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Everything posted by snowsniper

  1. Must be hard to script in a mission the FX blood Effects like in your funny Vid :megalol:
  2. you need lilkki animals here ;) http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=143727
  3. quote : " I had to put in some bells and whistles as well" that make me think about my mi-8 mission http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/1429232/ :lol::lol::megalol::megalol::megalol::megalol::megalol: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2405165&postcount=22 a gay in comment said : quote : " There is also this horrible background cowbell noise constantly ringing which drives me crazy . " :megalol::megalol::megalol:
  4. :thumbup: Magnifique ! le son et le modèle extérieur de l'alphajet est tout à fait réaliste !
  5. Great ! thanks a lot. awesome August update in the early acces to discover now ;-) for all interrested Update 2 : " Update 2 focuses on mission parameter improvements, several fixes and refinements to damage caused by impact forces, and the addition of a preliminary Sleep/SAN (suspended animation) system. While sleeping, time is advanced rapidly (so far I’ve successfully tested as much as 24 hours in 6 seconds), thus allowing for VERY long trips. This functionality is critical to the campaign missions, some of which will be very great in distance. Celestial body rotation/translation is advanced, as is ship rotation/translation. Also, while the MES Flux Drive is “burning”, ship velocity will also be updated (MTS Boost accelerations are NOT YET updated). You’ll also notice many fixes and refinements based on player feedback. Finally, notice that the prototype FireArc is now fitted with a pair of missile launchers, each with a pair of simple, “dumb” missiles. Currently, the missile system is always enabled. As long as the weapons are armed, you can launch a missile. They currently will launch in sequence. There is no hit detection for them yet, so no damage will be caused. The critical goal was to get the launcher and missile systems, data structures and basic operation fleshed out. This work achieved that goal." http://imagespaceinc.com/rogsys/
  6. tiens salut Sunsky ! j'espère que tu vas bien. bon vols à vous deux . Je me joindrais avec plaisir à l'occasion donc n'hésites pas à m'envoyer un message mail perso si vous programmez une session, et que vous voulez bien être 3. ;-) à bientôt peut être. :thumbup:
  7. extreme mi-8 snowboarder Elbrus mission / mountain texture by Starway
  8. well, better to do public release, so everyone can use your good work and package. I hope my post have nothing to do with your mind so I prefer delete it
  9. First of all I was not a fan of your past work.( desert and vietnam mod I've tested and desinstalled) but I must admit that your Altitude Mountain textures are the BEST I've seen so far. reflectiv, nice rock textures, reflectiv snow ... so immersive to fly and perform over mountains like that ! :thumbup: I SIMPLY LOVE IT ! for the green zones and low green hill, I prefer Mustang's one + grass texture from T Jacob. ( for Heli flying. I find your green colour much too dark to be photorealistic (it's only my personnal taste.) So I will have to make a compil, with all the best of all greatest ground modders! !! Thanks again for your awesome mountain textures and the time you must have work on all that stuff. surely it will be in my favourite ground texture compil. @aceviper : What a nice mustang skin you have ;-) ;-)
  10. you have to tweak the ctts.lua yourself. easy to do, save it with another name, and reload that one in your mission : see here inside ctts.lua file : ************************************************************************ -- ********************* USER CONFIGURATION ****************************** -- ************************************************************************ minDistGround = 500 -- min distance needed to trigger auto unload for AI ground units defCargoNum = 10 -- default number of troops to load on a transport defCountSpawn = 10 -- default number of troops used on a standalone spawned group logisticItemModel = "FARP Tent" -- model used to spawn a logistic item just read it and tweak as you like ! :music_whistling:
  11. " I should have specified in the first post that helos are not really on my list just yet" well first of all, advice here are quite good. but I must say, I came in DCS with a stupid " warbird only" rule. now I have them all and quite happy with all. My most played and best loved module (best surprise) is now an Heli called Mi-8. but a bit hard to begin... so ... HAVE FUN !
  12. thanks matador. I'll give it a look . but i'm also a newbie in mission Editor and scripts so ... step after step. @Maverick : you're welcome.
