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About Mr.Jazzy
- Birthday 05/14/1985
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Flight Simulators
MFS 2020, DCS world
Bike touring, computer games
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452 profile views
Nice, gotta check it out.
Я бы протел крыло шваброй в паке за три доллара.
Please make C-101 remake like the one for F-5E-3
This is the last module on my purchase list, everything else has been bought. Razbam, please make a discount on Steam winter sale for Mig-19. It hadn't seen any discount for a couple of years.
How to get rid of this ambient occlusion? I check the blue channel on my custom roughmet and it's not there, but in model viewer it is. Also, all default skins have them. I guess the cockpit one is for armor plate, but the second one is beyond my comprehension. null
How to change uploaded User File from not active to active?
Mr.Jazzy replied to Pooter03's topic in Forum and Site Issues
Would I recieve notification in case of non-approval with recomendations towards approval? -
Зимним июньским днём частное судно с туристами возвращалось с пятидневного тура к мысу Горн и Чилийским фьордам, когда его настиг внезапный шторм. Повреждены многие системы судна, в том числе навигационные. Капитан завел судно в одну из гаваней во фьордах и ночь они провели там. Следующим утром с первым светом из аэропорта Ушуайя на поиски вылетел транспортный вертолёт Ми-8 и учебный самолёт MB-339. Из Пуэрто Вильямс вылетел UH-1H и C-101СС. Спасателям неизвестно местонахождение судна, но они могут настроиться на его аварийную частоту 500 kHz или 121.5 MHz AM для ADF. Несмотря на непогоду в виде минусовой температуры, крепкого ветра, осадков и тумана, их задача - вернуть туристов и экипаж судна. Хотя это совместная поисковая операция, та страна, чьи вертолеты эвакуируют пострадавших, получит дополнительные очки престижа на международной арене. Поэтому на кону не только жизни людей, но и честь страны. Государствам разрешено пересекать воздушную границу, но для соблюдения порядка и помощи в поисках подняты ВВС в виде звена F-5e со стороны Чили и звена A-4E-C со стороны Аргентины. Сбивать воздушные и морские судна каких-либо стран категорически запрещено. Приглашаю отыграть поисково-спасательную миссию на карте Южная Атлантика. Миссия не боевая, но с непростыми метеоусловиями. Ориентированная на мультикрю. Запись и все подробности в таблице. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hrHZRLcwBX_G684no7Td22u5bPnAcOrcThspSv7Vw3s/edit?gid=0#gid=0
reported earlier Su-25t Night Operation post 2.5.6
Mr.Jazzy replied to sora_061's topic in General Bugs
Why the mercury pod is pure black or pure white only? I can't see anything. The tutorial said there was a tank ahead, I tried to locate it and no joy. After that I viewed some youtube videos and the mercury image there is average FLIR with 50 shades of grey. Why mine is black and white? -
Hello! I am an adult male from Kazakhstan. I speak Russian and English and can provide a natural accent for countries ending in "-stan." I have a condenser microphone and a decent audio card that can record all levels of bit depth, sampling frequency, and bitrate. My articulation is not perfect, but maybe that's the kind of character you need. I can be contacted via the Discord nickname mr.jazzy.
Request you add MS Text-to-speech API into DCS Scripting Engine
Mr.Jazzy replied to TEMPEST.114's topic in Wish List
I concur, this is so much demanded and needed option. I managed to get Google TTS via MOOSE and SRS, but it's unplayable on non-dedicated server, because I get that CMD popups. Also, desanitasing mission environment troubles me. -
Is voice chat available for combined arms?
solved Error code -35 authorization issue, all modules unavailable
Mr.Jazzy replied to Mr.Jazzy's topic in General Bugs
So, enabling the VPN has solved the issue. Now I need to find out if blocking DCS authorization site in Kazakhstan was ED or my provider/government initiative. -
After 22.07 patch DCS gives me authorization error in Steam. I have performed verificiation of game files integrity, but no joy. Literally all my aircraft, maps and campaigns are gone. Only Caucasus and 2 free aircraft are available. Game is totally unplayable at this point. Fix needed ASAP. I don't want to wait 2 weeks or more for the next patch to be able to play. Also, https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ is not responding for me.
fixed Refuelling light constantly throws cone
Mr.Jazzy replied to Bremspropeller's topic in Bugs and Problems
Hope this will get fixed in the next patch.