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Ракеты в DCS


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Цвет радиопрозрачного обтекателя может быть любой. Зависит от наполнителя в композите.

Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу

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Цвет радиопрозрачного обтекателя может быть любой. Зависит от наполнителя в композите.


Here is the ultimate argument for the missiles in the picture being R-27EP:


The absence of datalink/reference antennas behind the actuated wings.


Or will you also find an excuse for their absence?




Edited by BlackPixxel
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Но отсутствие ракеты в войсках дает пищу для размышлений.


Ну тут тема простая - в союзе не довели, а в 2000-х особого смысла в 27П уже не было поскольку 77-1 разрабатывалась. Для нас 27П/ЭП могла бы быть некой затычкой до введения чего-то 77-1 носящего, что случится, видимо, не очень скоро

Edited by TotenDead
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The only known instance was the B-52 called 'in HARMs way' which was hit by an AGM-88.


The story with some details:




Да, слышал, я просто скорее про ракеты воздух-воздух или зенитные говорил

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Here is the ultimate argument for the missiles in the picture being R-27EP:


The absence of datalink/reference antennas behind the actuated wings.


Or will you also find an excuse for their absence?


Does it mean it's EP or just ER without data-link? Or maybe it's just an instrumented missile?


So no, it's not the 'ultimate argument'. I think someone had brought far, far better arguments to me in the English forum.


I wonder how people will react if an EP is added and it goes straight for chaff ... I mean it's not like it knows that this reflection isn't the target radar.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Does it mean it's EP or just ER without data-link? Or maybe it's just an instrumented missile?


These antennas are not just datalink, they are also the reference antennas to get the doppler shift of the target for the closure speed meassurement.

R-27R/ER need those antennas for guidance.


It is HIGHLY likely that those pictures show actual R-27EP.


This radome? Only seen with R-27P/EP material.

No datalink antennas? Cannot be R-27R/ER (And also no EA).

No stripes or fixed control surfaces? No dummy missile.

Edited by BlackPixxel
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This radome? Only seen with R-27P/EP material.


Yes, present those, not illogical arguments that color=missile type :)


I also didn't say dummy missile, I said instrumented.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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So we have a picture of two R-27EP on a Su-34 that look exactly like the R-27EP would look, but those must be instrumented missiles??


By the same logic I can argue that any picture showing Aim-120C is actually showing a training version of Aim-120B, so ED, please remove Aim-120C from the game!

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I believe it is trying to say that the picture might just be an instrumented round with telemetry like what you'd use in a testing range to see things like fly off range


No. Test rockets don't look like that. This is an ordinary non-test air base (47th separate mixed aviation regiment, "Baltimore" is a military airfield in Voronezh.).

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Su-34 looks the most logical choice to use this type of weapon.


But I think, it is not a question of "add or not" It is a question "make it closer to real expectations = useless in DCS" "make it useful, but unrealistic = no way, redboys, you're only 15% of our profit"


Wishlist: MiG-31BM, An-72P, YaK-38M, A-5 Vigilante, YaK-3, He-162


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Su-34 looks the most logical choice to use this type of weapon.


But I think, it is not a question of "add or not" It is a question "make it closer to real expectations = useless in DCS" "make it useful, but unrealistic = no way, redboys, you're only 15% of our profit"


I think a normal Flanker is a much better launch plattform. Higher speed and altitute for higher launch range, to shoot down AWACS or other fighters from far away.

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  • ED Team
Su-34 looks the most logical choice to use this type of weapon.


But I think, it is not a question of "add or not" It is a question "make it closer to real expectations = useless in DCS" "make it useful, but unrealistic = no way, redboys, you're only 15% of our profit"

None of us know the real effectiveness of 27P.

In reality, it is affected by many factors and features of radars and ECM, which are not simulated in DCS.

Единственный урок, который можно извлечь из истории, состоит в том, что люди не извлекают из истории никаких уроков. (С) Джордж Бернард Шоу

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Да зачем нужна эта прототипная экзотика В-В ПРР. Лучше б сделали обновление логики сканирования всем радийным головам.

ППС  АВТ 100 60 36  Ф <  |  >  !  ПД  К

i5-10600k/32GB 3600/SSD NVME/4070ti/2560x1440'32/VPC T-50 VPC T-50CM3 throttle Saitek combat rudder

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None of us know the real effectiveness of 27P.

In reality, it is affected by many factors and features of radars and ECM, which are not simulated in DCS.


Is that any different from other missiles in DCS?


If in doubt, just make it horrible and only hit targets under ideal conditions. We know from the quoted Janes article, that the missile can not hit targets pulling more than 5.5G.

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Еще раз выскажу свои предположения.

По статистике применения ПРР Харм в разных конфликтах это одна из наименее эффективных ракет. Количество выпущенных ракет на порядок превосходит количество пораженных целей.


А чем обусловлена такая низкая эффективность? В игре вполне себе ракета.

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