  13. make a simple mission place a client HUEY rename it "Helicargo1" give him a flight plan with waypoint from batumi to kobuleti ( visible in kneeboard ) load the defaut start script with the CTTS script Use the script do " spawn fonction" in your mission to place 8 man on a trigger01 you should have put near a Waypoint for your flight plan ( the spawn fonction is a fonction from the CTTS script, everything described inside the text file of the ctts script file ( open it with a common text editor) That's all. fonction F10 with Drop and load troop will be available in the radio menu. the best way to learn is to try by yourself and try to anderstand an existing mission. Here you have a nice simple mission to anderstand all the fonction. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=108523 in attachment is the mission you wanted from batumi to kobuleti. simpledropmissionexample.miz
  14. sorry but it's working. main common issue : 1) take care you have the right CCTS script : File Type: zip CTTS_CiribobEdit.zip (38.6 KB, 112 views) http://forums.eagle.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=115066&d=1426616229 2) every heli (client) must be named helicargo1 helicargo2 helicargo3 to have the F10 fonction available. 3) use the Spawn fonction in CTTS to spawn troops somewhere. then you can load them and unload. here a mission for Huey and Mi-8.
  15. ambiant thank you once again Lilkiki You're mod is adding a great ambiant to my mountain Farp ! see here :
  16. ARK 9 is working in Khz not Mhz and don't need preset in Mission Editor you can use NDB/ VOR frequencies manually and the needle will show you the way. you'll find all NDB vor and airport frequencie on that map : http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/588673/ is 4900 khz or Mhz ? ark 9 is limited to 1290 khz tweak the mission for the stolen vehicle using AM Homing and not FM at frequency 1230 khz for example. that one explain how to use it : http://pt.slideshare.net/Strut1/mi8mtv-arc9-adf-how-to-use-it-37168975
  17. Hello, not exactly the same question but, as read above, you should be the one who would give me the easier way to do what I try to do. objective : turn a SP campaign into an MP COOP campaign. 1) adding another client is easy if he is attended to do just the "wingman" 2) turning the " player" into client is ok as the trigger and rules adapt automaticaly the new name instead " player" in the conditions and triggers. 3)but if I want other Coop to interact with the objectives and conditions : when I have a condition " unit alive "client1" with other AND conditions, I can't add OR unit alive "client 2" for each conditions ? Is there a way to have some ( client 1 OR client 2 ) AND XX AND XX AND XX. ? 4) instead if I use the " part of coalition in zone" every ground vehicule or infantery of the same colours will meet the trigger condition ON. 5) Is there a Way to make a " Group1" from "client 1 and client 2" or a group2 from " client1 or Client 2" wich could be called in a fonction like unit alive 'group 1' or maybe easier a thing like "client*" for all client 1 or client 2 ? 6) If I try to use flags to do so, it's begenning extremly difficult, isn't ? thanks for your help.
  18. How to place in a mission with ME, any DCS stock object ( logistic case , arms bombs ...) anyone ? like that for example :
  19. grass mod don't apply to Farp grass texture I love this grass mod in chopper.:thumbup: Make the ground texture very better from ground or low altitude with Mustang texture mod for example. 1) could it be possible to apply it to the default Farp grass texture ? is it possible in lua programming ? it seems it is applied on every ground texture except that one.:music_whistling: and optional, would love to have an "advanced farp Camp" on natural ground but with the "T" and all rearm and refuel radio features but with no elevation ( direct on natural ground ) with just canvas to delimitate the different areas for landing and parking. anyone could do that ? it's far away what i'm able to do myself. I could give a hand on textures work if necessary. cheers, keep on the good mods !
  20. dcs 2 screenshots from the Sabre, must probably use actual spec reflectiv file and not a special one. ? anyone could confirm ? so new renderer make it more reflectiv and more natural. recent skin with " reflectiv surfaces" with special Spec file, will probably be overdone for the new renderer, and will probably need some update.
  21. first have a look on this. First step to anderstand what you'll find inside http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=73311 probably the metal wire is broken here : have a look on it ? and see then on further investigations.... :(:music_whistling:
  22. when you rename a mission.miz with specific kneeboard in rar files you'll find inside a directory called kneeboard with all the .png in it. ( like mission TOOTALL for example, http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/431053/ don't know if you need a special script/code to add them or if it is automatic when such a directory is inside the miz file. don't think it's needed. I think DCS scan the miz file for such a directory and add them in game automaticly; try to create the specific directory in the directory structure of the unziped file , zip once again and rename .miz. give come back if it works like that.
  23. Thanks for the kind words ! merci pour les compliments ! here is the file ( download down page on second attemps, first one open a spam page) https://1fichier.com/?5a8sp91ya5
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