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Everything posted by 6Gun

  1. @revelation They want us to click the “buy now” button and keep changing things last second. Im glad I read the features list again and the date is changed to Friday. Is it too much to ask that they maybe settle on some decisions (like the features list) or are you just stuck on being a fan boi that much?
  2. Cant get the date right and the features list keeps changing. Yeah let me head over to that pre-purchase button. ????
  3. 6Gun

    T Shirts

    They send an email when its shipped?
  4. I used the camera positions to save a cockpit angle where I wanted it. Havent seen a seat height control.
  5. Is it after this update that came out today?
  6. Im rebuilding a simpit. Want to turn the volume controls into an axis for all of the different dials for volume in the cockpit. Is there a way to do that?
  7. Not trying to put HB on the spot. Just wondering if theres any word on them shipping out is all.
  8. I would take a week off to switch out the "avionics" in the simpit for a 14-D, with a big smile on my face.
  9. Was a great few weeks in 3 screen mode. Thanks ED. Great job. :thumbup:
  10. Works for my modules and the editor. Thanks ED!
  11. HB is the last developer I will spend money on for a pre-purchase. Other devs have ruined some trust for that to continue. HB postponed this release last year, but for very good reasons and didn't take a dime from anyone when it happened. I have faith in them. My faith in them is based on the decision to NOT release last year and how they handled themselves by telling everyone about that. They have a very iconic plane to release. I do not envy them one bit. The following for the 14 is borderline cultish. They have to get it right and make that first impression with this community on that plane. A community filled with fanbois and sarcastic customers. They are also doing this work in between the other jobs they have. yeah, it's not like they have all day to just put 0's and 1's in the right spots. Didn't know about that until I listened to the interview they did with the podcaster. Some of them have other obligations as well. I can't wait for the 14 to be released. It's my favorite jet. I want them to get it right. Im as impatient as the next guy but they aren't just launching a module. They are launching their entire company and reputation ON this module. The more details they throw at his module is one more thing that will make it better than the next module. That's got to be a lot of pressure. They hired an 80's band to do a sound track! Think about that a sec. There's a band out there that was writing music for this shit. The only thing that can top that is the idiots who decide to make a 16 for DCS. that crowd will be making pitch forks and torches as those devs make the plane. It still wont be as cool as the 14 (just kidding my fellow nerds). You want to see some people bitch over a module, wait until that thing rears it's ugly head. By then, HB should be opening a bottle of champagne on the release of their next module. It's Christmas, calm down and get your shopping done and get ready for New Years as well! Keep plugging away HB. Make mine with that new car smell if you can. Holy crap this was long.
  12. Sent in a trouble ticket pointing at this thread as well. Was told the following "there is 15 threads (fifteen threads!) in your link. Please keep rule: one issue- one ticket." This entire thread is on the same problem. It's pretty simple. I even gave a description of the problem in the ticket. It's like they're more upset you have a problem than to try and fix the problem. Now we will pause for a few words from the fanbois.
  13. @Cobra Is that a guy that works for ED? Do you?
  14. I guess we need neon signs for them to weigh in on this one.
  15. No luck here fixing it. Anyone from ED have a fix for this PLEASE?
  16. I have the exact same problem. It was fixed a few updates ago but keeps coming back.
  17. Was wondering if the controls to switches will act like them if they are bound to say a Leo Bodnar or Arduino board? An example would be if you flip the switch on and then off on the switch that is attached to a board, will the switch in the Tomcat turn on then off?
  18. Ive been playing a lot on the Caucus map and im just wondering if the F14 will fit in the hangers of the different airfields like Sochi? Its a pretty big plane compared to some of the other modules we have.
  19. I dont know if this was asked for in the past, but here goes. In the F10 map I would like to be able to highlight different friendly icons with different colors as well as different icons. Say all attack planes blue, all fighters, orange, all friends in my squad green, all enemy planes some different colors as well. The icons could be different aircraft, they can even be different card symbols like heart, spades, diamond, or clubs as an example. Not looking for a slew of emojis but something that could make it a little easier when using the F10 map to see who is who quickly. 6Gun
  20. I figured it out for the weapons. I had to bind the trigger second detent for the gun. That fixed everything. The weapons release button wasn't doing it though.
  21. Updated on 20July and after repair of the update and rebinding keys no weapons will fire. Master Arm ON, radar on, AA and tried in AG as well. No guns no missiles leave the rail. Tried binding a new weapons release to other controls and buttons as well. Nothing seems to work.
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