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Posts posted by Dell_Murrey-RUS

  1. 29 минут назад, Lenivec сказал:

    На Су-27 я не пользуюсь кнопкой Превозмогать .

    Это для очень опытных. Позволяет сделать слегка больше, чем с ограничителями. Как в пилотаже, так и в воздушном маневренном бою.

    Из минусов: требует от вирпила предельного контроля за режимами допустимых ограничений.

    29 минут назад, Lenivec сказал:

    Но РУС джоя бывает кладу на край ,что при этом происходит ?

    Я так и не понял этого в игре .

    КЯП в реале если сработавший упор не пересилить то РУС до конца хода не дотянуть ?

    Всё легко понять, если сделать 4 опыта.

    Су-27, масса ЛА не более 20000 кг (для большей безопасности), на крайних пилонах ракеты БВБ или без ракет. H=500 метров, ПМУ.

    Опыт 1: Vпр=600 км/ч, горизонтальный полет, включаешь ПФ, тянешь РУС на себя с пересиливанием, смотришь на поведение самолета и полученные перегрузки.

    Опыт 2: Vпр=600 км/ч, горизонтальный полет, включаешь ПФ, тянешь РУС без пересиливания, смотришь на поведение самолета и полученные перегрузки.

    Опыт 3: Vпр=950 км/ч, горизонтальный полет, включаешь ПФ, тянешь РУС без пересиливания, смотришь на поведение самолета и полученные перегрузки.

    Опыт 4: Vпр=950 км/ч, горизонтальный полет, включаешь ПФ, тянешь РУС на себя с пересиливанием, контролируешь глазами перегрузку не допуская превышения >10 g и далее смотришь на поведение самолета и полученные перегрузки.

  2. Может прежде чем коня в вакууме обсуждать, сначала определитесь с тем, о какой кликабельности речь?

    Что там в 29-ом кликать по арматуре? Какие системы?

    А в Су-27?

    Кто вам НАСУ будет реализовывать? А без реализации НАСУ, что есть 29-ый и 27-й?

    Сейчас функционал так называемых "3-х кнопочных" истребителей и так приличный. Это не две кнопки мыши и даже не 32 кнопки. Не нужно плодить лишних сущностей.

    Истребители с задачами завоевания превосходства в воздухе с очень ограниченной работой по земле, и с кликабельностью останутся не похожими на F-16 и F/A-18.

    Лучше уж допилить возможности используемого вооружения и PFM с её множеством нюансов.

    • Like 5
  3. 3 часа назад, Kaplan сказал:

    Как насчет 12900k в DCS? Кто-то уже пробовал?

    А то настроился на 5950x уже, даже сборку отправил для заказа и тут интел этот.

    Сейчас уже задумался, что взять лучше.

    12900к целесообразно если:

    - будет использоваться 11 винда;

    - если это будет платформа на DDR5.

    В остальном, ты ничего не проиграешь, взяв сейчас 5950. Потому что сейчас понятно за что ты платишь конкретную цену. А платформа завтрашнего дня, она со многими неизвестными в уравнении, особенно ценами.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 минуты назад, Vladimir_V_T сказал:

    Если б ещё знать, где эти источники раздобыть... По F-16, F/A-18 и F-14 нашёл только flight manual, а по вооружению и РЛС найти не удалось. У Вас случайно нет ссылок? Или в интернете этих материалов вообще нет?

    Где где, в поисковиках. При грамотном поиске и некоторым затраченным временем можно раздобыть практически всё что душе угодно. Самое забавное, что даже "classified" доки есть в доступе. Но сидеть и искать придется конкретно.

  5. 3 часа назад, biotech сказал:

    я конеш спорить не буду, но габариты там совсем другие, чем nh-d15

    Конечно другие! hyper 212 меньше в размерах и типа на 160 Вт отвода. D15 больше, и на 220 Вт.

    Просто если стоит задача разогнать по всем ядрам на >4,9 ГГц в залоченом режиме с загрузкой всех ядер длительно, то конечно водянка однозначно.

    В ситуации с dcs, с отсутствием загруза всех ядер, вполне достаточно нормального воздушного кулера на тепловых трубках. И даже если разгонять для dcs ЦП на экстрим типа 4,9 ГГц, то мой кулер даже не напрягается, ибо особого тепла как то не возникает от того что грузится 1-2 ядра. Так что кипятильника не будет. 

