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Everything posted by zebra0312

  1. From the streams I was assuming the radar was the last big thing that was done, so I think its also the thing that will still get a lot of work done.
  2. At least in a different simulator it is indeed used as a kneeboard/navigation table. It would be cool to be used in the same function in DCS, especially because there already is a kneeboard function in the game anyway.
  3. The controls are really messed up rn. The gear control is missing too isnt it? At least i didnt find anything related to it.
  4. Noticed it too, would be nice if the developet could at least look at the bug reports once in a while so the module wont be absolutely broken in some time. Because the I-16 itself is a nice aircraft.
  5. If you wanna fly helicopters i would highly recommend it (for most planes in DCS its not really needed imo). Ive flown helis with a twist joystick for a long time and my hand and wrist was always in some awkward position that i could never leave because once i left the "pedals" doing their thing the heli goes everywhere except straight. Gets very annoying if you have to fly for an hour or more. With the pedals the helis feel more like a plane, far more stable, i just keep a little but more force on one pedal and the thing goes where i want without thinking or taking much care of it. And if i wanna turn a bit ill just use the pedals and it turns on a dime. Also the helicopter feels far more stable in flight, because its easy to make very small corrections. Imo for helis its the best buy you can make, flying with twist stick is very awkward and annoying, flying a helicopter with pedals on the other hand is really nice. I would guess though with the heavy and fast Mi-24 will be easier to fly with a twist stick than a light Huey.
  6. Imo it would be better though if you could just turn it on or off, like all the other unrealistic things like CCIP for example.
  7. That was definitely added later on (i think with the canopy rework?), so i guess it was intentional, although its imo a bit of a weird change, because why would you do that.
  8. Libyan MiG-21 :o
  9. There are some weird ones, slovenian flag also doesnt look quiet right.
  10. Cockpit itself is done but it needs to be implemented into the plane. And Dolphin is working on F4U rn because they have a contract with ED to deliver it. Also it doesnt make much sense to implement many new features now when the plane gets a new cockpit model anyway.
  11. For me it works without any problem, i only use the same "realistic" gear retraction method, but i don't use the keyboard commands. Normally I only had problems with it when I got fast, then it seems to be harder/unable to retract due to the speed.
  12. There is an auto-start and i don't understand how the landing gear handling is supposed to be more complicated than it already is. Whats unrealistic about it and where is it simplified?
  13. Yeah for that that its only one guy the I-16 and An-2 is amazing. Only thing i miss is that he doesnt seem very active here, only on FB. But im also pretty sure its not abandoned.
  14. Btw also no to F-14, i dont even like the idea of F-4E and MiG-23 on the server, maybe a mission with them and after that a mission without them, the MiG-21s and F-5s wont have any chance vs these planes.
  15. Oh, yes, thats possible. Sad that it never got updated, there is a huge amount different ones, but never any updated for 2.5.x. But I also think a skin contest is always a great idea, for every aircraft!
  16. There were some nice skins years ago but theyre all gone it seems. Or i dont find them anymore.
  17. Yeah, even the autopilot now has huge problems getting it into a level flight, its almost always overreacting and trims too far up or down.
  18. If I'm not mistaken the MiG-23MLA we get will be based on a Cuban MiG-23MLA, so just a regular "upgraded" ML with the option to upgrade it to the Iraqi MiG-23MLA with a SPO-15 instead of a SPO-10. So no dedicated export version like the two MLAE-2-versions that are more comparable to a MLD anyway. Sure the MLD was the "best" version, but i still don't get why people still have such a problem with it just getting the "2nd best version", i think its far better than getting nothing at all, its probably not very easy to get any access to a soviet MiG-23MLD. I thought that was pretty clear by now.
  19. Again has no real counterpart for mission building, a thing that developers should be far more interested in than just developing some new plane. For older timeframes we still didn't have many western counterparts to soviet MiGs, so that would be an idea, like a F-4, F-100, F-104 or F-105, there we only got the F-8J in development. On the other hand some older ground attack plane could be also interesting, but there we already have the A-7E now in development, maybe some eastern counterpart for that would be also interesting, like a Su-17/22, MiG-27 (both of them could also be used for fast SEAD with Kh-58U, thats maybe also interesting because the Su-25 isnt the best for that) or even a Q-5. Or, with more development, devlop something entirely new, a recon aircraft (the Viggen has some things that it can do in that role, so its possible) or a dedicated plane for electronic warfare. These things could be very interesting for missions.
  20. Found that from NineLine from one year ago, so at least the D9 and K4 get a new cockpit model at some point: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3644513&postcount=26 My assumption is that they wanna get the Damage model first released to get the P-47D out without having it to rework again right after that and after that we'll probably see some updates for the cockpits.
  21. After a restart even Windows Defender has a problem with it, if someone is surprised by not passing the Integrity Check next time.
  22. Found it, i hope it still works https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=257887
  23. I think there is a small mod out there where you can change coalitions after you started building the mission, its somewhere in the user files.
  24. Compared to the Anton it really looks dated now, but maybe a rework could be easier or more likely because the A-8 is out there? I hope we'll see some more development on all of these birds after the damage model is released and they can focus on different things.
  25. Die Performance ist eigenartig seit dem Update, wir haben zuerst eine Mission auf dem Persischen Golf gehostet, da waren die fps gar kein Problem, später dann auf Kaukasus, da waren die fps zumindest in Bodennähe wirklich spürbar schlechter und die draw distance war auch sehr eigenartig kurz. Entweder es lag an den Maps oder an der komplexeren Mission, aufjedenfall scheint da irgendwas nicht zu stimmen, weil wenn das so bleiben sollte, ist zumindest Kaukasus unspielbar.
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