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Mi-8MTV2 Missions


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  • 4 weeks later...

1x Mi-8MTV2

Single Player

Cold Start

Navigation and transport


A short mission to get to grips with the ARK UD and doppler navigation systems

tutorial about ARK UD included in briefing

Uses the brilliant CTTS script from Geloxo


Discussion thread http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=114903


Download http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/488091/

i5 8600k@5.2Ghz, Asus Prime A Z370, 32Gb DDR4 3000, GTX1080 SC, Oculus Rift CV1, Modded TM Warthog Modded X52 Collective, Jetseat, W10 Pro 64


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  • 2 months later...

spoil the oil, SP bombing mission for Mi-8


Name: spoil the oil

Author: wolle

Mission type: SP

Controllable: Mi-8

Quick Summary (5 lines):

- Bomb oil platforms in a Mi-8.

- Use ADF to locate

- Once close to the bombing target, crew chief will call out instructions to the pilot to guide the pilot directly over the bombing target

- You are loaded with 6 bombs, and there are 3 oil platforms to destroy


Link/Download: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/567047/

Full brief: Russian military depots near Sochi have been raided by Georgian forces several times over the last days. Russia has decided to strike back at Georgian interests in the region. For political/diplomatic reasons the Russian leadership decided to conduct a mission with a small footprint using the cover of night. Your Mi-8 is loaded with 6 bombs. Your mission is to destroy Georgian oil platforms off the coast of Gudauta.



Intel Core I7 4820K @4.3 GHz, Asus P9X79 motherboard, 16 GB RAM @ 933 MHz, NVidia GTX 1070 with 8 GB VRAM, Windows 10 Pro

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  • 1 month later...

Sochi Olympics Hostage Crisis


Name: Sochi Olympics Hostage Crisis

Author: wolle

Mission type: SP

Controllable: Mi-8

Quick Summary (5 lines):

- Follow Mi-24 escort helicopter in formation to Sochi.

- Local operative will identify building for you.

- Crew chief will call out instructions to pilot to achieve a stable hover at the correct height over the building roof.

- Once in a stable hover, 10 troops will fast-rope onto the building roof.

- Pick up troops once they have secured the building. It is important that the insertion is done quickly, otherwise the hostage takers may have enough time to defend against this operation.


Link/Download: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/580899/

Full brief: A so-far unidentified group has taken control of a high-rise building in downtown Sochi that houses olympic athletes. Negotiations with the group have failed. The decision has been made to send in a team of 10 Russian special forces to free the hostages. The Russian forces will be airlifted in by helicopter and inserted by fast-roping onto the roof of the building.



Intel Core I7 4820K @4.3 GHz, Asus P9X79 motherboard, 16 GB RAM @ 933 MHz, NVidia GTX 1070 with 8 GB VRAM, Windows 10 Pro

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  • 1 month later...

Link/Download: 1.2.8 Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H TOOTALL v3.2 - GA flights and SAR training mission (MP/SP)

Author: airwar

Controllable: Mi-8MTV2(10) and UH-1H(15)

Quick Summary:

- General Aviation flights (ATIS, ICAO Flight plan, long flight, ADF/CDI navigation, NO weapons, CTTS script v1.04).

- TOOTALL company Flight Book and mission navigation map included.

- You could Load/Unload and transport Troops and different Cargo.

- For SAR Training you have 40 SAR Teams in a 40 different locations, 20 for Mi-8MTV2 and 20 for UH-1H.


Based on this mission, make your own GA or Combat mission.


Custom NDB with Morse code (CTTS v 1.04)





Video Mi-8MTV2, how to use ARC-9 and DOPPLER SYSTEM (ДИСС-15), MEDEVAC:



Video Mi-8MTV2, how to use ARC-9 and ARK-UD, SAR:



Video Mi-8MTV2, how to use R-828:



Video UH-1H, how to use AN/ARN-83 (ADF) and AN/ARC-131 (FM), SAR:


Edited by airwar
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  • 1 month later...

Time Trial Mission for Mi-8


Name: Time Trial Skill Hip

Author: wolle

Mission type: SP

Controllable: Mi-8

Quick Summary (5 lines):

- Race against time. Complete a series of tasks that test your Mi-8 flying skills.