  6. 33 минуты назад, biotech сказал:

    на мой взгляд, кроме эстетики, у сво одно реальное преимущество: нет этой огромной железяки прямо на мат. плате, сильно затрудняющей доступ почти ко всем разъемам. некоторые манипуляции в принципе невозможно осуществить без демонтажа башни.

    Зависит от того, как подходить к подбору компонентов на этапе покупки ПК.

    У меня мат плата сделана так, что башня кулер мастер hyper 212 ничего на плате не загораживает. И доступ к слотам памяти и всем остальным слотам и разъемам имеется свободный.

    33 минуты назад, biotech сказал:

    зато: надежно, дешево (относительно сво), простота монтажа.

    насчет того, что воздуха не хватает - хотелось бы тесты посмотреть сначала. без разгона, с разгоном и с бешеным разгоном. имхо, сво будет сильно выигрывать у топовой башни только в последнем случае. 

    А причем здесь воздух как таковой? И в d15 и в моем hyper 212 используются тепловые трубки. По факту это частный случай водянки. Эффективность таких кулеров весьма высока. Тут больше вопрос о том, что водянка позволяет вынести вентиляторы охлаждения на периферию системного блока, а башня она как бы внутри и требует грамотного расчета продувки потоков воздуха внутри системного блока.

    33 минуты назад, biotech сказал:

    я проц гоню исключительно в пределах самых простых настроек в биосе, без многочасовых тестов стабильности и пр., т.к. разница в единицы процентов абсолютно непринципиальна, а в играх (DCS например) это все и подавно ни к чему.

    Не понимаю. В DCS научились "строить кадр" без участия ЦП?

    Вот как раз в DCS хорошо видно, что ЦП лучше иметь с высокой тактовой частотой. И чем миссия будет более напичканной всякими объектами, тем больше это будет видно по фпс. Я уже не говорю про 4k. Лично у меня ЦП залоченный на номинальные 3,6 ГГц и разогнанный на 4,9 ГГц дают совершенно два разных DCS по достигнутой величине фпс.

    • Like 1
  7. 16.12.2021 в 02:48, Ironhand сказал:

    A joy to watch. 🙂

    Thanks ))))

    8 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Thank you for the Su-27 solo aerobatic program - it is indeed a joy to watch !

    ( Looking carefully at the cockpit I could even recognize Mr. Viktor Pugachev inside. )

    🤣🤣🤣 👍

    8 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    So in that case, as I always mentioned - in DCS the Fulcrum's initial pitch rate does seem to be higher than the Flanker (without this one resorting to "direct link control").

    This always was easily perceivable by observing in the F2 outside view, as when giving a sharp pull on the stick on both aircraft, the Fulcrum's nose can 'sling' around somewhat faster.

    Only this does not cause the same abrupt changes in the trajectory. Such a fast change in the direction of the nose of the aircraft occurs around the center of mass. Therefore, I still do not understand what the practical meaning of fast pitch speed in air combat is.

    8 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Several interesting moments:

    - at 4:10 yaw maneuver with assimetric thrust ; at 5:00 the aricraft briefly stops in the air ; at 9:26 a complete roll at very low altitude ; and others...

    9:26 - in fact, this is the famous death maneuver "Touch-roll-touch" by F-104. Not every fighter will be able to perform such a maneuver. Su-27 can do.

    8 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    One curiosity:

    - the pitch maneuvers from 1:43 to 1:51, were done using the "direct link control", correct ?

    Yes. Invert dynamical braking (invert Cobra). )))

  8. 16 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Very good, then (although not 100 % sure) I believe it isn't yet implemented in DCS Su-27 flight model...

    Flight model Su-27 has already been implemented correctly and corresponds to the prototype.

    16 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    as I have the impression it still shows a considerably slower pitch rate than the MiG-29.

    This is not a bug, this is a feature.

    16 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    (The last time I've compared the 2 aiframes pitch rate in DCS was an year ago or somehting.)

    So... ok. I don't understand why you need it, especially about "fast pitch speed". But look at this Su-27 DCS solo aerobatic program and tell me if any other fighter can show similar figures and maneuvers in DCS or real life?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 15 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    1. Oh, now I'm starting to understand : if in real life the Su-27's pitch rate can get that quick, then it's quick enough for me.

    However I called its pitch rate somewhat slow, because in DCS current flight model it doesn't feel as reaching > 50 degrees/sec... feels a little sluggish on that parameter.

    Did you not see the figure "dynamic braking (Cobra Pugachev)" performed by the old Su-27UB?

    In DCS you can do this too.

    Pitch speed for Su-27 glider more big than classical design aircrafts. The algorithms of control system with a large damping coefficient are where what you call "pitch slowness".

