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About saburo_cz

  • Birthday 02/25/2020

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  • Flight Simulators
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  • Interests
    WW II planes

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  1. Then why is possible to do such step twice and after that it will get stuck? This was the question..
  2. @NineLine It is this post : It is about fire rockets in order via manual Rocket counter. You can do it twice, third setting then will not fire any rockets remain on plane. System gets stuck forever.
  3. From the first post: "The map is based on painstakingly researched documents, photos, and accounts of the Mariana Islands in the summer of 1944, at the time of the Battle of the Marianas between the United States and Imperial Japan." So, no bases for the B-29.
  4. The Mustangs from 7th AF at Iwo used often this pattern, for instance.
  5. You have switch Off the booster pump.
  6. It means this For these routes
  7. The Jumo 213A das not have variable speed supercharger. It has two speeds with low and high gear. A swirl throttle is on picture, not cooling fan or impeller.
  8. Reported long time ago, no response... EDIT Just to be clear, do you set the rocket counter to correct rocket number after fire first salvo? If not, it is not bug in such case. But, I am able to fire 2 pairs (3 with 10 rockets loadouts) and then always the rockets stop. And that is bug...
  9. Could be accidentally set and activated "Throttle Control Lock" ? It is LCtrl + X by default.
  10. The boost pump rheostat does not work as it should. Reported long time ago, marked as a bug and locked. Then ignored, as others...
  11. The Spitfire with clipped wings has few mission on The Cannel, PG and Caucasus maps. Not all of them. The rest of them must be opened in mission editor and change plane to fly with the "CW" Spitfire.
  12. In DCS Spitfire. Internal fuel weight is 247kgs, it is 2,905kgs per gallon. If i add external fuel tank, no matter which one, fuel weight is 370 kgs, then it is 2,85 kgs per gallon. Yes, when i add external fuel, weight per gallon goes down. It shoud not...
  13. Propeller control should have only one way lock.
  14. It is still old K-4 model with its inaccurate engine cowling shape.
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