- hover over point and moving vehicle

- land on speeding ship

- sideways flying and formation flying

- roof top landing

- target practice


Link/Download: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/648768/

Full brief: Pilot with fastest time wins 1 million dollars :lol:



Intel Core I7 4820K @4.3 GHz, Asus P9X79 motherboard, 16 GB RAM @ 933 MHz, NVidia GTX 1070 with 8 GB VRAM, Windows 10 Pro

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  • 10 months later...

Name: Precision landing practice

Author: Socket7

Mission type: SP

Controllable: MI-8


-Test your landing skills. Land on an oil rig, a building, and the Oliver Hazard Perry.

-Featuring mildly inclimate weather :)

-Flares and smoke mark landing locations

-Fly empty, and with up to 3000 Kg of cargo onboard


Discussion thread



Dropbox link

ED's User Files

Practice makes perfect.

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Name: Snowbound: A search and rescue mission using the ARK-UD

Author: Socket7

Mission Type: SP

Controllable: MI-8


-Use the ARK-9 and DISS-15 Doppler system to navigate from Sochi-Adler airport to the city of Sochi.

-Pickup 4 targets marked with ARK-UD radio beacons.

-Fly in a blizzard with 15 knot winds, visibility of 800 meters.

-Targets will launch a flare or pop smoke to mark landing locations.

-Helicopter weight will increase with each pickup.

-Pickup targets in any order!


Discussion thread here


Download Links:

Download Snowbound from Dropbox

Download Snowbound from ED's website.

Practice makes perfect.

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  • 10 months later...

Name Race against the clock

Author Cib

Mission type SP

Controllable Mi-8


A small Nuclear bomb has been discovered at the Dinamo Arena. It is in a small lorry planted by an as yet unknown terrorist cell.

You are the Pilot of the Police Incident Response Team (PIRT) based at Vaziani. You have 25 minutes before detonation to get airborne pick up Bomb Squad and their gear at Tblisi Lochini and get them to the bomb at the stadium


Its nothing flash and the only thing you receive at the end is a grateful public if successful or the ruin of your career and the deaths of millions on your hands if you fail:)


Mi-8 Race against the clock.miz

i5 8600k@5.2Ghz, Asus Prime A Z370, 32Gb DDR4 3000, GTX1080 SC, Oculus Rift CV1, Modded TM Warthog Modded X52 Collective, Jetseat, W10 Pro 64


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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

The Mi-8MTV2 OilField campaign mission 2, something changed in the map.

Before you could see the buildings and land where you needed too, since one of the updates, the buildings are now in the trees, no way to complete mission.

Flew this and completed previously, but not since recent updates.

A developer might have to go in and check the objectives to make sure others have not changed. Thanx!

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  • 1 year later...

[COOP2] Mi-8MTV2 Medevac Aleppo


[COOP2] Mi-8MTV2 Medevac Aleppo





DOWNLOAD: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3312028/

Explore Northern Syria by Mi-8 in this randomised CO-OP Mi-8 Medevac mission.


Your Squadron operates Mi-8MTV2 Helicopters out of Kuweires Airfiend in Northern Syria.

We are supporting Coalition Special Operations Forces (SOF) operating in the Aleppo region by providing troop transport and MEDEVAC ops.

Hostile Insurgent forces operate all throughout the region. They are equipped with APC, technicals and an array of anti air capabilities.

Threats to our aircraft will be fr om small arms, RPG, heavy MG/AAA and possibly MANPADS. Keep your approaches low and tight!

Avoid or minimise overflight of built up urban areas where possible.


- Can be played SP or COOP

- Add additional helo's for escort in the ME if you want.

- Change aircraft type through ME if you wish, just keep the 'pilot name' to MEDEVAC1 and MEDEVAC2 to keep the triggers working.


Thanks to Sithis for the trigger structure!

Edited by |DUSTY|


F-15E | AH-64 | F/A-18C | F-14B | A-10C | UH-1H | Mi-8MTV2 | Ka-50 | SA342 | Super Carrier | Nevada | Persian Gulf | Syria |

Intel Core i7 11700K - 32GB 3200MHz CL16 DDR4 - MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Gaming X 12GB - Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe SSD 1TB

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[COOP2+] Mi-8MTV2 Medevac Shiraz



Complete 10 Randomized Medevac missions with the Mi-8 in a counter-insurgency style battlefield!