    15 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    2. Interesting details, ok I wouldn't guess part of the motive for the command delay woul also be safety reasons.

    Smooth entry into the maneuver is less speed loss. This is better than a dynamic pitch speed aircraft, but quickly losing speed (energy).

  10. 13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    2. Oh come on, regaring the pitch rate I believe you know much more than that...

    Ok. Like fast pitch speed aircraft? Su-27 can give you > 50 degrees/sec. Any plane more?

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    I'am by no means an expert on the subject, but in the fluidity / dynamic process which is the dogfight:

    - it can allow for a first shot oportunity, given the other circumstances being similar;

    He may or may not give the first shot. The probability of such a situation is extremely small.
    Do not forget physics, the achievement of such high turning speeds in aerial combat is achieved by reducing potential energy, and as a consequence, reducing airspeed. It's bad in aerial group combat.

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    - it can allow for a snapshot, which can be crucial as other shot oportunity might not arise;

    How likely such a scenario is at all?

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    - it can make the difference in aiming at the bandit while on the HUD, or never catch him again anymore;

    May be, may be not.

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Example: when already on the bandit's 6 o'clock, in the MiG-29A I feel I can put the cannon gunsight on him almost always I want (sure with some loss of speed)... in the Su-27 sometimes pursuing high energy fighters, I feel I must wait so it can start turning inside the bandit's turn radius so its cannon gunsight gets on him...

    The speed of aimed firing from cannon should clearly be below 800 km/h and overload should not exceed 4-4.5 g. Otherwise, a miss is guaranteed.

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    - it can help slowing down one's aircraft quicker if needed while maneuvering;

    Slow fighter = dead fighter.

    This is possible when the situation of air combat is 1 on 1 and you confidently went to six to the enemy. But, how likely such a scenario is at all?

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    I'm not saying pitch rate is the "be-all and end-all", but I mean: Hornet, Mirage and Fuclrum pilots do praise this capability...

    The Su-27 gives a high pitch speed.

    You just need to be able to use the control system properly and build a dogfight a few steps ahead, like in chess. Then everything will be very cool.

    13 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    3. The last bold describes preciselly what I do feel when flying / fighting in the Su-27.

    So I'am curious: why did the developers of OKB Sukhoi did that 0.5 second reaction delay on purpose ?

    What would be the benefit ?

    The fewer fast movements of the aircraft, the less likely it is to get into a dangerous flight mode. Beginners after flight schools crash such planes less. And there are many more reasons. Now there are no such delays on modifications OKB Sukhoi's aircraft.


    P.S. It is impossible to design a device that would be universal for all occasions. Any aircraft designed will be a set of compromises.

    • Like 2
  11. 20 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Also, on F-15C vs Su-27 :

    Throughout the web, in several comparisons between the F-15C and Su-27, the Flanker's maneuverability / ACM characteristics are much praised and even regarded as superior to the Eagle.

    Air battles are not won by maneuverability alone. And an air battle of opposing groups does not make economic sense if the maneuverability qualities, acceleration characteristics and combat onboard armament complex of their fighters are identical or very close to each other (the spread of differences in parameters does not exceed ~ 10-15%).

    There must be a significant comprehensive superiority. Just as the F-22 is superior to the F-15/Su-30 and etc.

    20 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    The way I have to test comparisons is in - DCS... and for instance looking only at the "pitch rate" parameter, I've noticed the following :

    DCS is a toy in the simulator genre. Some things she simulates well, and some things she doesn't. Do not focus on games.

    20 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Without using the Su-27's "direct link control", it appears to show a slower pitch rate than the F-15C.

    Why do you need pitch speed? Where in air combat will you actively use this parameter?

    And you're comparing two different fighters. The F-15 is designed classic and has a more simple and fast control system on board. The Su-27 is statically unstable in the longitudinal channel and has its own special control system.

    The control system of the old Su-27 is analog, and besides, it is made with a reaction delay (up to 0.5 seconds). The developers of OKB Sukhoi's did this on purpose. In later modifications, when switching to a digital control system, the reaction delay was removed. Therefore, for the Su-27, the "conditionally" slow response to the rapid displacement of the control stick of the aircraft is real. 

    The implemented control law in the Su-27 automatic control system - speed stability (artificial).

    The implemented control law in the F-15 automatic aircraft control system - overload stability (may be wrong terminology, sorry).

    Two different control systems, two different laws and two different principles of aircraft control for pilots.

    20 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    In your opinion is this correct as is in DCS ?

