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Everything posted by johnv2pt0

  1. Bummer. Well, thanks for the quick responses...kept me from pulling my hair out!
  2. I'm trying to make a trigger based on the aircraft's position lights. If position lights are evaluated as ON then AAA activates kind of thing. Since there are no clickables in the Frogfoot, I'm guessing it would be the Non-clickable variety, but I can't find either of them anywhere in the folder structure. I have a document that references a "mainpanel_init.lua" but that either doesn't exist in World, or it doesn't exist for the SU-25...
  3. Can anyone tell me where these are located? I've searched the scripts (and many more) folders with no success. TYIA ~ I'm working on a laptop with World installed but no modules...
  4. My buddies and I are able to use the communication menu on the ground but not in the air (KA-50). I've searched for this problem and haven't found any reference to it on the forums which leads me to believe that it's a setting in the ME or server settings, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I'm also not new to the ME. Is this a bug? Can anyone lend some insight into this? Thanks ~
  5. Tested this with other clients last night and they kept exploding on mission start...worked great for host though. Speed, have you figured out a practical way of using ships for launch/recovery? This is Tuk btw.
  6. I found a workaround for this: Place destroyer etc > Helo on top (Take off from ramp) Create trigger zone over them Trigger that on mission start turns Ship AI off Trigger that when departing trigger zone turns Ship AI back on Best thing I've been able to figure out with my limited ME skills...
  7. Uninstalled World. Deleted world folder in user/name/saved games. Deleted the keys from the registry. Reboot. Installed World to different SSD. Installed modules 1 by 1 in different orders and tested MP after each install. All modules work until I install the A10 module. Once the A10 module is installed I receive the "Invalid serial key" message when logging into MP. ...for now I can't play A10 in World. I hope this helps resolve these issues for people in an upcoming patch.
  8. Thanks for the help Panzertard. I have already done this, but for good measure I completed this process 3 more times to make sure. I even deactivated every serial number, restarted computer, and activated them all again. It still gives me invalid serial number message. All the serial numbers are correct and on the same purchase account from digitalcombatsimulator. When I get more time today I will be uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling on a different SSD, and going through this process again. I will update this thread after doing so. Is there any reason it should matter or is there a preferred order I should install the modules?
  9. Yes, I understand the same account dynamic. After much testing myself with much installing and uninstalling, I can confirm this. Every module works fine until I install A10. Regardless of the order of installation A10 and CA don't like each other.
  10. I am having the same issue. I pre-purchased P-51 which gave me DCS World. Already owned A10 and BS2 so both were modules in that version of World. Everything worked as advertised. Today I uninstalled that version of World and then installed World 1.2.0. Installed 1.2.0 versions of all the modules, and also bought Combined Arms. Installed that module as well. I have been messing around with stuff in single player all day and editing old missions. When I tried multiplayer I received the "invalid serial number." Did a search, found this thread, and tried everything you have mentioned here. I still get this invalid serial number. Anything else I can try?
  11. Not that it probably needs it as Dowly has filed a bug report, but I can confirm this. I've been trying to use RAT all day (before finding this post) with the exact same result on client side tracks. They play just fine, but won't unpause in RAT.
  12. I was able to get this working with the help of a squadron mate. Thanks Bourbon! My issue turned out to be that in the ME I had "Nothing" selected as task. Because of this it wasn't populating the unitpayloads.lua. When I changed the task to "CAS" it showed up in the .lua. Next you need to do what was mentioned on the first page of this thread. Your custom payload will show up somewhere around [31][51] like this: unitPayloads["A-10C"]["tasks"][31][55]["name"] = "Custom - GBU-10*6, TGP" Right below this you need to manually put in a line to assign it to a category: unitPayloads["A-10C"]["tasks"][31][55]["category"] = "Show" Works great for me now...I hope this helps ~ :pilotfly:
  13. Thanks for the post. Is there a way to add a new category (number 9 etc...) to the rearm menu? It would be nice to put all my custom loadouts into their own category. I've poke around a bit, but I'm not an expert on the scripts... Thanks ~
  14. Not sure if it's available for ships, but there is a moving trigger zone that you can attach to a units. If it's available for ground/ships (i've only used it on aircraft) you can slap one of those on and then use Smoke Marker in trigger zone.
  15. If you have a modifier key on your joystick you can simply use that in the options of game itself. As an example, I use the paddle on the warthog stick as my modifier. Then all you have to do is go through all the cdu keys and add that modifier to them in the options. So I hold the modifier with my flying hand and then type with my throttle hand on the keyboard. Works well for me ~
  16. You can type within excell (and I'm assuming any typing program) and do a Ctrl C, then Ctrl V into the ME. I still haven't been able to figure out what determines the test box size. Originally I had a slightly smaller message and the text box was much smaller. Now anything I type (to include simply the word "test") will bring up a msg box that's half the screen. I've tried deleting everything within the msg box in the trigger. I've tried deleting the entire trigger and starting over. I've tried formatting the msg differently. If I wasn't already bald I'd pull my hair out. Any help is appreciated! :helpsmilie:
  17. Of course...thanks for taking a look. Also, one of my buds was saying that he thought some people used excel for their typing and then cut and paste into ME. Is that a better way?
  18. Hey all, I have a message I want activated as long as an A-10 is at a certain airfield. I do not want the message to obstruct other A-10 player's view though if they're already airborne. I can't figure out what determines the message box size and it's annoyingly large. I've attached a screenshot. Any ideas? Thanks in advance ~
  19. I just tested it online with buds. The vehicle I had blocking was left with AI on, with a speed of 0, and zero waypoints. (I didn't ever want the plane it was blocking [C-17] to move). However, another AI jet, which was my JFAC and was on the other side of the airport never moved out of parking. It's always taxi/take off fine in the past before putting the blocking vehicle in front of the C-17. I will have to test with FireFox's suggestion tomorrow.
  20. Druid, First off, thanks so much for putting this out there. It's brilliant and I very much appreciate it. I've got a msn where you have to find 3 tanks in a city. There are 9 possible tanks (9 separate groups...1 unit per group). To get your script to work in my situation i've had to make 3 "lua_men" and split the flags it looks for into 3 groups (1-3, 4-6, 7-9). It's great, but I'd like the full variability of randomly selecting 3 out of the entire 9 as opposed to 1 out of each group of 3. Is there a way to change your random script to return 3 flags out a group true as opposed to just 1?
  21. It seems that it will work, but the column needs to be facing the direction of the waypoint to start off with, and the troops have to be in the correct order for the movement. It's a pain, but it does work. Once the waypoint changes to a different direction though (say from west to north), then they effectively stop moving because they get into a loop of shuffling positions.
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