers, pilots and co-pilots on the B-25 Mitchell.



Lt. Col. James H. Harvey's graduating class.

Likewise, after the 1986 Hollywood release "Top Gun," there has been a wide misconception that this country's first Top Gun Program was developed by the Navy in the 1980's, competing in F-14 Tomcats. Again, not the case. In fact, the military's first "Top Gun" gunnery meet originated decades before and was established by the newly formed Unites States Air Force. What is also virtually unknown, is that Tuskegee Airmen, Captain Alva Temple, 1st Lieutenant Harry Stewart, 1st Lieutenant James H Harvey III and alternate pilot Halbert Alexander, competing in their P-47N Thunderbolts, would go on to win the USAF very "First Top Gun" Weapons Meet (also known as "William Tell" and "Gunsmoke") in May of 1949, at what would later become Nellis AFB. Accolades go to our Maintenance Personnel, because without them the missions could not have been flown with success. They were the Best in the USAF. A special thank you is extended to my aircraft crew chief (then Staff Sergeant) Buford Johnson.


It would be Lt. Col Harvey's natural abilities as a top aviator that would later distinguish him as the military's "First Black" Jet Fighter Pilot to fly missions over Korean Airspace. This website will present the inspiring story of James H Harvey III, the Tuskegee Airmen and the First Top Gun competition along with pages of aviation history and related links. This is the only source available to purchase collectible items commemorating the Tuskegee Airmen and their victory at the 1949 USAF Top Gun weapons meet. We welcome you to "Tuskegee Top Gun."



Edited by Double_D


Recruiting for Aerobatic Team/Fighter Group...

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