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About VirusAM

  • Birthday 01/12/1982

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, FalconBMS, Fs2020, IL2
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  • Interests
    Flight Sims, Cpu World, Hacking, Sports, Girls :p

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  1. yeah, but this means that any vendor can do an headset without caring about the software, and any vendor can adds whichever port they want.
  2. Sorry for the late reply. But yes I am aware of the double level, and smoothing is enabled both in general and per game settings
  3. https://www.meta.com/it-it/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/ Big announcement today
  4. https://www.meta.com/it-it/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/ I think this is big, the article is long but tldr Meta Is opening its meta os to other hardware vendors. Asus, Lenovo and Microsoft working on it (guess why wmr was abandoned). But also Valve is mentioned. Of course those would be mobile headsets, but maybe one of these vendors could add a display port on it.
  5. Il Pico 4 lo provai io, il loro software per PC non è un granché. C'è virtual desktop, che al contrario che sul quest', funziona anche via ethernet con un adattatore USB c/ethernet quindi anche se non hai un router wifi dedicato e veloce funziona bene. Ma purtroppo per me virtual desktop non è mai andato bene come quest link invece
  6. A quest S or quest pro 2 with dp enabled on that USB C port would be enough for me to be happy
  7. Sorry, I did miss this question as well... The software in the Rhino is pretty configurable. You don't have any break force, but there is a setting for it if you wish to have (an area of the travel around the center where the motors won't engage). No stiction at all with the power and the USB connected as there is an anticogging algorithm
  8. VirusAM

    VR Crash

    hai fatto i passi descritti lì?rimuovere e reinstasllare i driver video etc? il log analyzer è sul discord ED c'è la parte aperta a tutti. se non riesci a risolvere ti conviene aprire un ticket con l'assistenza quì sul sito ED, di solito rispondono subito. Ti consiglio di dare un'occhiata quì comunque prima di contattarli, tanto te lo chiederebbero comunque loro.
  9. VirusAM

    VR Crash

    nullIl log analyzer dice che l'errore risiede in qualcosa che riguarda la GPU. prova a seguire il suo consiglio null null
  10. Hi everyone, I am back at using my old Valve Index after I while... yesteday I did a mp mission with my squadron and I was noticing that my FPS were 80 (I did set the refresh rate to 80), but when not able to keep that instead of gonig to 40 (as per motion reprojection) it was oscillating (65/70/55 and so on). For me reprojection is really imporant as I prefer that to oscillating fps. Is there something that changed the way it works in the last few months?Or am I missing some options? I was using a meta quest headset in the last few months and it worked correctly with it. Thanks everyone for any reply
  11. Selling my old Oculus Rift S. It is in good working condition, and it is still a good headset for medium/lower range PC. Price is 150 euros including shipping in EU.
  12. Updated sold items, added VPC extension.
  13. We'll need to see what Fixed Foveated rendering 2.0 means. They advertised this as a solution
  14. Chiedi un rimborso... Ah no, non si può.... visto che non è ancora in vendita e nessuno ti ha chiesto soldi Se glielo chiedi con gentilezza magari Duke ti fa vedere qualche schermata di Visual Studio... Si sono ironico...ma trovo davvero assurde alcune delle lamentele che vengono mosse su queste pagine EDIT: Giuro che non avevo ancora letto la risposta di Duke...sulla parte di Visual Studio ero semplicemente ironico [emoji28]
  15. Literally what I have written above "simconnect client"
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