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Everything posted by Trigati

  1. OK, it seems like the comments at the top of the file (version 0.7 comments) are stopping mine working so I've commented out the entire block rather than as row-by-row. Re-posting the file in case someone else has the same issue I have.... F-15ESE.lua
  2. Maybe related to the crash....mine is not working at all...I'm in a helluva panic that I've loaded a corrupt file....but it's working for you... so no idea....
  3. I had that on Wednesday, must be something in one of the data streams that SD really doesn't like. Just had to completely close SD and unplug it. Not happened again but if it does I'll try and work out where it's coming from.
  4. OK, final version this week (unless someone spots a big mistake in the next 2 hours). I'm going to take the weekend off but the to do list is small at the moment. I've not flown since I started this and any free time this weekend will be flying!!!! As I said before, I've not flown the F15 yet, so there may be lots of weirdness in the UFC or HUD data that I'm just not aware of sitting on the runway (I have gotten it airborne to check the HUD data but only straight & level with wheels up). -- version 0.7 -- Had a good neaten up of all the argument values - no IDs have changed on these and no formats (so if it was .2f before it is still .2f now but I do want to redo these before this gets finalised so if decimal places are not needed then they do not get exported) -- Implemented the first round of HUD data display. You can call a single element or get blocks of data: -- 0 - Combined Speed & Alt 6001 -- Speed - the speed as diaplyed in HUD 6002 -- AoA - value diaplyed in HUD 6003 -- Mach - as in HUD 6005 -- GMet - The G readout, which I guess is current G and Max G? 6006 -- HDG - This is the heading caret on teh tape 6007 -- Alt - The altitude as diaplyed in the HUD (BARO only I think) 6008 -- VVI - The VVI, with spaces removed 6009 -- AA - I think this data is the weapon selected in AA mode? No ID Set -- NAV - Every field from the bottom right 6010 -- UPLEFT - Speed and AoA from the left side 6011 -- LOLEFT - Fields from the bottom left, so G AA weapon, mach and G meter 6012 -- UPRIGHT - Alt and VVI from the right side 6013 -- LORIGHT - Nearly the same as NAV but without the bottom line (what does that set of numbers mean anyway?) 6014 -- Included a radio export as it's not easy to see the frequency when using presets. This draws data from the core sim to supplement the UFC info, separate items or a combined view available 6501 & 6504 -- To Do List: -- Fix any issues with HUD data (yes I'm pretty sure there will be some) and expand it if possible -- Check all argument values and convert to 1d or .1f where possible, only leaving .2f and .3f if actually needed -- Create option to turn field labels on/off maybe? F-15ESE.lua
  5. Added that to the backlog, should make it into tomorrows version Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Those are from Bailey’s LUA, all credit to him on that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi all, HUD data repeating is taking me longer than I expected...it doesn't help that I've not used this plane and have little clue on how it changes with use....I literally have only taken it off the end of the runway once. I know some of you are waiting on the improved UFC displays and the separate fuel/engine data exports (with and without labels) so rather than make you wait till Friday night here is an interim release. So if you cannot wait or want a head start...or just need a better UFC display then here you go: -- version 0.6 -- Fixed Left/Right Fuel Counters reading an extra 1000 lbs when < 100 lbs from next thousand - needed new function RoundDP() -- Setup Export IDs for each data elements of the Fuel Display - THIS MEANS THE COMBINED DISPLAY HAS CHANGED DCSID from 8383 to 83830 -- Setup Export IDs for each of the data elements of the Engine Management Display NOTE: Export IDs starting 7 has labels, starting 8 has none. Actual numbers are based on the standard MainPanel data element number. -- Moved UFC Display to Functions and re-formatted strings to fit better in single tile, this was a big job and needs much testing - I don;t know if I've tried everything yet so please report any issues. F-15ESE.lua
  7. I have already included them in my development, so yes, you can have that [emoji2957] Soon as I finish battling with the HUD data I’ll share the new version. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yeah, some of the control needed more granularity. It probably makes sense to neaten up more of them before this gets to a final state for the repository, but unless they are stopping something working well I’m reluctant to do so as people will have to update their SD profiles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Sure does, and you can edit to switch the labels on or off as you require, Default is off. The version is likely to be posted very late tonight (UK) or in the morning and it has a fully revamped UFC output - you can see that working on Nrosk-L's latest Profile update, all the xtra data fields for fuel and engine, and even some early HUD data repeats....it's coming soon.
