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Everything posted by johnv2pt0

  1. Weird problem. I'm using SLMOD and MIST in a large dedicated map .miz for my group. I have 14 different SLMOD options that will activate certain areas of the map/populate units. When activating the latest area that I've added, all clients CTD while the server remains unaffected. Also, I changed an earlier option that previously worked fine (no CTD) and after changing it it now makes all clients CTD while the server remains unaffected. I'm wondering if there's just too much logic/map is too big. .miz is 11.3 MB large (i've added 45 min of radio). Anyone run into this? I hopped in to the server and activated the range to get my CTD to produce this crash log: EDIT: This has only been a problem post 1.2.4.
  2. Is there a way to lock a mission out so clients connecting can't steal your work? (Open trk up in the ME...)
  3. Lol. There's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  4. Interesting, I have a command center on my FARP, but still can't communicate. I will have to poke around more and see what I'm doing wrong.
  5. I don't know how to script myself, but couldn't you have your random spawn guy transmit a sound file (I've used "static.ogg") on loop and then home in on it with your ADF in the UH-1H? I've done this successfully in my missions. If you do go this route, just make sure that you account for the decimal in the freq box. In MHz, so a good ADF freq would be 0.210 etc.
  6. This works fine in SP, but if a client joins after the transmission has started it is not heard. I've tried with both the RADIO TRANSMISSION trigger and ground unit transmission. Anyone been able to get it working in MP?
  7. I can't get my farps to communicate with, rearm, refuel, or repair the UH-1H. Also, the KA-50 can be rearmed/refueled, but can't communicate with farps since 1.2.4. Have the resources required at the farp for these processes changed?
  8. Selecting 160*KOM in the dropdown list of the SU-25 refuel rearm window loads you with 160*TsM
  9. By the way, here is the link to the photoshop dds plugin: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop
  10. Thanks for the reply guys. I'll get that photoshop dds plugin and hope they fix this bug at some point I guess! Cheers
  11. I'm not really sure if I did. Process I used was to edit a .psd -> save as 24bit .bmp -> open with DXTBmp and save as .dds. If that process doesn't accomplish the mipmap, what am I missing? Thanks...I'm brand new to this.
  12. lol I can't believe I did that. Anyway, here are two screenshots. You can see the difference one level of zoom makes.
  13. Hey all, I decided to sit down and make a skin for the SU-25 last night, but I've run into a problem. The left and right airbrakes will switch between the default skin and my creation. It seems to be based on the level of zoom. I imagine it may be drawing information from another dds file somewhere, but if so I can't find it. I've attached a very short track illustrating the problem. What's going on here?
  14. Thanks Speed, I'll give it a go and try to learn some more poop. EDIT: It works great, thanks again for the help
  15. Thanks very much....just what I needed :)
  16. I'm having the same problem yet my missions are in the same folder and i'm hosting in MP. The new mission will load, but it stays on pause. What else causes this? TYIA
  17. I've played with Speed's script a bit in an effort to learn some things and have it be more in line with what I will need for one of my missions, but I have a problem Instead of checking 5 segments I've reduced it to 2 (west and east) and once the scoring script get's enough hits in each section it will simply turn a flag on. do local runwayHitsWest = { [1] = {} } local runwayHitsEast = { [2] = {} } -- Runway segment polygon zones local segmentPolys = {} segmentPolys[1] = mist.getGroupPoints('segment1') segmentPolys[2] = mist.getGroupPoints('segment2') local tracked_wpns = {} local shotHandler = function(event) if event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_SHOT then if event.weapon then local wpn = LuaClass.createFor(Unit, event.weapon.id_) if wpn:isExist() then local wpnName = wpn:getTypeName() if wpnName and type(wpnName) == 'string' and ((wpnName:find('BetAB_500') or wpnName:find('BetAB_500ShP') or wpnName:find('Mk_82') or wpnName:find('Mk_84') or wpnName:find('Mk_82AIR') or wpnName:find('GBU_31') or wpnName:find('GBU_38') or wpnName:find('GBU_10') or wpnName:find('GBU_12') or wpnName:find('FAB_500') or wpnName:find('FAB_250') or wpnName:find('FAB_500P') or wpnName:find('FAB_250P') or wpnName:find('FAB_500_3'))) then local init = LuaClass.createFor(Unit, event.initiator.id_) local init_name = '' if init:isExist() then init_name = init:getName() end tracked_wpns[event.weapon.id_] = { wpn = wpn, init = init_name, pos = wpn:getPosition().p, dir = wpn:getPosition().x } end end end end end mist.addEventHandler(shotHandler) local function track_wpns() mist.scheduleFunction(track_wpns, {}, timer.getTime() + 0.05) -- reschedule first for wpn_id_, wpnData in pairs(tracked_wpns) do if wpnData.wpn:isExist() then -- just update position and direction. wpnData.pos = wpnData.wpn:getPosition().p wpnData.dir = wpnData.wpn:getPosition().x else -- wpn no longer exists, must be dead. tracked_wpns[wpn_id_] = nil -- remove from tracked weapons first. local ip = land.getIP(wpnData.pos, wpnData.dir, 20) -- terrain intersection point with weapon's nose. Only search out 20 meters though. local impactPoint if not ip then -- use last position impactPoint = wpnData.pos else -- use intersection point impactPoint = ip end for i = 1, #segmentPolys do if mist.pointInPolygon(impactPoint, segmentPolys[i]) then -- weapon impacted in West runway segment! runwayHitsWest[i][#runwayHitsWest[i] + 1] = wpnData.init end end for i = 2, #segmentPolys do if mist.pointInPolygon(impactPoint, segmentPolys[i]) then -- weapon impacted in East runway segment! runwayHitsEast[i][#runwayHitsEast[i] + 1] = wpnData.init end end end end end track_wpns() function scoreMission() -- for testing right now local hitBonus = 50 local reqPoints = 150 local scoreTotal = 0 local scoreWest = 0 local scoreEast = 0 local westEndFlag = 2000 local eastEndFlag = 2001 for i = 1, #runwayHitsWest do local hitScoreWest = 0 for i = 1, #runwayHitsWest[i] do hitScoreWest = hitScoreWest + hitBonus end scoreWest = scoreWest + hitScoreWest end for i = 2, #runwayHitsEast do local hitScoreWest = 0 for i = 2, #runwayHitsEast[i] do hitScoreEast = hitScoreEast + hitBonus end scoreEast = scoreEast + hitScoreEast end if scoreWest >= reqPoints then trigger.action.setUserFlag(westEndFlag, true) end if scoreEast >= reqPoints then trigger.action.setUserFlag(eastEndFlag, true) end end end It's working fine for the first segment but not for the second. Where am I going wrong?
  18. Still can't get this to work. Any thoughts?
  19. If you can provide a .miz we can look at it. I'm curious what's going on with this trigger too because I can't make it work either. Now that disclamer is taken care of ;), it sounds to me like you've added multiple bomb's in zone triggers (1 for each type of cbu). Do you have "OR" statements between each of those?
  20. lol ok, thanks! I don't think I've fired up single player missions in years!
  21. Thanks, I'll check it out. Edit: I've searched all the sites I know and can't find this. Can you provide a link?
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