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Ex Machina

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About Ex Machina

  • Birthday 07/20/1972

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  1. No but, you just have to save your F-1C profile in DCS, and load it for each variant and then save it under another profile name.
  2. Ex Machina

    Two seat F-1?

    no, because the developers don't know it themselves.
  3. I installed and checked several times following your advice, but I always have the same problem of Android application which closes when it tries to connect on the Windows application. I Launch DCS and mission, and i launch DCS Moving map app Windows and launch DCS Moving map app Android in this order. My Export.lua -----WinWing local wwtlfs=require('lfs') dofile(wwtlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/wwt/wwtExport.lua') -----Helios local wwtlfs=require('lfs') dofile(lfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\Helios\HeliosExport16.lua]]) -----DCS UFC --local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\ExportInit.lua]]) --pcall(function() local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\ExportInit.lua]]); end,nil); -----VAICOM --local vaicomlfs = require('lfs'); dofile(vaicomlfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\VAICOMPRO\VAICOMPRO.export.lua]]) -----DCS BIOS BIOS = {}; BIOS.LuaScriptDir = [[C:\Program Files\DCS-BIOS\dcs-lua\]]; BIOS.PluginDir = [[C:\Users\Stef\AppData\Roaming/DCS-BIOS/Plugins\]]; if lfs.attributes(BIOS.LuaScriptDir..[[BIOS.lua]]) ~= nil then dofile(BIOS.LuaScriptDir..[[BIOS.lua]]) end --[[DCS-BIOS Automatic Setup]] -----SRS pcall(function() local dcsSr=require('lfs');dofile(dcsSr.writedir()..[[Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts\DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua]]); end,nil); -----TACVIEW local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua')
  4. +1 Not working since DCS last update. The Android application (version 11 and 5.1) launches and closes a few seconds later. I'm waiting for the next update
  5. in the last update, rudder and aileron mixing, the flight model is therefore modified and gives an impression of floating when turning below 300kts due to the mixing when this does not exist in reality. Did you notice the same thing? Is it possible to delete it?
  6. Ex Machina


    Many thanks guys ! ++
  7. Ex Machina


    @Sushy73 Where do you see the variant number in model viewer please ?
  8. Because Winwing allows via the "dcs_event_bind_config.js" file to assign functions to the leds of their control panels since the last update. I finally found the solution, just add "0." (zero and dot) in front of the IDs in the "dcs_event_bind_config.js" file, the IDs that are in the clickabledata.lua file without the "0." Exemple for F-16 : { aircraft_name: ["F-16C_50"], isResetLight: true, recv: [ // F-16C_50 { // 控制台灯 // Console light dcs_id: "0.788", device_name: 0, led: ["Backlight"] }, { // 起落架手柄灯 // Landing gear handle lights dcs_id: "0.369", device_name: ["F18_TAKEOFF_PANEL"], led: ["Landing_gear_lights"] }, { // A/A dcs_id: "0.169", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL", "WINWING_THROTTLE_BASE2"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["A/A"] }, { // A/G dcs_id: "0.170", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL", "WINWING_THROTTLE_BASE2"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["A/G"] }, { // ALR67 POWER dcs_id: "0.401", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["ALR67_POWER"] }, { // CRT dcs_id: "0.375", // 0.375 CMDS RWR power // 0.555 AA refuel // 0.125 IFF ident device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["CRT"] }, { // LI dcs_id: "0.670", //left sensor ON/OFF device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["LI"] }, { // RI dcs_id: "0.671", // right sensor ON/OFF device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["RI"] }, { // LO dcs_id: "0.367", //chaf device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["LO"] }, { // RO dcs_id: "0.368", //flare device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["RO"] } ] },
  9. hello, very nice mod, but I can't download it in full because every time I want to unzip the file it tells me that it is not complete.
  10. Hello, I am looking for the "DCS_ID" as indicated in the file "dcs_event_bind_config.js" but I did not find anything to match in the files "device.lua" or "clickabledata.lua". Example : { // ALR67 POWER >>dcs_id: "0.276", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], led: ["ALR67_POWER"] }, Thanks in advance.
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