    For a maneuverable aicraft, shouldn't its pitch rate also be somewhat higher - more akin the MiG-29 or the Mirage 2000C ?

    ( Truth to be told, other members already mentioned the Su-27 feels a bit sluggish in DCS. )


    MiG-29 as well as F-15 is made by a classic stable aircraft. And it has a very simple control system, without long-term dampers. Therefore, the MiG-29, as well as the F-15, can increase overload faster and more sharply. Personally, I don't see a mistake here.
    The Mirage-2000 has a history similar to the Su-27, it has some degree of static instability in the longitudinal channel, and it also has a special control system, only it is digital and faster.
    Digital control systems are installed on the Su-30 and more recent modifications (including the Su-35), so they are faster in increasing overload.

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  12. 11 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    My surprise is the comparatively high value for the F-14, and how can a more modern design like the Su-27 still stay considerably below regarding CL max...

    There's nothing surprising about that. Some individual parameters of old aircraft may exceed those of new ones. The capabilities of any aircraft must be evaluated in a set of parameters. Then the surprise will pass. There are a lot of tricks and nuances in this scene.

  13. 2 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    5. I recal its importance has been highlighted to me by you, @bies and others already in the past.

    When I wrote it might not be "universally better", I was quoting other members here.

    Oh, yes, ok.

    I have met very few people who could explain what a statically unstable airplane in a longitudinal channel is in its practical application. They could not explain in simple words what it gives the glider.

    2 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    1. Very interesting - such an heavy recoil i didn't imagine.

    But if your target is a jet fighter pulling a hard turn, and the circumstances dictate you can only use the cannon, the option to shoot at more than 4 G's would be crucial...

    This is utopia. In fact, you write about shooting "under the hood". And this is not targeted shooting. From the history of jet aviation of the 4th generation, I do not recall such cases.

    If this is one case per 100,000, then this probability can be ignored.

    2 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    2. Interesting.

    Here you can see how the adaptive wing works on the Su-27 (view from Earth), it is well implemented in the DCS. There are many views of slats (LEX) and flaps at the moments of performing various maneuvers at different speeds and AoA. And the operation of horizontal stabilizers, the installation of negative angles, diff working and etc.

    2 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    3. The CL Max I've found around the web for MiG-29A and Su-27S, is respectively: 1.50 and 1.85 ... comparatively speaking both stand below the F-14 Tomcat's: 2.2 as informed by other member here yesterday - which surprised me.

    And what is surprising here?

    And what is the K (L/D) factor for F-14?

  14. 22 минуты назад, biotech сказал:

    там по-моему вся мебель и отделка из 80-х. на мой вкус это наоборот круто.

    Круто, это когда всё это будет соответствующе стилизованно и органически с дизайнерским уклоном вписано в комнату/кабинет. А не такой хлам как в конкретном случае.

    22 минуты назад, biotech сказал:

    а вот это наоборот модно и современно )

    Босячество никогда не было модно среди людей такого уровня. Умей соответствовать тому уровню, что держишь. Хотя бы в таких простых деталях.

  15. 2 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    5. Relaxed stability might not be universally better (I don't know), but according other members explanations, it is one of the motives which allows the Su-27 to pull a little bit more G's at slower speeds than the MiG-29, as it will need less AoA to pull the same G's.

    Wow wow! No, it's a big mistake.

    Statical unstability in the longitudinal channel need to reduce losses on horizontal stabilizers and at the same time increase the overall lifting force. The AoA of the stabilizers are greatly reduced and practically do not create resistance to the air flow. Therefore, the Su-27 in horizontal flight often has negative AoA on the stabilizers. Classical design stabilizers stay by airflow.

    1 час назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    1. A gun shot at just 4 G's doesn't look that much high a load for me, and it offers more possibilities as seen in other jet fighters ?

    GSh-30-1 not a gun. That's a large cannon with 30mm, projectile weight 390 grams. Recoil when firing more than 7000 kg. Rate of fire 1500 rounds per minute. 4G is very good for GSh.

    1 час назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    2. Ok, for the Su-27 the aiming mark will be out of the HUD in that situation.

    But for instance other fighters like F-16, do account also for even more lead pull gun shots (because of higher G's possibility), in their design, they have their gun more canted upwards, allowing to place the gun boresight right at the top of the HUD, sharper ballistic trajectory, etc...

    It's another parameters of cannon.

    1 час назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    3. Advanced wing mechanization - don't know what this is.

