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  1. This is an amazing idea, and it looks gorgeous! Kudos for all the work guys!
  2. I haven't been here for ages, but I had to dig up my account for this. Man, the work you guys are doing is tremendous, and is accordingly appreciated. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. When the 21 came out, I bought it to show support for the team, even though I knew I wouldn't be flying it, just because the detail and quality of the module was making the dreaming little child in me happy. It was what I innocently believed all DCS modules would be like when ED started third party. Then it came out, I hopped in, and it was above these crazy expectations. Truly impressive. What you guys are doing is incredible on so many different levels, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to realize this. I'm so sorry managing the community turned out to be yet another very hard challenge instead of being an encouragement on the road to delivering the Tomcat. With the holidays around the corner, it's time for friends, family, and doing whatever makes you happy. Please don't feel pressured into delivering. You don't owe "us" anything. I know what quality I can expect from the team, and that's all I'm counting on. 2020? So be it. This isn't worth burning yourselves out. I wish you and all the team all the best, and a peaceful holiday!
  3. Thanks guys! Turns out the error was in `\MissionEditor\modules\me_authorization.lua`, it's been updated recently and my template was out of date. My bad !
  4. I'm actively using it in a little Discord bot we're using to control our server, and it seems not to be working as intended anymore (DCS simply hangs at the welcome screen). That being said, I just came back from a long work period, hence my asking. I'm in the process of fixing things left and right, and a lot of stuff has changed while I was away. @DanielNL I agree with you when you say Ciri is an awesome guy =)
  5. Hey guys! Does this still work in the latest OB patch?
  6. Thank you for your reply!
  7. I found this at the end of mods/aicraft/AV8BNA/Options/optionsDb.lua: return { CPLocalList = tblCPLocalList["M-2000C-CPT"], PPA_TOTPAR = DbOption.new():setValue(false):checkbox(), UNI_ALIGNED = DbOption.new():setValue(false):checkbox(), UNI_NODRIFT = DbOption.new():setValue(false):checkbox(), } I may be sorely mistaken, but it seems like a leftover from the M-2000C port. Kudos on a beautiful module guys ! :thumbup:
  8. The mission was an whole bunch of fun, thank you very much FlightControl ! Moose is a truly amazing addition to DCS, with endless possibilities and an outstanding reliability, it's a god-send for mission designers. Let me know whenever you need more testing, I had a blast =)
  9. Your work is amazing, Capt, thank you so much for your time :beer: A line from default.lua looks like this: {down = device_commands.Button_14, cockpit_device_id = devices.UV_26, value_down = -1.0, name = _('UV-26 Change dispensing board Left-Both'), category = _('Ins Countermeasures dispensers UV-26')}, Once you have the correct device_command and device ID, all you need to do is add the values. "Name" is the name you'll see in the DCS controls options, and "Category" refers to the dropdown menu of the same page. Both can be customized at will. You can also assign multiple values to the same DX button: (this example from Ka50) { down = 3002, up = 3002, cockpit_device_id = 50, value_down = 0.11, value_up = 0, name = "CUSTOM_NWAY: SPU-9 Radio communicator selector_value0.11", category = "CUSTOM_SPU_9"},
  10. Glad to hear from you Milan, I hope you're well =)
  11. You can use the "ModelViewer.exe" that is present in the "/bin" directory of your DCS installation. Create a shortcut pointing to it and make sure to set the working folder to the root of your dcs install (remove the "/bin" part). If you're working on a skin, and would like to load it upon starting the model viewer, you can use the "/Config/ModelViewer/autoexec.lua" file to do so.
  12. There's also the script-logic used by CTTS. It's accessible through unit names, or function calls. It basically does the exact same thing: set the frequency, send, wait a bit then loop again, without setting dozens of flags in the ME.
  13. The sun goes down upon the Ankh, And slowly, softly fades - Across the Drum; the Royal Bank; The River-Gate; the Shades. A stony circle's closed to elves; And here, where lines are blurred, Between the stacks of books on shelves, A quiet 'Ook' is heard. A copper steps the city-street On paths he's often passed; The final march; the final beat; The time to rest at last. He gives his badge a final shine, And sadly shakes his head - While Granny lies beneath a sign That says: 'I aten't dead.' The Luggage shifts in sleep and dreams; It's now. The time's at hand. For where it's always night, it seems, A timer clears of sand. And so it is that Death arrives, When all the time has gone... But dreams endure, and hope survives, And Discworld carries on. A poem by /u/Poem_for_your_sprog
  14. Thank you very much, this will prove most helpful. Impressive analysis !
  15. Another solution is to include a dummy script file in the mission that only does: dofile("path/to/my-script.lua") Now you can work on "my-script.lua", and have it automatically reloaded whenever the mission starts. Upon release, all that's left to do is to include the actual "my-script.lua" in the mission via the ME.
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