Ka-50 and SA342 slots for escort if you have friends!



- CO-OP 2x Mi8 2x Ka50 2x SA342 (One Mi8 slot required for mission).

- SP with one Medevac Mi-8 but will be challenging.

- Randomized threats and missions.


*Thanks to Sithis for supplying the trigger structure!*


Welcome to Shiraz partner, it's Chaos out here.


Coalition forces are fighting from street to street to clear the city and are encountering fierce resistance - more than was expected.

Your unit is responsible for all missions with 20nm of Shiraz.


If you're flying with an escort, get them to clear the LZ first! The enemy are equipped with some heavy guns and APCs and have been attempting to lure helicopters into positions where they are vulnerable to AAA and RPG fire.


If you don't have an escort you'll have to get creative. Use any available cover to get into the LZ and pick up the wounded - they can't wait all day. Escort and Attack helo's are stretched thin and aren't always available to assist.


There's been sporadic AAA fire and plenty of small arms dinging our choppers around the city. No intel on any MANPADS yet, but don't be complacent. Keep your head on a swivel!


F-15E | AH-64 | F/A-18C | F-14B | A-10C | UH-1H | Mi-8MTV2 | Ka-50 | SA342 | Super Carrier | Nevada | Persian Gulf | Syria |

Intel Core i7 11700K - 32GB 3200MHz CL16 DDR4 - MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Gaming X 12GB - Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe SSD 1TB

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Larkin Aviation

                    --Larkin Aviation 1.3--


Larkin Aviation is a 17-mission campaign that was created using the audio from Bohemia Interactive's Take On Helicopters.  

Missions include slingloading cargo, autorotations, VIP transport, aerial tours, more slingloading cargo, fastrope insertions,

whale hunting, constantly turning down the radios, vengeance, and more!

Edited by Forest Rat
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  • 7 months later...

CFrag's Lawnmower
v1.01 - 20210414




Discussion Link: please click here
Download Link: please click here




A Dynamic Helicopter Landing Trainer (with limited MP support).
"CFrag's Lawnmower" is a mission where you train, improve, and test your helicopter landing skills. Request a landing by difficulty (easy, normal, or hard), and the mission generates an LZ based on your request. LZs are generated dynamically, from tens of thousands of possibilities, virtually guaranteeing that no two missions are identical (unless you are unusually patient). Landings are rated individually, and after five or more consecutive landings, your overall skill is rated as well. Harshly. So better step up your game, soldier!


Currently the mission supports all DCS flyable helicopters (Huey, Ka-50, Mi-8 and Gazelle), and you can switch between airframes - just don't do it while tasked with a landing, or you'll score a zero for cheating on that landing. MP Multi-Crew is tentatively included to support Instructor / Student, but may have some lingering bugs during scoring. MP Multi-Unit is currently unsupported.



You are Lawnmower One, training landings with Central. Landing zones are created dynamically based on the difficulty that you request 

Choose your Helicopter (all types supported), then use the 'F10 Other' Command in Communications to request a landing exercise from Central. Landings are scored individually, and you accumulate a total and average score. After 5 or more landings, you are rated based on your average score. After a landing you can change helicopters and continue.

Each Landing is scored based on

  • difficulty level (easy, normal, hard)
  • time required until touchdown
  • Quality (precision)
  • Helicopter type


LZ are marked by a ring of tires with a red flag sticking out (easy and normal mission), or a ring of red flags (hard). Additionally, the position of the LZ is marked by blue smoke that is positioned just outside the LZ.

A touchdown outside of the marked LZ fails that exercise touchdown with a score of 0 (as does a crash). Aborting an exercise counts as a failed landing (Score 0) towards your total and average score.


