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Everything posted by dikkeduif

  1. Hi, Some issues when sharing the cockpit When pilot requests to remove wheel chocks, wheel chocks are still visible for the backseater Pressing J to request control never shows a popup on the pilot's screen. You essentially take immediate control as the WSO Pressing J causes the jet to go into a crazy forwards spin, damaging the aircraft. This might be related to the wheel chock sync issue. Second flight we both (pilot and wso) requested wheel chock removal. Taking control of the aircraft this time worked fine. And yes controls were properly set (verified with r ctrl enter to show the inputs) There must be some desync issue when you crash the plane as the WSO. When relieving control as the WSO with J, the plane correctly handles the death state for the pilot and wso Pilot was flying in VR, back seat regular screen.
  2. Gotcha. Makes sense yes. I do remember reading something about these concerns. Really hope DCS can get their act together then and improve the terrain engine, because I don't see how adding details to the north of the map can influence the performance of the whole map. It's not great when map builders are being held back. Anyway it's on the right track, hoping for more improvements down the line.
  3. No offense, but what kind of conflict would you simulate and what would be the use if Israel wasn't there and it was only the Sinai peninsula? That would leave you with a very thin strip for mission building...
  4. Map looks good overall (great job, and thanks!) Having said that a lot of areas need improvement, especially in Israel. So many places have industrial ports (Jaffa port, Mikhmoret, ...), which shouldn't be industrial. A lot of missing landmarks, very generic looking cities/buildings. Buildings have this weird reflective shine on them, not sure if somehow wrong shaders were chosen for buildings? My biggest gripe is the fact that every city looks like a grey blob, as if someone forgot to texture them. But that's my impression on other maps as well. Ben Gurion has concrete jetways (I see it on other maps as well). And texture work is not that great. Since these issues are a recurring theme on other maps, I think the DCS map tools must be lacking somehow. Also looks like some roads are not correct or missing, which is kind of important if you're trying to do VFR with a real map. But maybe this is done for performance reasons. I see a lot of great things on this map, and hoping it gets further development to fix textures and to add missing landmarks.
  5. Is it just me or are the textures really bad quality and blurry on this map? It doesn't look promising...
  6. Yes, same here, flood lights are also not working
  7. Anything new on this @NineLine?
  8. Any idea if there will be a hotfix for this any time soon? It's broken on most if not all multiplayer servers, and it causes some overhead cause we have to remove the slots from the SC etc. We noticed there seems to be some order to the chaos, there is a certain order in which clients need to take off. But no idea what the order is, spawn order as mentioned above does not solve the problem 100%.
  9. Same here, can confirm that it starts working as soon as the other player takes off from the cat.
  10. Hey Rudel, your post gave me an idea. I went into the Saved Games folder and removed the directory MissionEditor and restarted. That fixed the problem. Thanks for the tip :)
  11. Hi, I did a cleanup and repair, took some time to complete, but that did not resolve the issue. Just to be clear, it does not produce a crash, I can still exit the editor, I just can't save anything. Each time I press save I'm getting the log I pasted above.
  12. I tried creating a new mission with the editor, but it does not allow me to save the mission. Can reproduce 100%: - Mission editor - Create new mission - Choose a map - Press file -> Save/Save As 2020-11-13 14:26:44.209 ALERT LUACOMMON: Error: GUI Error: [string "./Scripts/utils_common.lua"]:209: attempt to index upvalue 'missionTheatreCache' (a nil value) GUI debug.traceback: stack traceback: [C]: ? [string "./Scripts/utils_common.lua"]:209: in function 'getNameTheatre' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/FileGrid.lua"]:725: in function 'verifyTheatre' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/FileGrid.lua"]:691: in function 'setPath' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/FileDialog.lua"]:738: in function 'setInitPath_' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/FileDialog.lua"]:895: in function <[string "./MissionEditor/modules/FileDialog.lua"]:878> (tail call): ? [string "./MissionEditor/modules/me_toolbar.lua"]:630: in function 'saveMissionFileDialog' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/me_menubar.lua"]:601: in function 'func' [string "./MissionEditor/modules/me_menubar.lua"]:204: in function 'onChange' [string "./dxgui/bind/Menu.lua"]:20: in function 'callback' [string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:352: in function <[string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:347>
  13. I agree. Overall the map looks OK, but something feels weird. Also I know the area in the north of Israel quite well (travel around there often), I'm a bit surprised by some of the missing landmarks. Acre looks weird, would have expected a bit more detail around this historically important landmark. The Carmel mountain area is usually pretty green but I feel like it's a bit too brown/washed out on this map. The Kinneret (sea of Galilee) feels very... tiny? The area to the north of it (upwards of the Hula nature reserve) is not really that recognizable. Houses look bland, and the colors feel washed out. Persian Gulf suffers from the same problem. Almost as if they forgot to texture them. I'm not sure how to explain this. I think in general the map is OK and happy that you brought this map into DCS! Please take this as constructive criticism. Hope it will be improved. Might add some more remarks later when I have had some time flying over these specific areas. > Edit: sea of galilee is actually ok :) weird, been doing a lot of msfs lately, scale feels different :)
  14. I've been trying to buddy lase for a friend, but not sure what I'm doing wrong. I set up a laser code 1688. I lock a target with the TGP so that the target is point tracked. I click AUTO, which switches the mode to MAN. Normally I should see the laser code flashing together with some other text on the bottom of the TGP, but nothing seems to happen. Decided to try using my own GBU-12s with the AUTO lasing. Switching back to AUTO. I try to use my GBU-12s. Doing the exact same thing, point track a target, fly the CCRP drop queue, drop bomb, laser turns on and bomb goes exactly on target. After the bomb hit, I checked to see if MAN lasing now works. I click AUTO again to go back to MAN lasing, I see the flashing laser code and other text at the bottom of the TGP as it should be. It seems to be working sometimes, but not all the time. Any idea what is causing this?
  15. Nice! Good to know :)
  16. The mission is essentially an archive file, you can unpack/pack it with 7z. What I do: - Unpack your mission to a folder (for example 'build') - Copy your lua file to the folder build/I10n/DEFAULT and overwrite your lua script that is there - Pack folder again as a .miz file and copy the file to your C:\Users\<yourusername>\Saved Games\DCS\Missions folder You can write an easy .bat script to do this for you, such as This way you can open DCS, click on MISSION, select your mission and play. Then when done, exit the mission. Change your lua, run the .bat script, and play the mission again. Repeat until your lua script works.
  17. Although not a big bug, but annoying nonetheless, I wonder why they can't seem to get this right...
  18. Reporting the same issue...
  19. So I guess no hotfix for the viggen this week.
  20. Heatblur, any idea when we will get this fix? Viggen is unplayable.
  21. Changing them to parking spot 4 didn't help for me. This is a new mission.
  22. I created this little mission here (f14 vs f5), I would say DCS crashes 50% of the time while playing this mission. I don't get any crash logs > After trying a couple more times, it seems to crash when jester identifies the target as an F5 around 9.7nm. It seems to happen when I have locked the target up. You don't even need to have any weapons selected. I locked the target up with the horizontal scan mode. training.miz
  23. Yep, I must have pressed it by mistake. Wasn't aware of such a function. Thanks again
  24. Ill give it a try, thanks :)
  25. After a while I noticed that the mirrors stopped reflecting anything and got stuck. I was flying over water, and there was nothing behind me except more water.
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