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Posts posted by PeeJott17

  1. 8 hours ago, freebirddz said:


    Hey, for more understanding of FM check this DOC :



    Thanks...yes I've got that already but it is a bit like "if you know how it works, you know how it works" kind of way 😉 But I'll read through it one more time...may be my understanding grows when I work with all that stuff more and the things mentioned are not that foreign to me anymore 🙂

  2. If it would work, that you utilize another value (such as altitude) for the SFM the next step would be, to use AoA as well, since it would come in handy for stall characteristics.

    But first-things-first, how can altitude been integrated?

    Are there some "global variables" which are looked for by DCS? Is there another possibility to integrate it?


    If you could help me out, it is greatly apreciated :-)

  3. sorry guys, posted the wron table.

    This is the one which does (or shall do) what I posted above for the A4E-C:


    thrust_max = -- thrust interpolation table by altitude and mach number, 2d table.  Modified for carrier takeoffs at/around 71 foot deck height
                        M       =   {0, 0.1, 0.225, 0.23, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1},
                        H       =   {0, 19, 20, 23, 24, 250, 4572, 7620, 10668, 13716, 16764, 19812},
                        thrust  =  {-- M    0     0.1    0.225   0.23,   0.3    0.5     0.7     0.8     0.9     1.1
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 0 (sea level)
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 19 (~62.3 feet)
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 20 (~66.6 feet)
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 23 (~75.5 feet)
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 24 (~78.7 feet)
                                    {   41370,  39460,  38060,  38056,  37023,  36653,  36996,  37112,  36813,  34073 },--H = 250 (820 feet)
                                    {   27254,  25799,  24765,  24761,  24203,  24599,  26227,  27254,  28353,  29785 },--H = 4572 (15kft)
                                    {   20818,  19203,  18130,  18127,  17548,  17473,  18638,  19608,  20684,  22873 },--H = 7620 (25kft)
                                    {   10876,  11076,  11128,  11130,  11556,  12193,  13024,  13674,  14434,  16098 },--H = 10668 (35kft)
                                    {   6025,   6379,    6676,   6680,  6837,   7433,   8194,   8603,   9101,   10075 },--H = 13716 (45kft)
                                    {   3336,   3554,    3837,   3840,  3990,   4484,   5000,   5307,   5596,   6232  },--H = 16764 (55kft)
                                    {   1904,   2042,    2296,   2300,  2433,   2798,   3212,   3483,   3639,   4097  },--H = 19812 (65kft)

  4. Hi guys.

    I've been working on an SFM for the F104 and think, it is not too bad already. But I recognized, that the SFM has the limitation, that it only "decides" on speed and NOT on altitude. My goal is to make it take "altitude" into account as well, which I didn't get to function right now.


    My idea was to do it like the MB339 and A4E did with their engine table_data whre there is just an "extended" afterwards and a declaration which looks like this (in red):


    table_data =
                --   M          Pmax
                    {0.0,       0.0,0.0}, -- dummy table, required for 2.0+ engine module load
                    {2.0,       0.0,0.0},
                }, -- end of table_data
                -- M - Mach number
                -- Pmax - Engine thrust at military power - kilo Newton
                -- Pfor - Engine thrust at AFB
                extended = -- added new abilities for engine performance setup. thrust data now can be specified as 2d table by Mach number and altitude. thrust specific fuel consumption tuning added as well
                    -- matching TSFC to mil thrust consumption at altitude at mach per NATOPS navy trials
                    TSFC_max =  -- thrust specific fuel consumption by altitude and Mach number for RPM  100%, 2d table
                        M          = {0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0},
                        H         = {0, 3048, 6096, 9144, 12192},
                        TSFC     = {-- M 0      0.5     0.8       0.9     1.0
                                    {   0.86,  0.92,  1.012,    1.012,  1.003},--H = 0       -- SL
                                    {   0.86,  0.99,  1.025,    1.025,  1.016},--H = 3048    -- 10000'
                                    {   0.86,  0.96,  1.008,    1.008,  0.999},--H = 6096    -- 20000'
                                    {   0.86,  0.95,  0.984,    0.984,  0.974},--H = 9144    -- 30000'
                                    {   0.86,  0.94,  0.976,    0.976,  0.967},--H = 12192   -- 40000'


    I would like to do the same thing for the aerodynamics table_data.