You can request three different exercises:

  • Easy: your landing zone will be mostly unobstructed and can be approached from any direction. It's big enough even for inexperienced pilots to hit, maybe even land in. There is a generous time limit, and breaking the limit will simply add less to the score.
  • Normal: your landing zone may be partially obstructed, so plan your approach direction. Landing Zone size is still generous. Time limit is shorter, breaking the limit also only results in a lower score
  • Hard: your landing zone is virtually guaranteed to be obstructed from at least one side, and usually there are obstacles (trees, buildings, vehicles, power lines) close by that may even extend into your LZ. Size of the LZ is what you would expect in real-life extraction missions. Time limit is harsh, and breaking the limit will reduce the entire score to zero.


You must also avoid other units moving about, even if they intrude on your LZ. Landing on a road is therefore not advised. 

Helicopter difficulty:

  • Ka-50 (easiest)
  • UH-1
  • SA-324
  • Mi-8 (hardest)
  • (HIND: tbd)


Nobody ever said it was easy. But it's surely fun!


To install, download and move "CFrags Lawnmower.miz" to
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS\Missions\
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions\

Start DCS, then click
    - Mission (Note: NOT Training)
    - My Missions tab (upper left)
    - CFrags Lawnmower

Mission Roadmap:
- Add Other Locations (requires location-aware mission generation, coming soon) 
- Better MP support
- More refined audio
- Add moving LZ
- Add more traffic/ dynamic LZ incursion for hard missions 

Version History

  • v1.01 - 20210414
    Initial Release 
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Current Version: 1.01 - 20210420 



(This is the discussion thread)



A Helicopter Hover Trainer (all helicopter types supported)

To be able to hover is like being able to parallel parking a car. Difficult, unimpressive, and a prerequisite for flying any helicopter.

Well, here's a small mission that helps you hone that skill with any of DCS's currently available flyable Helicopters.

The mission also throws in some element of scoring to keep you on your toes. Or rather, to keep you keep your toes on your rudder. Oh, and Instructor/Trainer MP setup is tentatively supported (requires more testing)


WARNING: Requires DCS 2.7 



It's the small things. "The enemy gate is down", "Walk before you run" - with helicopters it's "Hover before you Soar". Hovering is not only a quintessential skill, it's also decidedly difficult to learn. Which explains the abundance of training tools available for budding rotor heads... Errrr...


No more. Named after the favorite exclamation of all levitationally challenged chopper jocks-to-be, "Hover, Damn!" is a helicopter hover trainer. It won't teach you how it's done right (only time can do that), but it provides you with an environment to train up and hone your "just the effing stay there!" skill. 


In this mission you choose a Helicopter (all current DCS flyable helicopters supported) and the use the F10 Option in Communications to request a hover exercise from Central. A second later, your helicopter - wherever it may be - is surrounded by a ring of cheap disposable objects to mark the zone. Increase cyclic, and once you hover, try to stay centered in this ring. Every second you are scored, and the score is added to your total -- until you touch down, explode, or drift out of the ring.


That's all. 


Simple, right? 


So when do you know you are good at hovering? The sad truth is: probably never. Good enough? When you start noticing just how much else is going on at Sochi around you.




"Hover Damn" supports Instructor/Student setup. Instructors can fly the helicopter anywhere and initiate the mission there. Perimeter marks will be constructed on the spot (after touch down of course).


Mission Designer Notes

You can add any client-controlled helicopter anywhere on the map. The mission will automatically work with that helicopter as well. 


To install, download and move "CFrags Hover damn!.miz" to
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS\Missions\
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions\

Start DCS, then click
    - Mission (Note: NOT Training)
    - My Missions tab (upper left)
    - CFrags Hover Damn!

- Allow observer craft
- Add minimum hover height
- Enforce heading on higher levels
- allow perimeter marks to be constructed on ships

Version History
v1.01 - 20210420
Initial Release

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CFrag's Dustblower - Helicopter landing trainer in Syria
v1.0 - 20210428


Discussion Thread: please click here
Download Link: please click here






TLDR: The notorious "Lawnmower" Dynamic Helicopter Landing Trainer, now in Syria by popular demand. 

CAVEAT EMPTOR: if you did not like "Lawnmower", don't even bother with this one.


