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Everything posted by WRFirefox

  1. Wenn du am Notebook einen ordentlichen HOTAS am Laufen hast, sollte es gut funktionieren:smilewink: ansonsten könnte es sehr "frickelig" werden....
  2. or wait for datalink and set a mark to the red dot, change to mark at CDU - SPI - TGP - and blow it away.....
  3. :noexpression:....ok! ertappt! ich war es!:(
  4. Mission works fine! I put the Heli WP next to target....
  5. ....make the WP next to target and the Heli should be immortal:smilewink:
  6. Helicopters works fine as AFAC! If the Heli is in visible range to the target, it has no problem for the "9-line".....
  7. Sobek DANKE!!!!!:doh: Es funktioniert :thumbup: Dann werde ich mich jetzt mal an das Betanken in der Luft ran machen - am besten ich nehme keine Waffen mit, da ich sehr ungeduldig bin und schon ein paar Mal den Tanker aus Frust wegen eigenem Unvermoegen abgeschossen habe.....:music_whistling:
  8. das Prozedere kenne ich von den anderen CBU und das funktioniert auch - nur hier kommt weder der kleine Kreis nach unten noch laeuft der Countdown ab.
  9. Erhalte bei dem Abwurfversuch einer CBU 103 immer ein HUNG STORE - Andere Bomben kann ich sehr wohl ueber CCRP ohne Probleme abwerfen. Hier die Vorgehensweise: - Ziel lokalisieren - Ziel als TGP auswaehlen - CCRP aufrufen - Warten bis ich im Abwurffeld (zwischen den 2 Dreiecken im Hud-Circle) MAN REL erscheint - Release druecken HUNG STORE!:mad: Was mache ich falsch?:music_whistling:
  10. I will have a look on it - DONE! You have to add some points to Advanced (Waypoint Actions): - Perform Task: "FAC - Assign Group" - Target Group: "New Vehicle Group" - Weapon: ??? if you want - Perform Command: "Set frequency" Then it should work for first:smilewink:
  11. ....yes!!!:thumbup: i want a Map of Switzerland! And the Mission is to defend the CHEESE-Production against the Austria Invaders. A real CAS (Cheese At Switzerland) Mission!:pilotfly: Im ready to help from Germany!!!!;)
  12. :no:Libya - NO!!! The cause is simple - there is momentary no operational area for the A-10. If DCS have the F-15E, F-16 or F-18 simulatet - then maybe. But in the momentary situation for me NOOOO!!!!
  13. I dont think its a main problem of DCS - maybe the server of the host is to slow :smilewink:
  14. in ME you can choice the Weapon to the FAC (2.1 Guided Bombs) in the Advanced (Waypoint Action). Then it will buddy lasing the Target, if there is visual contact to the target by the FAC.
  15. There are only 4 Zones (35T, 36T, 37T, 38T) in the momentary flyable Map. So it is simple to take a look before flight, if you have to go in a new grid zone. Than you know that you have to change it in the CDU. Take a look at this.
  16. ...it is under the point "2.1. Guided Bombs" in the "weapon" folder at "FAC-Assign Group":smilewink:... im learning sooooo fast:megalol:
  17. Now i know how it works - but all the time in my mission the JTAC was not in Laser-Position to the target - so it cant mark the target:doh: - now im ordering an AFAC Tornado and every thing is fine:smartass: Thanks for the HELP!!!!:thumbup::pilotfly:
  18. Now i only have to find out what i have to do in the ME to make the JTAC buddylasing a target - im so terrible stupid:music_whistling:
  19. Abort, Abort, Abort - i dont know why, but this Number (1687) dosen t work - with other codes it works fine - THX a lot! Now im happy!
  20. Thanks!!!!:thumbup: Now im in the inventory page, but there is still the next prob:noexpression: Im trying to change the code in 1687, so i put it in the UFC and want to enter it at the Laser code OSB - and i can just read "CICU input error" - some ideas?:noexpression:
  21. DSMS inventory page??? im total confused - please explain it in steps- THANKS!
  22. Im in the weapon profile of the GBU 12 und enter the new code in the UFC - but wich OSB puts it in the Bomb?:huh:
  23. how can i change the Laser code in the DSMS?
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