    My try (which was not successfull) looks like this:


    extended =
          Cx0 = -- Interpolierung von Cx0 bei Geschwindikeit M und Höhe H
          {-- minimum Cx0 ist xxx maximum Cx0 ist yyy
            M       = {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.05, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.9},--Machnumber as above
            H       = {0, 4572, 10668, 13716, 16764}, --Höhe = SeaLevel, 15kft, 35kft, 45kft, 55kft
            Cdmin   = {--M    0     0.2     0.4     0.6     0.7     0.8     0.9     1       1.05    1.1     1.2     1.3     1.5     1.7     1.8       2      2.1     2.2     3.9
                       {    0.015,  0.5,    0.04,   0.019, 0.018,  0.015,  0.018,  0.045,   0.048,  0.05,   0.048,  0.047,  0.046,  0.046,  0.046,   0.046,  0.046,  0.046,  0.046,}, --SeaLevel 0
                       {    0.015,  0.015,  0.1,    0.027, 0.02,   0.019,  0.02,   0.045,   0.048,  0.05,   0.048,  0.047,  0.046,  0.046,  0.046,   0.046,  0.046,  0.046,  0.046,},-- 15kft
                       {    0.015,  0.015,  0.015,  0.12,  0.08,   0.04,   0.035,  0.05,    0.055,  0.06,   0.065,  0.06,   0.05,   0.04,   0.035,   0.025,  0.02,   0.015,  0.015,},-- 35kft
                       {    0.015,  0.015,  0.015,  0.015, 0.12,   0.1,    0.07,   0.075,   0.077,  0.08,   0.075,  0.07,   0.055,  0.05,   0.049,   0.0475, 0.045,  0.035,  0.031,},-- 45kft
                       {    0.015,  0.015,  0.015,  0.015, 0.05,   0.09,   0.11,   0.14,    0.13,   0.12,   0.1,    0.09,   0.07,   0.06,   0.055,   0.05,   0.0475, 0.042,  0.035,},-- 55kft
        }, -- end of Cx0


    Which I did put right after the fully filled aerodynamics table_data.


    Does somebody know how I could get it to work? Am I on a "right" way, or totally wrong? May be, if some ED-guys who know the deal might "nudge" me in the right direction? Any help would be greatly apreciated 🙂







  5. On 12/24/2020 at 5:06 PM, freebirddz said:


    Hello, yeah sure you have to be  careful with arguments already used by FC3, for internal and external, to not got a blinking a 3D part or not animating will, you will still got FC3 sounds and some behaviors, perhaps will not be adapted to your aircraft. those are the major problems 😄


    Good luck

    Hi Freebirddz.

    Thanks for your answer. Yes, it will be interesting to do, but having an EFM with FC3 avionics is perfect to start out, since you can focus on one thing at a time, which will be in my case the EFM.

    I gather you just programmed the pure flightmodel and no systems in the EFM-files and use the Systems/Avionics and cockpit through this code in your entry.lua.

    I just wrote you a PM since I don't know if you are allright if I post your code here.

    It would be great if you could give me a "right" or "wrong" to my asumptions, since it would be perfect if I did not have to "invent the wheel" once more :-)

    Thanks a lot and merry christmas,




    • Thanks 1
  6. Hi.

    Great MOD, just gave it a try. Very nice 🙂

    Just a few questions regarding EFM and FC3, since I'll be trying to do the same thing for the VSN_F104G MOD (right now just at the beginning of understanding EFM, but I'll be getting there):

    Do you have to take special care about something when programming the EFM if you want to use it with FC3 avionics?

    It would be great to not run into the same problems somebody else already encountered 🙂

  7. Well guys, today it dawned on me, that the problem is, that I call my script (as above) from the entry.lua or from the aircraft.lua.

    Those files are loaded right at the beginning when DCS initializes itself. It is not so hard to understand, that the above mentioned global variables/functions "get_base_data()"

    return a nil value, because there is just nothing to return, or, more precise, those functions/variables are not there when the script is executed.

