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Everything posted by Rex

  1. I couldn’t see it either until I realized I had to be in the Beta version. You’re using that, right?
  2. How much fuel are you carrying? I failed the first 10 times until I realized that I was trying to land with 9,000lbs of fuel.
  3. Seriously, though, if: - a nuclear war ever wipes out 99.99% of the world's population and -the handful of remaining Americans need to use our salvaged inventory of F/A-18s to hold off the inevitable Mad-Max-style invasions from what remains of Canadians When whoever is leader at that time asks, "can anyone here fly a fighter jet?" I'm so raising my hand.
  4. They hand-signal me into the catapult, I don't even need to press F2 anymore to get lined up! Once I'm there, the shooter routines are bad as a [person who has carnal relations with their maternal parent]! I gotta be honest, it's better than I expected. Finally, I'm a real Navy pilot. I said, I'm a REAL NAVY PILOT. :music_whistling:
  5. Hey man, I enjoyed reading it. OP is being a little rude. God forbid you're not all singularly focused on convincing some a-hole of that he's wrong, and not all thoughts need their own discrete thread. I'd say this was related enough. OP, nobody owes you anything, take what you can get. use it or don't, and be grateful. You don't have to tell people every time their post doesn't provide you with exactly what you want. Other people are in the forms too and maybe we get something out of it. I can't believe you got as many replies as you did. If some Internet A-hole insisted that F14s were powered by unicorn farts, I struggle to understand why anyone would give a damn. You're trying to win an Internet debate, but they're usually are no winners in Internet debates. I've got an answer for you, and it's as good as any you've gotten. Tell him: "You know, I thought otherwise but I guess I was wrong. Thanks for the correction." Then, go do something you enjoy, content in the knowledge that dude is wrong and it will likely eventually embarrass him. Being corrected is a gift. If dude slaps it out of your hand, don't try to get him a better gift. Shrug and walk away. Quora is a business which makes money on content other people give them for free. Let them hire their own fact-checkers to do QA, it's not your obligation.
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