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About einarabelc5

  • Birthday 08/04/1978

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    It's not the pilot. It's the plane!!

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  1. No, that's what I meant on the last paragraph, of course I'm not in Open beta, that's why I don't see it when I triple checked. But I'm not supposed to know that out of the top of my head and even if I knew it, I could easily forget it. I haven't seen a release since the F-16 came out, and that one is still in "Early Access", I think then I was on Steam Open Beta so I had no clue. It just left a bad taste in my mouth that I had to file a support case to find out the intricacies of the game...that's not normal software customer experience, even if "technically" make sense. As a software engineer of many years, when I'm the user I want the software to treat me as if I were stupid, to be easy, and only powerful when I wish to think instead of making me work for it and I know for a fact I'm not the only one on the field who thinks the same way, it doesn't give me ANY pride to do the opposite... I troubleshoot enough as it is for a living and don't have the energy or patience to go back into that mode after a long day, even if I can. Like I said, putting the darn disclaimer in the module manager instead of buried under 4 different clicks in a website stuck somewhere and having the user guess what category of the support case should it be in order to "prevent" the user for filing a case that has a perfectly logical explanation and requires no real support is NOT good UX, even if from a technical standpoint (and I agree) putting the new modules in open beta is making perfect sense. With all that said given the track record of DCS, this is like a joke now, since planet Earth in DCS is actually the Twilight Zone or The House of Mirrors...complicated for the sake of it...ah, well, that's enough DCS for today, I'll wait until it goes on release.
  2. Didn't we go through these DRC woes already with Sony a couple of decades ago? Lucky you, my F-15E module didn't even show up. The whole DRC system needs to be revamped and though out from the ground up, I've seen other issues as well. You must know by now there are issues, but I don't know if you're aware that launching the MT version for my account, which pre-purchased the F15E-SE does not show the module ANYWHERE inside the game. The Website shows the order where the module was purchased for the discount price of 56, and the module shows as "BOUGHT" with an "You already own a License for this module" underneath it, but inside the game engine, I cannot find the module anywhere. Neither under installed modules, available modules, NOWHERE. What's going on? Should I re-log in? If that's the case, please consider having your team split up your API calls and separate login from checking for modules. It shouldn't be that hard. Wait a minute, I tried filing a support case and it says in there that New Modules that have just been released are ONLY in Open Beta? Why not make that clearer to the customer, why do put us through having to dig through this or even having to remember it? I'd be perfectly happy with the same disclaimer inside the module manager in the game engine. Thanks!
  3. I don't think AI based frame generation would be good for some scenarios like BFM but for Ground where the GPU usually strains and there are no sudden changes is welcome.
  4. DLSS in DCS, that's a game changer, is FCR also involved? Never heard of that one coming before.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Trim helps but what I noticed is that if trimmed towards a wing if you bank over 40 degrees in the direction where the trim is set up or so the lack of lift is so pronounced the plane almost starts falling in that direction, ergo the undesired roll. So it is a lift problem. I think the original complaint/experience I had was caused by the fact that the A/P secondary selector was set to HDG and it was banking the plane around. Because I was practicing the mission was set for unlimited weapons and because a LAU has to be emptied before it's filled again by that set it is also possible that it caused an unforeseen unbalance leading to unexpected behavior causing the frustration. Another thing to mention: could it be possible to add clip/ragdoll or some method so tanks don't stay floating in mid air.
  6. Update, it looks to me that using the correct trim modes together with the two auto-pilot switches while avoiding to use bore mode left and right but only change the attitude makes this somewhat effective. Now, for more mission feedback, the tank column stopped moving at a bridge instead of going between red and white smoke. Because of that, I destroyed the bridge, the center T-72 stayed "afloat", see screenshot. Obviously static tanks are a lot less challenging than a moving column, something to keep in mind when programming this mission, if user waits long enough, user can get easy targets. I would say, if possible update the FOV setting on the BORE mode so aim can be improved. It took many turns and missiles to get the first shack. I can only imagine with a single missile left. Attached also is the Tacview and mission Track, right before the last strafe run I pull hard back on the stick, you can see the plane "fall" as I was referring to when trying to get the moving targets originally. In that scenario, which is different, you'd expect to be able to turn fast after you miss a run so you want to go slowly, turn almost immediately and aim again. That's what I couldn't do and what prompted this post, I had to fight the plane instead. Tacview-20230608-195454-DCS-Lesson 20 - AGM-65 Maverick.zip.acmi Lesson 20 - AGM-65-Maverick-Finally-Success.trk
