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Everything posted by DenimTrigue

  1. Just quick question. I do apologize if already was addressed but i didn't find answer here (wasn't really keen on going through 124 pages ...). I'm thinking about getting VIVE for DCS but I'm not really interested in any kind of 'controllers' usage that comes with set or any other VR experience that you could do in your room. Can you just use headset itself (plug it and use it) or do you have to set all those cameras around room etc? Regards
  2. Good watch. Very interesting, thanks for posting!
  3. [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqRLDr03XQ4[/ame]
  4. Personally don't mind. As long as it will be stated what's working, whats not, things that being refined etc etc. People will be able to decide if it will be enough to get them on board or not. If it will be stated only that's 'early access', well probably I will look it up on youtube as definitely someone will give a go and decide based on that.
  5. love the mig cockpit we're almost there
  6. high blood pressure - check new track ir coming tommorow - check call in work sick - check hell, i'm ready big thanks to ED team!
  7. 6pack of redbull and a drip on me
  8. pre-ordered
  9. any idea if with DCS 1.5 except new engine any outstanding fixes/improvements will be dropped with it? i know that some of them were waiting for EDGE to be released first
  10. grabbed C-101 Aviojet still don't have much time lately to even take for a spin modules from previous sale ...
  11. k, just quick one. want to get my hands on w10pro, but it shows on m$ site that's £189 in uk and $199 in states. Ok, is there anything that could stop me/issues from buying in dollars and be used in uk? I can do the math ...
  12. Little bit of my recent experience, don't know if it will help but here we go... In last couple of weeks DCS was just completely shutting my pc down. Now i knew that was power issue with gfx, but couldn't work it out why only on DCS was the problem. I put my pc under heavy load with ARMA 3 on maxed out setting to see it performance. Now my gtx 580 was under 100% load but temperature was around 90c steady, I was getting fps issues but game run fine. DCS on the other hand regardless of video settings was cooking my gpu under 5 minutes till it force shut down. Didn't really understand why my card was running BBQ when work load was under 60% (lowest possible setting or everything maxed out) with fps going around 90 or capped at 60. It just kept powering down. Now the only hardware change that I did in last few months was getting USB card extension. I checked again if my psu can take on all components ( http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp ) and I decided to remove it and see if it will change things. I've opened my pc and BANG! Noticed that there is small amount of dust on card radiator, nothing big but decided to get this sorted. Put card back, boot it up, started DCS and no crashes. Under 85c temps rock steady. To be honest i couldn't really believe that bit dusty card was getting molested by DCS (and i mean bit dusty, not clogged up like it was doing all hovering in house past 6 months). Check if you PSU can run all you got inside. Check four individual components failures (remove them and try running DCS) Check your streaming options, overlays (even on other software you run), capture source (make sure that's its set to monitor 1 and not window). Also try running DCS before you will fire up OBS. dunno It might be many things ...
  13. yup ... good play by wags. to be honest didn't noticed at first time. he cracked a smile on my face [;
  14. great article. fantastic montage.
  15. yup. in work ... :doh: will stream be uploaded afterwards on YT?
  16. nice one! i feel like kid just before x-mass.
  17. damn, wish to be there. not far away form where i live but was supposed to be working this weekend. definitely next time
  18. quick question. by any chance do you have x55?
  19. yeah, noticed that ... sabre and mustang just got adopted. don't really have time at this moment to get my head around all those aircraft. damn ...
  20. some slow plane with good visibility across map (no specific parts). maybe some 'cheat code' to see theater in both day and night (change of weather if possible?).
  21. right, just checked again, mig 15 came back in cart on proper price, mig21 didn't at first. now it's all nice and dandy. don't know if it fixed it self or someone had a quick look for me don there. Big Thanks just in case! oh yeah, btw: if someone didn't noticed, sale got bit better. some of the modules are even 75% off right now.
  22. hi just wanted to get couple of modules from summer sale, but when i put them in shopping basket they show as full price and not discount, same on checkout. do i do something wrong? is there 'special' way to do it?
  23. ok, quick update i just went to controls setup and deleted all axis and redone them. not only thrust was set on both joystick and throttle, but also after deleting just joystick column thrust was still connected to your stick X and Y axis. just delete them all and redo the manually your self. everything is perfect.
  24. hi guys i just got my x55 delivered couple day ago and my usb hub also came today. I did get 'ghost' problem after first setting up x55 but after connecting it to us hub ... problem did not go. I did look on different forums and i was under strong impression that getting pcie card with usb ports will sort this issue but 'no go' for me. any additional ideas? regards
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