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About GorT

  • Birthday June 30

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS A-10C Warthog
    BMS Falcon 4.32
  • Location
  • Interests
    Cycling, Simming!!
  1. Look below the $19.99 price to the Grey MORE button then below that is the Yellow button. There you should see it saying BOUGHT. Meaning you have this in your inventory and have liecence key for. Its like that to enable you to buy modules as a gift for friend etc. its says $19.99 because the A-10C II is an upgrade to the orgional A10C. The system sees you have A-10C II. I have the exact same in my acount. Have fun.
  2. Ohh very nice! Not long posted on thier FB account. Its now my new desktop backround.
  3. To anyone who may be using Malwarebytes software, who is getting large sudden frame drops from 60fps down to 10fps for 0.5 - 1sec or so; try shutting down the application while running DCS. I had similar issues as described above and closing down Malwarebytes (so far) has solved the issue for me.
  4. GorT

    T Shirts

    Yep got my notification today as well. :)
  5. Go in just in time! :megalol:
  6. You have to re-download the files listed in this thread. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=206998 It worked for me in the latest update. :thumbup:
  7. I was wondering why my M200C training menu was empty. All sorted now with this update link. Thank you very much Baltic! :D
  8. Charly_Owl. You Sir, are a legend! THnak you. :-D
  9. Try under DCS World Openbeta/Mods/aircraft/M-200C/Doc Thats where I found mine. :P
  10. +1 tested. No flameout.
  11. Early Christmas for me. Looking forward to learning this gorgeous french girl. :-D
  12. U get this too on the Instant Action mission - Cold Start. Grunf noticed different frequencies in instant action missions, His forum post http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=152554
  13. +1 here man. Already waiting for part 2, 3, 4.......etc :thumbup:
  14. Great job. Helping me a lot. :-) +1rep inbound.
  15. Please Gezahu, slow down with the constant forum posts else a mod might consider it all spam.
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