    Adaptive wing: https://bigenc.ru/technology_and_technique/text/4137890

    Use translater.

    1 час назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Advanced airframe aerodynamics (integral concept) - would be more interested to know in which key aspects it is superior to the MiG-29A's, if possible.

    There are quite a few tricks. Here it is enough to compare the lift coefficients of the Su-27 and MiG-29 airframe and also compare the aerodynamic quality (K). The numbers speak for themselves.

    1 час назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    4. On the MiG's agility, indeed it shows a more agile pitch rate than the Su-27.

    Yes, the Mig is faster, but with the same speed it loses energy in such maneuvers.
    And it is not clear where such quick maneuvers can be useful in air battles.

  16. 15 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Didn't imagine the Su-27's gun could jam if shot when pulling over 4 G's.

    And why design a gun for overloads above 4G ?

    The main range of close air combat speeds about 550-1100 km/h. At such speeds, an overload above 4 G will not allow you to aim, because the aiming mark will be outside the HUD field.

    About Su-27, you need to understand the following:
    - statical unstability in the longitudinal channel;
    - advanced airframe aerodynamics (integral concept);
    - high wing and body lift (Cy) with nice K (L/D) factor for heavy fighter;
    - advanced wing mechanization;
    - adequate drag coefficient (Cx) at AoA = 0-15 degrees.

    And all this is in the operational speeds of air combat.

    MiG-29 can't demonstrate such characteristics, its advantage is greater simplicity and lower price per copy and ideology of use (front-line fighter). One of its main advantages is the rapid acceleration of low AoA and increased "agility/edge" when performing maneuvers. But practice shows that in group air battles, this does not affect the percentage of victories at all. And the probability of meeting 1 on 1 in a duel is approaching zero.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Sure, but my point was the Su-27's "direct link control" can always allow for a "lightning quick" pitch rate (nose pointing) capability for a gun or missile snap-shot, that other fighters can not equal...( Obviously to be used in rare situations i imagine, as it would require a lot of skill, reflexes, aim from the pilot, and with the corresponding speed / energy loss. )

    "direct control" - this is an emergency mode if all 4 channels fail in longitudinal control. And the activation of this mode is permissible up to speeds below 600 km/h.

    "lightning quick" - this is very simple thinking. In fact, a very big question is the weight of the aircraft (fuel, rockets on pylons, position in space) and the capabilities of the sighting system for launching missiles. The gun mount is even more difficult. Shooting from it is highly discouraged at an overload of more than 4 g. Because it can jam. And even more so it is incredibly difficult to aim the gun with such a maneuver. The system may not have time to calculate the aiming mark of the target.

    No one would risk an expensive fighter jet and give pilots such an opportunity. The probability of success in this situation is clearly below 25%, which is very very small. It is much more efficient to solve problems at long and medium distances.

    3 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Regarding the MiG-29A's damper I've tweaked with it some time ago, but does it allow for a pitch rate nearly as quick as the Su-27's "direct link control" ?

    Well, no one forbids you to check it yourself. But from a scientific point of view, gliders with statically unstable in the longitudinal channel will give more gain over gliders built according to the classical design.

    3 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    But if there's R-73 Archer missiles involved, many fights will not last much.

    The R-73 is certainly a pretty good rocket. And it is especially dangerous for fighters in which the shooting of false IR traps is directed downward from the engines, which actually makes the air defense of such a fighter weak in air battles.

    For Su-27 and MiG-29, launches of such missiles are less dangerous, because IR traps obscure the heat trail of engines and afterburners. If the pilot manages to clean up the engines from the afterburner to the maximum mode with the shooting of IR traps, then the missile will miss with a high probability. And if you reset the engine mode for 2-4 seconds to 90-85% along with shooting IR traps, then the rocket is guaranteed to miss. I consider only melee missiles dangerous if they do not show the smoky trail from the engines. This makes it difficult for the pilot to record the fact of the missile launch and the inclusion of the defensive complex.

    3 часа назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    In the end, I will ask you the same question I asked to Ironhand:

    Would you qualify the Su-27S as a better dogfighting airframe than the MiG-29A, or not at all ?

    Su-27 better.

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  18. 14 часов назад, Coljo сказал:

    Вот в том то и дело: лётчики - обучены, техники - обучены, коллектив слаженный "не разлей вода" все друг другу доверяют. А как только что-нибудь произойдёт, начинают валить друг на друга.

    И чего тебя в этом удивляет?

    Большинство будут искать крайних, лишь бы таковыми не быть.