"CFrag's Dustblower", sister to "CFrag's Lawnmower", is a mission to train, improve, and test your helicopter landing skills. Request a landing by difficulty (easy, normal, or hard), and the mission generates an LZ based on your request. LZs are generated dynamically, from tens of thousands of possibilities, virtually guaranteeing that no two missions are identical (unless you are unusually patient). Landings are rated individually, and after five or more consecutive landings, your overall skill is rated as well. Harshly. So better step up your game, soldier!


Currently the mission supports all DCS flyable helicopters (Huey, Ka-50, Mi-8 and Gazelle), and you can switch between airframes - just don't do it while tasked with a landing, or you'll score a zero for that landing. MP Multi-Crew is tentatively included to support Instructor / Student, but may have some lingering bugs during scoring. MP Multi-Unit is currently unsupported.




After finally acing that landing on the gas platform off Batumi's coast, you are now "Dustblower One", training with High Spire in Syria. As before, Landing zones are created dynamically based on the difficulty that you request. Unlike in Caucasus, there is currently only one location available (with possible updates if feedback warrants it):


  • Haifa
    Densely populated, Haifa is a beautiful city with a busy port. Missions here are slightly more difficult than their Caucasus (Lawnmower) counterpart, with the "difficult" missions bordering on dangerous. Also not helping: the drop-dead beautiful scenery that will distract you. Oh, and you are racing the clock in more than one way - sundown is sixty minutes after start-up. Landings will get progressively more difficult as darkness falls across the Mediterranean Sea. 


Choose your Helicopter (all types supported), then use the 'F10 Other' Command in Communications to request a landing exercise from Central. Landings are scored individually, and you accumulate a total and average score. After 5 or more landings, you are rated based on your average score. After a landing you can change helicopters and continue.


Each Landing is scored based on

  • difficulty level (easy, normal, hard)
  • time required until touchdown
  • Quality (precision)
  • Helicopter type


LZ are marked by a ring of tires with a red flag sticking out (easy and normal mission), or a ring of red flags (hard). Additionally, the position of the LZ is marked by blue smoke that is positioned just outside the LZ.

A touchdown outside of the marked LZ fails that exercise touchdown with a score of 0 (as does a crash). Aborting an exercise counts as a failed landing (Score 0) towards your total and average score.


You can request three different exercises:

  • Easy:
    your landing zone will be mostly unobstructed and can be approached from any direction. It's big enough even for inexperienced pilots to hit, maybe even land in. There is a generous time limit, and breaking the limit will simply add less to the score.
  • Normal:
    your landing zone may be partially obstructed, so plan your approach direction. Landing Zone size is still generous. Time limit is shorter, breaking the limit also only results in a lower score
  • Hard:
    your landing zone is virtually guaranteed to be obstructed from at least one side, and usually there are obstacles (trees, buildings, vehicles, power lines) close by that may even extend into your LZ. Size of the LZ is what you would expect in real-life extraction missions. Time limit is harsh, and breaking the limit will reduce the entire score to zero.


You must also avoid other units moving about, even if they intrude on your LZ. Landing on a road is therefore not advised. 


Helicopter difficulty:

  • Ka-50 (easiest)
  • UH-1
  • SA-324
  • Mi-8 (hardest)
  • (HIND: tbd)

Nobody ever said it was easy. But it's fun!


To install, download and move "CFrag's Dustblower.miz" to
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS\Missions\
    C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Missions\

Start DCS, then click
    - Mission (Note: NOT Training)
    - My Missions tab (upper left)
    - CFrag's Dustblower

Mission Roadmap:
- Add Other Locations 
- Better MP support
- More refined audio
- Add moving LZ
- Add more traffic for hard missions 

Version History
v1.0 - 20210428
Initial Release, based on CFrag's Lawnmower 

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  • 8 months later...

My first Campaign release, I hope you like it. 

Transport Tycoon: Navy Edition:

The "Transport Tycoon Series" is a helicopter TRANSPORT FOCUSED campaign series. The Navy Edition Part 1 will cover transport operation's on high sea. You will provide logistics for the fleet, move troops and supply around and maybe you can help to hunt down some pirates. A high sea fleet is a difficult environment and original carrier group audio record take care for a great atmosphere. Test your Mi-8 skills in one off the most difficult operation areas.


Click picture for Download or more info's.


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