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Everything posted by Corrigan

  1. Thanks buddy, I'll give it a try once I switch to Russian from English (when I get orientated), if LS haven't fixed it already by then.
  2. So something has happened in the last few builds, and performance was higher in the promo versions of the past weeks, or?
  3. It's hard to draw conclusions from that since you don't know what scripts the server is running, what people are doing etc. If it's a rendering problem which I imagine it is, there shouldn't be any important differences between MP and SP.
  4. Same here, but for both MP and SP.
  5. There are separate up and down binds.
  6. Pretty sure that's a mistake. There's no mention of beta status in any of LS's release statements, etc.
  7. I agree, the situation was getting quite Bazar.
  8. I'm gonna write LS a letter asking for $2.5 of those $5.
  9. One of my MA buddies reported that rebooting helped him in the fps department. Something worth trying, perhaps. I agree emphatically with the bold part. Very impressed and happy with how LS has handled everything so far.
  10. So it seems alt-C -> alt-shift-C, and all is well?
  11. There's a bugs subforum on its way, that should do us nicely.
  12. Sounds very, very good. Almost more jazzed about flying the fixed Sabre than the MiG-21. :D Also, the machine gun sounds are fixed it seems.
  13. ^ Yeah, this is a good idea.
  14. Based on the specs in my sig, would I see a good return on upgrading graphics card? I have 1.5 MB VRAM, a bit on the low side perhaps? Any pointers, Cobra?
  15. The groud textures obviously don't have anything to do with the MiG. I have no problem seeing my wings.
  16. I'd love this too, it's how I fly the Russian aircraft. Could this be sorted out? Hopefully it's a quick job since all the tooltips already exist for the English version.
  17. I put 4 MiG-21s on Batumi, and zoomed the view out. Results posted below. I have 28 fps in the close view and 26 in the far view, so I keep the low framrate a LONG way out, suggesting the full models are being drawn all the way out. Other than this small niggle, my first impressions are very good! Amazing aircraft.
  18. Did you patch DCS? It is out.
  19. In other news, I (and several buddies) can confirm that we have both the patch and the MiG-21 installed and working. I didn't get the automatic patch, so I had to run the updater.
  20. Don't worry buddy, the panicked portion of us is a small majority, I dare say. We've waited years, we can wait the last few hours too.
  21. I'd also love to hear about any fixes not included in the log.
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