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Everything posted by alieneye

  1. same thing! Right after the update it was saying about an error in EDcore.dll so I ran the repair and now I can`t log in. But as JB3DG I was able to login to the store
  2. Yes, they fixed in previous betas I believe
  3. already reported in F-86F bugs forum https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=280925
  4. это не тень, а глобальное освещение
  5. дальность отрисовки либо средняя, либо высокая, тени - плоские
  6. It`s only about FOV. A real pilot doesn`t have a wide lens in the eyes :) It`s more about a number of details on the terrain and also about the correct size of these details. For example trees in the Caucasus are bigger than they should be, so you think that the terrain is bigger than it is and your speed feels slower. I would say The Caucasus is the worst in terms of the feeling of speed. Empty deserts of Nevada and PG as well, because of the same reason - lack of the details that your eye can catch. Try to fly above the highway with the light poles in the desert or above the big city and you`ll feel the speed.
  7. Очень хотелось бы, чтобы новые облака все же стали приоритетнее, эпопея с ними уже кажется вечностью. Ведь это глобальное изменение, которое радикально поменяет визуальную часть в лучшую сторону у всех без исключения, независимо от модулей и карт. Мое мнение, что это даже важнее новой бесплатной/платной карты
  8. Side by side comparison of the new update for the Normandy map for DCS World 2.5
  9. Всем привет! Вот и мой тротл умер при переезде. По всем симптомам надо менять материнку (не определяется, мигают диоды коротко при включении, ошибка при перепрошивке) Где взять новую материнку, есть ли офиц сервисы в Мск?
  10. some kind of drainage i think
  11. не только этого - всего текста на экране, кроме счетчика ФПС
  12. после крусейдера? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_F4D_Skyray
  13. Yes, shadows were correct two versions ago but it created another problem: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3984782&postcount=1 I believe they are working on this important issue
  14. I`ll just leave it here
  15. bigger resolution - lower FPS with the same settings
  16. I was feeling that there is something wrong with the cockpits of FC3 (and A-10C) airplanes and today I discovered an issue. Cockpit panels of most of the aircraft are not affected by the direct sunlight at all! They are always in the shadow. Seems that it`s happened when DCS switched to PBR rendering. Here is the detailed list of what I found: F-15C - All good! You can see direct sunlight and realtime shadows on all panels in the cockpit Mig-29 - All good! You can see direct sunlight and realtime shadows on all panels in the cockpit Su-27 - Front and side cockpit panels are always in the shadow and never affected by the sunlight Su-33 - Front and side cockpit panels are always in the shadow and never affected by the sunlight Su-25 - Front and side cockpit panels are always in the shadow and never affected by the sunlight, except the right vertical panel A-10A - Only front cockpit panel is always in the shadow and never affected by the sunlight. Some gauges and switches are still shaded as they should A-10C - Only front cockpit panel is always in the shadow and never affected by the sunlight. Some gauges and switches are still shaded as they should UPD: L-39 - front gauges and horizontal flat panels are not affected by direct light as well UPD2: It`s all fixed in the latest beta but the issue with incorrect shadows (no shadows from some obejcts) is back here is the video (v
  17. Vignette obviously goes away after turning off shadows
  18. the same thing on my end, no mods. The intensity of this "vignette" definitely depends on the sun angle
  19. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%B4_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B5_%D1%82%D1%8B%D1%81%D1%8F%D1%87%D0%B8_%D1%8F%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2
  20. баг с тенями уже давно, я надеялся что в 2.5.5 починят
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