    С другой стороны, прокуратуре на эти перекидывания стрелок как то плевать, они берут нормативные документы (приказы, распоряжения, законы т .д.) и устанавливают крайних по формальным признакам. Какая разница, кто там на кого и что валит. Если по документу крайний летчик А, то максимум вины будет у него. Если у механика Пети была обязанность перед полетом что то сделать, но он не сделал, при этом в цепочке финальной проверки (пушки) он не обозначен, ему предъявят, но уже другую статью с "меньшими" последствиями. 

  19. 19 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    ... but then studying that chart, some doubts appear on my mind :

    - i guess in a 2 circle fight,  the MiG flying at 850 kph doing 20,5 deg/sec, would eventually prevail over the Su-27 at 640 kph doing 19,3 deg/sec ;

    - but then, the Su-27 pilot could force a 1 circle fight and use its smaller turn radius ;

    - also, the Su-27 flying at 970 kph doing 21,7 deg/sec, would be of little use, because of the big turn radius factor ?

    You can calculate the distance traveled for each radius. (Ты можешь посчитать пройденный путь по каждому радиусу.)

    In general, when fighting on sustaned turns, it is better if the effective sustaned turn rate speed was a slightly smaller radius than that of your opponent. (В целом, при боях на виражах лучше что бы эффективная скорость установившегося виража была с чуть меньшим радиусом, чем у твоего оппонента.)

    17 часов назад, Ironhand сказал:

    🙂 Depends on the situation. If the Su-27 is dictating the flight, it'll win every time. If the MiG-29 is dictating the fight, it'll win. The Flanker has strength in some areas, the MiG in others. So I'd say it's a draw.

    So, I think... Air combat dictates an aircraft with faster capabilities (fast acceleration and high speed). The MiG-29 may dictate flight, but not for long, how the Su-27 will be able to continue flying for a long time.

    And all this is only for air combat on guns.
    The presence of close combat missiles radically changes the strategy, and therefore the requirements for specific capabilities of the aircraft.


    16 часов назад, Top Jockey сказал:

    Because of the "direct link control" ?

    Undoubtedly, the Su-27's flight control system is more modern and effective than the MiG-29A's one, no doubts here.


    The only way I manage to get the Su-27's nose around quicker than the MiG-29 is only when using the "direct link control" ("S" key in-game)... and in that case I believe the Flanker is the airframe with the highest pitch rate currently in DCS.

    This is a big misconception. The control systems were made for specific gliders with specific parameters. (Это большое заблуждение. Системы управления были сделаны под конкретные планеры с конкретными параметрами.)

    The Su-27 is a statically unstable aircraft in the longitudinal channel, so a special control system was made for it. (Су-27 это статически неустойчивый самолет в продольном канале, поэтому ему сделали специальную систему управления.)

    In addition, the Su-27 does not need use direct control (S). He has the ability to pull the control stick, thereby increasing overload capabilities (W).
    For example, if I have a speed in the turn of 850 km/h and I need to reduce it (changing potencial energy to higher turn rate speed), I just need to start pulling the control stick on myself outside the limiter. The overload will briefly increase from 8 G to 9,5 G with a short-term increase in the angular speed of the turn and at the same time without the risk of falling into emergency modes. The amount of additional overload will depend on how much you drag the control stick.

    The MiG-29 has a classic design. It does not require a special control system. At the same time, you can also turn off the damper in the longitudinal channel "(this is also implemented in DCS). And get the appropriate capabilities (if necessary). (МиГ-29 выполнен по классическому дизайну. Для него не требуется специальная система управления. Она у него прямая. При этом у него так же можно отключить демпфер в продольном канале" (в DCS это тоже реализовано). И получить соответствующие возможности (если это необходимо)).

    The MiG-29 is a fairly maneuverable fighter. He has only one serious flaw - insufficient fuel for a long air battle.
    This is his main problem, from which they do not like to choose him as a fighter in duels or long air battles. The enemy can exhaust the MiG-29 by the remainder of the fuel and win the battle.


    Good luck!

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  20. 10 часов назад, nickbolt сказал:

    Мне в принципе пофик,как врачу-инфекции и анальные трещины.Как люди,они лучше многих наших "мужиков". Так  вот))

    Тупиковая ветвь в эволюции для своих генов и катастрофа для них же. )))))

    Анекдот вспомнился:

    Врач проктолог осматривает пациента и говорит:
    — Мда батенька, у вас тут трещинка на входе.
    Мужик отвечает:
    — Но-но! Я бы попросил с терминами поточнее... На выходе.

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