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Everything posted by SolUniverse

  1. How is this running 3 dedicated servers on one machine? I have my -w {servername} option set per server so its not saving the liberationsave in the proper directory. Can I specify a savegame folder?
  2. I do and will try this fix thanks.
  3. Hey Cribbob. I have an issue in the f18 only when someone talks to me the volume starts getting louder for 1 second and ends in static.. f14 doesnt seem to do this.. if you never heard of it I can record some audio that might help explain the suituation.
  4. when you connect via lan in multiplayer menu top right you will see "connect via IP" make sure you put in port: ie: does it show up when you open the gui? C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\WebGUI\index.html default port for servergui is 8088 (not the port your server is running on)
  5. Try to delete the server folder in saved games and try again.. default port should be 8088 or just create an autoexec.cfg in savedgames\{servername}\Config\ options.graphics.fullScreen = false options.graphics.render3D = false webgui_port = 8088 net.name = "Serverplayername"
  6. doesnt mean its not running.. goto https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com login then goto profile on the left you will see "Game servers" Click on "my servers" if you see it there its good.. just connect to the server locally via its internal lan IP
  7. Make sure your ports are open and forwarded to your server. TCP/UDP (*both protocols) 10308
  8. all you will see is the Dcs logo.. goto C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\WebGUI\ double click the index.html and should load in your default webbrowser Id way a few min for the server to load up but still see a page with Webport on it. Make sure your webport matches that of your webport in your config if you changed it.
  9. You dont need -w {servername} unless you plan on running more than one server. since you ran it DCS is now looking at configs in C:\Users\{username}\Saved Games\servername\Config the -w created a new folder in savedgames called "servername" with server info in that new folder. once you run the commandline "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender dcs will ask you to login then goto: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\WebGUI\index.html
  10. use the C:\Program Files\DCS-SimpleRadio-Standalone\DCS-SRS-AutoConnectGameGUI.lua and copy that into C:\Users\August Young\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts make sure your ports are forwarded and firewall open
  11. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3874621#post3874621 should run fine on a laptop
  12. I have 3 servers running on same pc that is a virtual machine... https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3874621#post3874621
  13. Any way to change the volume of the "Suppress Speech on Init" or "speech enable on aircraft cycle" ?
  14. any chance you can add "no menus" to a hot key? The menus are a constant issue with using any radios on all planes. .seems only the f14 can disable menus when using SRS.. F18 is another story. I still need to access the F10 menu and dont see an easy way of having the best of both worlds.
  15. Wish they would let the fans help out recreating the textures/sounds, outsource that stuff!.
  16. you have an error.. should be under :local res = net.start_server(s) --log.write('WebGUI', log.DEBUG, 'Server settings:', s) local res = net.start_server(s) net.set_name("JDF-Flighter")
  17. Run your server via command line with -w {servername} IE: "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender -w {MYSERVERNAME} Then in your Saved games you will see a new folder called "{MYSERVERNAME}" There you can copy your old server folder with all settings/missions etc that is probably named: "DCS.openbeta" or "DCS" in each savedgames/{MYSERVERNAME}/config/ add a file if not already there called: autoexec.cfg there you can specify per server what the GUI port is: webgui_port = 8088 in savedgames/{MYSERVERNAME}/config/ change: serversettings.lua line 44: ["port"] = 10308, to something different per server too. ie: SERVER1: (Run from command line) "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender -w server1 savedgames/server1/config/ Create or Edit: autoexec.cfg webgui_port = 8088 savedgames/server1/config/ Edit: serversettings.lua line 44: ["port"] = 10308, SERVER2: (Run from command line) "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender -w server2 savedgames/server2/config/ Create or Edit: autoexec.cfg webgui_port = 8089 savedgames/server2/config/ Edit: serversettings.lua line 44: ["port"] = 10310, you will have to open these new ports in your firewall and also forward them from your router. GL! Port fowarding from external ip X.x.x.X to local DCS server: ie: ---> (your dcs server) server1: TCP/UDP (*both protocols) 10308 TCP 8088 server2: TCP/UDP (*both protocols) 10310 TCP 8089
  18. How can you get Jester to use the map markers using AIRIO? I do not see that in the list of commands.
  19. First page could be this for quick reference: These are all the commands to bring up the menu for additional commands. prob easier to learn in game: RIO OPTIONS: (JESTER) Scan Range Scan Azimuth Scan Elevation Track Single Select Stores Set Fuse Set Ripple Quanity Set Ripple Time Set Ripple Distance Select Stations Radio Mode Link Mode Link Host Navigate Restore Tacan Mode TACAN Ground Station TACAN Tune Countermeasures Mode Flares Mode Chaff Program Display Dispense Order Flares Program (ICEMAN) Set Altitude Change Altitude Change Speed Set Heading Turn
  20. Auto start is a server setting, if the server didnt set it up it will not auto connect. Try 107th they have auto start on.
  21. Most of those servers are not using Easy comms so you will have to tune your radios to same frequency.
  22. Heres a little cheat sheat for RIO (JESTER/ICEMAN): Sometimes its a pain to learn the options what to say but Vaicom has a pull up list for (show options) yall already know but here are each (show options) for all root commands: RIO OPTIONS: (JESTER) Scan Range Scan Azimuth Scan Elevation Track Single Select Stores Set Fuse Set Ripple Quanity Set Ripple Time Set Ripple Distance Select Stations Radio Mode Link Mode Link Host Navigate Restore Tacan Mode TACAN Ground Station TACAN Tune Countermeasures Mode Flares Mode Chaff Program Display Dispense Order Flares Program (ICEMAN) Set Altitude Change Altitude Change Speed Set Heading Turn
  23. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/136413/ https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=82161
  24. Been doing some troubleshooting because I have been having issues with Windows 10 not removing the Throttle and Joystick when I run my CTS profile. What I found out if I run cts profile as soon as Windoze boots up it will always remove the devices and create the one virtual device. If i wait and windows boots up fully it will not remove the devices and leave them as game controllers. Maybe its a service that is mucking with the Target software. So for now everytime I want to use profile I just logoff .. log back in and run the CTS shortcut I made as soon as I get a desktop screen and it works like a charm and not to mention it doesnt take 1 min or so to connect and setup my Virtual stick.. its like super fast to make the virtual controller and removes the standard devices as it should. Tried putting the shortcut in "startup" but it doesnt seem to work yet.. might try a batch file next.
  25. Another issue I seem to have from time to time if CTS/TARGET profile is running and close the script it will mute my discord and the only way to get it back on is to run the cts profile again its like its locked down. I do have mapped my mic switches to mute discord when I am using in games comms.
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