    I tried a little workaround with:


        local function LoGetSelfPlane()
        local selfdata  =   LoGetSelfData()
        if    selfdata  ==  nil then selfdata = "XXX" end
        return selfdata.Name


    I switched to the export.lua, since it might be, that FC3 modules hide their data from "get_base_data"...

    Don't know for sure, but in the above way, I don't get an error message ind those functions.


    I do get the same error in the:




    function, which is a bit annoying...well, I'm at it and will see, how it works...


    If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be quite happy to be pointed in the right direction...

  8. Hi guys.

    I've been fiddling around with a little script, that should only fetch the base data "get_base_data()" from DCS and store it in a variable.

    I don't want to do anything fancy, right now, just that.

    As a way of knowing if it works, I did put the "Print_message_to_user" in the script as well.

    It looks like this:


    local Get_System_info     = GetSelf()
    local dev                 = GetSelf()
    local update_time_step    = 0.01
    local sensor_data         = get_base_data()
      update                      = function ()
        ActualMachSF              = sensor_data:getMachNumber()
        ActualGeforceSF           = sensor_data:getVerticalAcceleration()
        print_message_to_user (ActualMachSF)
        print_message_to_user (ActualGeforceSF)
      need_to_be_closed = false


    When I start it via "dofile" from the entry.lua I get an error saying:

    attempt to call global 'GetSelf' (a nil value)


    If I erase the first 2 lines, the log says:

    attempt to call global 'get_base_data' (a nil value)


    How can I "connect" my script to the "output"-side of DCS?

    Any help would be greatly apreciated :-)

  9. Hi guys.

    I did some work on the F104G SFM, using ReadBeard2's gathered data and sfm and tuned it a bit, so the F104 flies a little bit more like an F104.

    Changed Radar and loadouts as well.

    If you like, download it, and put it in your mods/aircraft/VSN_F104G folder.

    But don't be disappointed, since the VSN_F104G flies differently after the "update" and the radar can only lock things max 60nm away.... ;-)




  10. I think F104G would be the best variant, since it really could do a lot. And it would be challenging to fly...real aircombat where you have to fly your plane to its strengths...

    Of course I do like my F16 as well, but that is a totally different type of aircombat.

    And I think with the addition of the Mig23 and Mig21/19/17 already there, the F104 is a must have, right next to the F4.

  11. Hi guys.

    I'm new to modding and everything but have read through the "Beginners Guide to DCS Aircraft Mods" and played a little bit with SFM-Data and everything concerning the flightmodel and enginemodel of a Starfightermod to make it fly more like e real starfighter.


    The next step would be to change the cockpit from the F15C cockpit to something, that looks a little bit more like a F104 cockpit.

    Is it possible to kind of "buy" an animated (non clickable) 3d-Cockpit (say from turbosquid or somewhere) and implement it into the mod but use the FC3 avionics-functionality and remap it to the new cockpit?

    e.g. if we stay at the F15C than you could kind of use almost everything (systemwise) in regards of the analog guages and just remap them...


    Or does anybody know of a mod, where something like this has already been done? Would be very handy to have an example to kind of lead the way...


    CU guys,


  12. Hi.


    You can just raise those numbers in table_data. As said, first number is thrust without AB, second is thrust with AB...since it is a turboprop, the numers are equal.

    Second thing is, as far as I found out, the numbers in dpdh_m and dpdh_f. They determin how higher/lower altitudes affect the engine power.

    But your questions will be mostly answered if you read the "Beginners Guide to DCS World aircraft mods v 0.5.1". There is a section especially talking about the SFM and tuning and everything. Quite informative :-)

    • Thanks 1
  13. Was genau soll denn angegriffen werden? Fahrzeuge/Bodeneinheiten, oder ein Kartenobjekt (Gebäude, Brücke)?


    Es soll einfach nur die Fahrzeuggruppe Ground_1, ich meine es sind 4 Haubitzen, angegriffen werden...



    Dafür musst du die Option "Reaktion auf Bedrohung" mit dem Befehl "Keine Reaktion" in den Wegpunktaufgaben setzen.


    Ahhhh...merci, das hört sich stark nach einem Plan an... :-)

    Wird ausprobiert :-)

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