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Everything posted by Nooch

  1. I've tried it and it didn't work. The modules represent a huge download for me. It's not the aircraft but the maps... the maps are huge. I can only use 4G with a limited data plan as my adsl connection is just way too slow
  2. Is there a way to trick the sim into thinking the modules are installed? I would just need to drag and drop the files and boom problem solved.
  3. I've got two files, one normal and one labeled old. Not sure I understand the process you described.. I believe it aims at installing the entirety of DCS but I just need to install some modules only. autoupdate_log.txt autoupdate_log_old.txt
  4. DCS is not aware that the modules are already on my drive and when I'm making a repair it just wants to download everything.
  5. I have installed DCS on my new PC and in order to avoid re-downloading all the modules I've made a backup to install things from it. The thing is, I can't make it work. I've tried several things already (putting my files directly where they should belong in the DCS folder, also tried the .downloads folder...) and I can't make it work. Any help would be very much appreciated!
  6. Let's not forget the ATFLIR also.
  7. I'm pretty sure the circa 2004 Hornet Lot 20 that we have isn't compatible with the sniper pod... but hey feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Nooch


    It's to match the aesthetics of a real aircraft in a training sortie. Pretty simple. Sure, having blue ordnance is not an absolute need here in DCS and we can do without it. But ideally it would be nice to have. But again, I understand your point. It can seem strange, especially for a retired fighter pilot, to want to not shoot down anything in a sim...
  9. For me, inputing wind data made impact point calculations completely off.
  10. Probably a young dude who is new to all this. We have to expect this kind of thread to happen from time to time.
  11. Again for 10th time, this is why I just want to tone it down, not disable it LMAO
  12. If they don't want to implement it then that's their choice. I'm well aware I can't push anything... I just saw a few people not understanding the request that's all.
  13. You didn't read carefully. The subject has already been covered. The fact that the airplane is vibrating is realistic but the way it is visually modeled here in the sim isn't. It's just way overboard in amplitude and looks more like an earthquake than something you would find in a real cockpit. It's a similar thing with the overamplified cockpit switch sounds. Heatblur like to exagerate feedback items to make sure they are easily noticed when flying. Some people may argue it makes things more convenient and more immersive, but it surely doesn't make them more realistic.
  14. As far as I know, missile performance is based on a .lua file independant of the aircraft you are launching from. So there shouldn't be any difference between the F-15C's aim-120 and the F/A-18's aim-120.
  15. That's a valid concern but it's really not Hornet specific.
  16. This is out of topic. Please feel free to create your own thread to discuss that.
  17. Hi, I've noticed this little clipping problem. Thanks for taking a look.
  18. Let's stop making things more complicated for no reason please. A client side slider option would already be more than enough.
  19. It's great you have money to throw but quite frankly if you want to support DCS you can already do so by purchasing more modules. ED isn't a non profit organization, it's a business. They make money by selling products. Not by receiving donations. If you really want to make a donation there are plenty of humanitarian charity organizations that will make good use of your money.
  20. This is why we are asking for a slider. So that everyone can be happy. For those who won't touch the slider, the experience won't change.
  21. I would have to agree with Rudel. He didn't really cover it as a training aircraft in my opinion...
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