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Everything posted by HocusPocus

  1. :thumbup: really love the su25. Nice video!
  2. Thanks Pacman, this is an excellent refresher, and i'm sure an invaluable aid for any beginner! Your way of presenting the pros and cons, and also the order in which you decided to present the stuff is just right i think. Makes the video fluid...
  3. Thanks a lot Jabbers, nice refresher about waypoints navigation. Course setting is not exclusive to tacan!
  4. Ok, I see no reply so bumping this thread. That may not be a mission editor issue but a game engine issue. Mods please move the thread if this is confirmed. For me, the winds and somewhat the rain are correctly depicted when flying a mission. However changing the clouds height or density will not. I will see the correct cloud altitude displayed on the briefing (alt B) but the visual representation in game will always be moderate number of clouds at 3000m... Feedbacks?
  5. It just happened to me on my first attempt on a MP server, was refueling and right when I was expecting the basket to disconnect it froze. Had to reboot to recover... So too early to draw conclusions as piston85 reports this issue on sp... for me so far only mp...
  6. For the OP and Piston85, do you only experience that in MP? I have not a single hickup while doing aar in singleplayer, s3 or kc130, multiple refuels on the same flight. Not tested that in mp yet, so wondering what your conditions were...
  7. Any of you know what's the vertical coverage of the rwr? Is it +/-45 degrees like in the f15c?
  8. Yes just found out the same info in the bugs subforum and that clears the question. Missing step in checklist. Thanks!
  9. Yep, same thing for me. Theres another thread about that ins-att on the main f18c forum, another guy reporting the same as well. For now leaving att source on auto works fine for me and no message displayed.
  10. I've also experienced that after cold starts. After alignment done and finishing the last checklist steps: switching attitude source to stanby and i got ins-att. Switching back to auto and it was gone. No impact on flight/nav... Anybody else? I may miss something important there but I really can't think of what it could be... as alignment completed and rotary set to nav.
  11. On the f18 you can use the tdc to change the range, and I think you can even change some other parameters using the tdc cursor like mode or number of bars, though none of that has been medelled in this first EA.
  12. HocusPocus

    ADF issues

    I think that com1/com2 are uhf and vhf only, so I don't believe you can tune NDB frequencies (khz range). To be confirmed though...
  13. Very interesting stuff, thanks! I like the "we can run into problems if..." part, meaning that personally I'll stick with the natops recommendations :D
  14. From the natops aerobraking is not recommended, and this explanation may explain the behavior you experience? Open question... Track down the runway centerline using rudder pedals to steer the aircraft. Aerodynamic braking is not recommended. Getting the nosewheel on the ground and use of aft stick (programmed in by light braking and slowly pulling the stick aft after touchdown so only the minimum required distance to command full aft stabilator deflection by 100 knots) provides faster deceleration from the stabilators and more directional control with use of the NWS.
  15. Curious as well...
  16. If the only plane you're interested in is the f15, then no, fc3 does not add any value on top of the standalone module. If you want to discover the strength/weakness of all of the other included planes, then it's a great value! Just fly the su27 for a while to know your opponent, that will make you more dangerous as a f15c driver :smilewink:
  17. (upd1) - from yesterday... Two-ship su33 (me + one AI) on a single a player refuel mission. After my refueling is complete, and I got disconnected from the IL78 tanker, I order the wingman to refuel. Couple of seconds then crash. logs attached. dcs.log-20180512-091306.zip
  18. Bonjour, Les tueurs de chars volent aussi beaucoup sur Huey: http://tueurdechars.xooit.be/portal.php Initialement principalement orientée a10c et ka50, beaucoup de pilotes volent maintenant aussi sur le huey et les missions multi sont fréquentes. (missions faites maison, coop entre a10/su25 et les hueys, etc.) Escadrille franco-belge avec super ambiance, et peu de contraintes :)
  19. wow, I'm seriously interested! that's really cool to spend time helping other pilots ! :thumbup: with such sessions you will attract even more people on the server and as we get more skilled why not organize air shows? ok, let's see first sessions results :D
  20. Minor issue, but this just broke with 1.2.4 so i report it: The hydrolics indicators remain at zero in the su27. This is a bit scary when you look down and think you have lost all hydro :smilewink: Also, after shutting down the engines on the ground, the red 'hydro' warning light does not light up as it was on previous releases... it does however when you loose both engines in flight.
  21. yes, now you can even check if your nav lights are off after fence in :) ok, using trackIR to move my head forward a bit before looking back...
  22. Thanks kuky, was not working for me either... got the fix now :thumbup: btw: this su25 cockpit is awesome!
  23. Yes, it's sometimes crowded around Sochi, and this is part of the fun :thumbup: Many thanks to Rock and pman, love this server!
  24. he wants to change the default value so it's not necessary to update it in the inventory page each time. I'm interested as well as I'm using 500 most of the time, I would set it as the default...
  25. no, this has not been announced, so i doubt it's in the plans. remember that the 25T is not fc3, it's a free aircraft... :( but even the su33 will not be upgraded to 6dof if my understanding is correct...
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