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About Sinclair_76

  • Birthday 06/13/1976

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, and 4x a year a CAE 7000XR Series.
  • Interests
    Paragliding, AP60 and matching weapons to targets in an efficient and effective manner.
  • Occupation
    Part time pilot, coach, change management. Nerd avant la lettre. Former EWO and liaison.

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  1. Got it. Wrongly put the standalone version of stopgap in the mix. Since SA it would probably override the original cfxMX. Now no more errors.
  2. Updated a whole bunch of scripts since there was an error regarding destroyed units popping up. Now, instead, I have these errors regarding the radiomenu and bomb range prior finishing loading the miz and another after slot selection and prior jumping in cockpit. What am I doing wrong?
  3. JSOW as well but not the CBU-103/205 since those don't have gps.
  4. Beside the JDAM absolute mode not being simulated at this time. The tape number ED is simulating within DCS has no other means then the steerpoint to pass coordinates to the JDAM as a preplanned mode. Basically the engineers decided to stick with the logic of the early models while upgrading. In combination with lack of blast/shrapnel damage. Preplanned JDAM are useless in DCS F-16. You can trick you're way around by forcing JDAM relative mode by using the TGP and updating the target coordinates. The DCS F-16 is therefore useless in cloudy conditions. Especially compared to other aircraft the viper feels handicapped. In general I am happy with the realistic behaviour of TGP and INS. But the way they implemented the absolute mode but not the relative mode for just the F-16 I think they screwed up. Either implement it together for every aircraft or not.
  5. Smoke can be deployed by spotter aircraft, i.e. the OV-10 in Vietnam used smoke to mark targets. The A-10 also has done this in recent times (OIF/OEF/ISAF). Artillery (M109/PHz2000) can be used but don't know if they operationally did so. Mortars have been used as well (of 60mm at least) they have a range of 4km. Lastly underslung (M203/AG36) with a range of 350 can shoot smoke grenades. Dedicated automatic grenade launchers like the Mk19 or HK GMG have a range of almost 2km. A link to a video where an A-10 is guided to a target by using smoke.
  6. Thinking of buying one. @FatShadow Still happy with it? @Rogue Trooper Have you received yours yet? Are the grips strong/firm enough to handle the weight of your arms?
  7. Bug is stnullill present. Overhead lighting present which does not illuminate the surrounding area or cockpit ftm.
  8. Muwaffaq Salti some HAS have no lighting effect (in cockpit). Specifically parking 17/18/19/111 and possibly others. Seems like all the HAS of the same type are affected.
  9. The HTS locates emitters through triangulation. For triangulation to work effectivley the HTS builds a dataset to finetune different measurements. That is the reason to maintain offset of more than 30 degrees. More than 60 degrees will be out of limits for the HTS (forum LINK). Lesser offsets will take more time to get a PGM2 solution needed?/preferred for POS/EOM shots. But for AGM-88 kinematic purposes a launch direct to threat is preferable. Even a 30 degree offset will need a massive amount of energy to correct. Energy that would be otherwise used to maximize the velocity of the missile in the terminal phase.
  10. One of the exceptions where ME is easier then. Thanks for looking in to it.
  11. This is how I do it with the ME Given this does not work on FC3 aircraft. But above does work for f-16/f-18. AFAIK the parameters are not the same on all aicraft.So DML would have to figure out the type and apply correct cockpit parameter.
  12. Is it possible to add a requisite frequency to the radio menu? So the menu only bangs a flag when item is selected and the correct radio frequency is tuned?
  13. Yes. And although it was a dirt strip it was pretty level Not like the rollercoaster it is now.
  14. IIRC before the lead uses TDOA, all wingmen need to drop their tracks.
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