  7. On the AGM-65 Maverick Mission, I already reported something that's fixed in the latest BETA version as per QA, see here: Attached is the modified version of that mission I've created. A simple re-configuration of the Player's F-16C payload where the fuel tanks are used as counter balance to the heavier wing with the 3 AGM-65D. So I have right wing, AMRAAM Sidewinder,3 AGM-65D. Left wing, AMRAAM, Sidewinder, AGM-65K and Fuel Tank. Center, Fuel Tank. Please drive this configuration to Steer Point 4 where the Boresight mode practice moving vehicle column is and let me know if it is not a frustrating experience trying to control the plane in rolls between 384 and 300 Knots without autopilot engaged as the trainer indicates (since you have to aim with the nose of the plane). Whether the plane is roll trimmed or not, it drops like a brick when turning, making balancing pretty difficult and much less practical to aim with the nose. Am I wrong about the physics of this and if so, please educate me as to why, I'm willing to learn. Or is there a real issue here deserving constructive feedback? IMO and compared to how the exact same module on the exact same version behaves when strafing with either guns or in BFM it just doesn't match the behavior. Plus is pretty common knowledge that most modules in DCS de-accelerate too quickly. For this task the strafing MUST be done at slow speeds in order to have the time to aim the reticle while being CLOSE enough to see the vehicle column through the missile's Feed. An unstable plane, which is trimmed and under an FCS makes that pretty incredible. Unless we play with angles of attack but then again, the Maverick doesn't maneuver that much to take that kind of approach. Lesson 20 - AGM-65 Maverick.miz
  8. More than likely you're too slow when hitting the eject button sequence. I have it mapped to my Hotas and have been ejecting from every single module I have since 2018. As for the pilot being dead, if you press F1 and it doesn't show the cockpit view with the UFC, your avatar is done. Is the same as crashing. Yup, you're dead....you just said it yourself. OUTSIDE.
  9. For the next people coming here. Don't take the training missions seriously, I just overcame the BVR and ACM modes and noticed the exact same things you're asking. You're better off either using the Instant Action AIM9-M/X and AIM-120C missions in Nevada and reading through the Early Access guide along with Chuck's guide and the F-16 Tutorial by Grim Reapers and Tricc about ACM than using those training missions as guidance. The training missions are always buggy and giving the poor nature of the lua script they're made off combined with the fact that you're in an open map, it makes it practically impossible to program a good series of events for said missions.
  10. Does anyone know how to configure the frequency scanning to better deal with target aspect in Air to Air TWS mode with the F-16C. It's not obvious from the control mode in the left MFD. I'm asking from the following thread, where I also posted. This is related to losing tracks of multiple targets when they're at different altitudes. To summarize, from what I have seen and studied, I came up with this question: "So the following question derives, why doesn't the F-16 have an Interleaved mode like the SU-27 or even the F-15C(I know that they're simplified models) where you can combine High frequency scanning with medium frequency scanning to better track cold targets?". I should say, a combination of hot and cold. Keep in mind that, regardless of the OP question, SAM mode and DTT with the F-16 CRM capabilities can be considered a form of TWS so breaking it down into its parts I came up with that question. Thanks in advance.
  11. Here are my two cents, have you (as members of this thread) considered the aspect could also be affecting this. Is the aspect in the OP test the same and is it worth it disambiguating it from the altitude? This is my experience, I literally started using the Nevada Instant Action missions with the Aim-120 and am running into the same problem. I thought it was related to people saying the radar is too weak in the F-16. The interface is amazing but that thing loses lock like there's no tomorrow. In my case I thought it was related to the drones changing aspect constantly since they're going in circles around Steering Point 1 at different altitudes. I thought it was the radar model, since everyone complains that it is too weak, but it seems it's a bug like it was pointed here. Same thing, DTT, radar loses lock so you literally have no TIME to sift through all the targets, etc. By the time you figured it out, you already are flying past the drones. That constant change of aspect in a small way (no F5 drone is yanking), combined with the fact that the range of the AIm-120c on this latest 2.8.4 MT version is really small for some unknown reason (less than 20 nm) even though it has been mentioned in media and several the range has been increased, makes it practically impossible to train both DTT and TWS modes with the FCR which is pretty frustrating. I did not have this problem against the newish ACE AI when in Hot aspect, so it has to be a problem with the aspect constantly changing, not just the elevation, at least for me. Edit, I've read about TMS on both the ED and Chuck manuals. Is it possible that on TMS the 3 bar scan simply loses the furthermost altitude target when the opposite is bugged? I mean, I have targets at these altitudes: 8, 16 and 24 and already noticed that 1 bar gives you at 20nm of range from the nose the following elevation scan ranges: 1b 10 nm, 2b 15 nm and 4b 19 nm, what altitude does 3b gives? Apparently 17 nautical miles, just enough to cover the 16 nm of range between the lowest and highest plane. The problem then is not the altitude, but the aspect. Notice that these 3 planes are following an elliptical trajectory and change their aspect constantly, therefore, the range of the AIM-120C is reduced when they're cold and increased when they're hot. So does the capacity of the FCR to get good tracks on them. So the following question derives, why doesn't the F-16 have an Interleaved mode like the SU-27 or even the F-15C(I know that they're simplified models) where you can combine high frequency scanning with medium frequency scanning to better track a combination of hot and cold targets and targets transitioning?
  12. Oh, that trade is interesting. It literally is gameplay. Thanks for the reminder.
  13. Thanks for your reply! I totally forgot about the trainers for hire part, you're right!!! There's Spudknocker for the F-18 and Ralfi for the A-10. And yes, just like with everything else, with an actual person you can ask questions, and I'm sure that you had plenty of questions from all your studying to bring once you engaged them. I think the issue is that as with most games, the default expectation is that the game provides everything, but that's not the case with this. Everything is starting to make sense, how the training missions are lacking, how the manuals are not sufficient, how media elevates the information and of course, talking to people. Thank You!
  14. Yup. The Mig29S TWS mode video is how I remember his channel.
  15. How does that work schedule wise. The problem is you now depend on many people's schedules.
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