  9. It’s not that much work so happy to do it. You just reload the mission Shift-R Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yes, we are just discussing it in the post above...include labels...just the numbers...have it so you can switch between or switch it off for those that worry about the performance hit etc etc.
  11. I guess it's pretty easy to have both....and also the ability to enable/disable them. Would only take a few lines of 'configuration settings' at the top of the file to switch the individual feeds off or the labels off/on for these things eg: EMDOutput = "OFF" -- Can Be Set to "DATA" to just have the number exported, "LABELS" to have the number and description such as Left RPM or "OFF" to disable completely. That way it can cater to both camps and avoid any perceived performance hit? Does take away from the plug'n'play simplicity for those that don't want to open the file...so we'd need to agree a default if this is to be done. Does anyone know if the performance is affected by double the number of IDs exported?
  12. Regarding the Fuel Gauge and EDM individual data elements....do you think it should just be the actual values or the label as well that is sent?
  13. I was planning to break them out as separate fields as well.. just didn't get to it yet and wanted to at least share the feature so the option is there if you can't wait another couple of days. The backlog at the moment is: 1. Update UFC fields for formatting the longer strings. 2. Separate fields for Engine and Fuel data. 3. HUD Data to display fields 4. Separate Radio Data (if possible) Along with merging tis with Bailey's file..... 1&2 I hope to complete by Thursday morning. 3&4 by Saturday night.....
  14. That is really weird...the data comes from two arguments, the thousands and the hundreds added together...for all other settings the thousands outputs a round number 0, 1000, 2000 or 3000 but on that setting it shows 3648.....and as the hundreds field is showing as 965 these add together get rounded to 5000.....but the gauge has a max of 4000....I'll code a handler to stop this happening and include it in my next release. Thanks so much for feedback.
  15. This might be simple....when Cold the throttles are in OFF, and fixed in place so no amount of moving your hardware or pressing the throttle increase/decrease kay commands will move them. Move them from the OFF position you need to press (or bind) the following 2 commands: Throttle (Left) - IDLE keyboard is RAlt+HOME Throttle (Right) - IDLE keyboard is RShift+HOME I bind these both to the TM Warthog throttle buttons, along with the opposite Throttle - OFF commands to IDLELON/IDLELOFF, IDLERON/IDLEROFF so I get the actions when lifting over the IDLE/OFF detent.
  16. OK, no idea why everything else I wrote didn't appear on this post...but to re-cap...version 0.5 is out and attached. It includes functions for EDM and fuel displays that can either publish data into a single tile (see pics) or just extract a single element of data (also see pic for simple fuel example). Simple Fuel = 8368 EDM = 81100 Full Full = 8383 My typos on the first round of UFC were fixed and the WSO UFC is in place also. This has created a numbering discrepancy between what I was doing and what Norsk-L used for his StreamDeck Profile (F-15E Stream Deck XL Pilot & WSO Full Cockpit (digitalcombatsimulator.com) so for now I've included both and at the top of the file there is a field you can edit called Norsk_UFC to tell the script you want to use the numbering convention that works for Norsk-L. Just change it from "FALSE" to "TRUE". I won't produce any further updates until I have a draft of the combination of Bailey's script and mine - at that point I'm happy to list out any conflicts/choices that need to be made so the community can decide which way to go for a final draft then release version. Things I still need from you: 1. Are the UFC outputs crashing the interface? If so any idea what is it trying to show when it happens? 2. Apart from a repeat of HUD data (already requested) are there any functions/feature to go into my backlog? 3. Any missing fields or indicators/switches that should have their output format changed? Most are just 1 decimal place numbers at the moment, a few needed to be changed already. F-15ESE.lua
  17. Minor Update for those still wanting WSO UFC and have not already grabbed Norsk-L's excellent profile! I'll be working on Engine and Fuel Data blocks next...please do let me know if I've made any further silly mistakes or if the UFC outputs seems to hang/fail as I've minimal safeguards coded at the moment. F-15ESE.lua
  18. Yes, only difference is backseat comes from list 20 rather than 8 Will post a version with the backseat ufc done in the morning.
  19. Both the Hornet and Tomcat do have an option for single axis to control both engines…I guess specifically for those with only one throttle axis. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Before I start working on this tonight…does anyone have any requests for export fields they would like setup? I’m thinking Fuel readout, but post up some requests here and I’ll see what I can do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Still working but saw my idiot mistake on the right hand UFC so fixed it. I can't test as cannot actually run DCS at work (big boss would not like it) but will be online later on where I will attempt to look at the WSO UFC and any crashes to the export that can occur. Thanks all! F-15ESE.lua
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