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Everything posted by GenericUser

  1. Hey, Im having a little trouble with the Sinai map, mostly around cities. With my usual settings (Image 1), I get 22fps in the middle of Cairo, with the Ka-50 III "Takeoff from helipad" mission. Turning down the settings significantly (Image 2), and loading the mission back up yields no change in performance. Nothing running except for DCS and OpenTrack, plus task manager CPU load wasnt super high, but GPU was. DCS was using a little under 10Gb of RAM, out of 32. Specs are: Ryzen 5 2600, Radeon RX 570 8Gb, 32Gb DDR4 3600Mhz RAM. Deleted FXO and Metashaders2 and renamed export.lua to export.lua.old, as there was some wierd socket stuff happening there from the DCS UFC app. Only saw a 2-3Fps improvement, but may have been a coincidence. Any ideas why Im not seeing any performance change, and what I could do to improve things?
  2. Had the same issue happen a couple of times. Always during multicrew, and often when flying straight and level, with no maneuvering. No switching who has control or anything either.
  3. A first-time-setup on top of the current system could be nice. Im thinking of a dialogue that asks "What button would you like to use to toggle gear?", or "Input pitch axis" etc. These values could then be assigned as the new defaults to the two free modules, and any future downloaded modules. It wouldnt be perfect, but it would definitely be a lot smoother than the rough defaults we have now, and would help new players remember the basic controls easier, as theyre the ones who have assigned them.
  4. A mention of Chucks Guide could be a massive help. Definitely something I wish I knew about sooner.
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