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Ex Machina

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Everything posted by Ex Machina

  1. No but, you just have to save your F-1C profile in DCS, and load it for each variant and then save it under another profile name.
  2. Ex Machina

    Two seat F-1?

    no, because the developers don't know it themselves.
  3. I installed and checked several times following your advice, but I always have the same problem of Android application which closes when it tries to connect on the Windows application. I Launch DCS and mission, and i launch DCS Moving map app Windows and launch DCS Moving map app Android in this order. My Export.lua -----WinWing local wwtlfs=require('lfs') dofile(wwtlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/wwt/wwtExport.lua') -----Helios local wwtlfs=require('lfs') dofile(lfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\Helios\HeliosExport16.lua]]) -----DCS UFC --local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\ExportInit.lua]]) --pcall(function() local pw=require('lfs');dofile(pw.writedir()..[[Scripts\pw-dev_script\ExportInit.lua]]); end,nil); -----VAICOM --local vaicomlfs = require('lfs'); dofile(vaicomlfs.writedir()..[[Scripts\VAICOMPRO\VAICOMPRO.export.lua]]) -----DCS BIOS BIOS = {}; BIOS.LuaScriptDir = [[C:\Program Files\DCS-BIOS\dcs-lua\]]; BIOS.PluginDir = [[C:\Users\Stef\AppData\Roaming/DCS-BIOS/Plugins\]]; if lfs.attributes(BIOS.LuaScriptDir..[[BIOS.lua]]) ~= nil then dofile(BIOS.LuaScriptDir..[[BIOS.lua]]) end --[[DCS-BIOS Automatic Setup]] -----SRS pcall(function() local dcsSr=require('lfs');dofile(dcsSr.writedir()..[[Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts\DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua]]); end,nil); -----TACVIEW local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua')
  4. +1 Not working since DCS last update. The Android application (version 11 and 5.1) launches and closes a few seconds later. I'm waiting for the next update
  5. in the last update, rudder and aileron mixing, the flight model is therefore modified and gives an impression of floating when turning below 300kts due to the mixing when this does not exist in reality. Did you notice the same thing? Is it possible to delete it?
  6. Ex Machina


    Many thanks guys ! ++
  7. Ex Machina


    @Sushy73 Where do you see the variant number in model viewer please ?
  8. Because Winwing allows via the "dcs_event_bind_config.js" file to assign functions to the leds of their control panels since the last update. I finally found the solution, just add "0." (zero and dot) in front of the IDs in the "dcs_event_bind_config.js" file, the IDs that are in the clickabledata.lua file without the "0." Exemple for F-16 : { aircraft_name: ["F-16C_50"], isResetLight: true, recv: [ // F-16C_50 { // 控制台灯 // Console light dcs_id: "0.788", device_name: 0, led: ["Backlight"] }, { // 起落架手柄灯 // Landing gear handle lights dcs_id: "0.369", device_name: ["F18_TAKEOFF_PANEL"], led: ["Landing_gear_lights"] }, { // A/A dcs_id: "0.169", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL", "WINWING_THROTTLE_BASE2"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["A/A"] }, { // A/G dcs_id: "0.170", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL", "WINWING_THROTTLE_BASE2"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["A/G"] }, { // ALR67 POWER dcs_id: "0.401", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["ALR67_POWER"] }, { // CRT dcs_id: "0.375", // 0.375 CMDS RWR power // 0.555 AA refuel // 0.125 IFF ident device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["CRT"] }, { // LI dcs_id: "0.670", //left sensor ON/OFF device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["LI"] }, { // RI dcs_id: "0.671", // right sensor ON/OFF device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["RI"] }, { // LO dcs_id: "0.367", //chaf device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["LO"] }, { // RO dcs_id: "0.368", //flare device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], // Multiple device names. 0: means all devices led: ["RO"] } ] },
  9. hello, very nice mod, but I can't download it in full because every time I want to unzip the file it tells me that it is not complete.
  10. Hello, I am looking for the "DCS_ID" as indicated in the file "dcs_event_bind_config.js" but I did not find anything to match in the files "device.lua" or "clickabledata.lua". Example : { // ALR67 POWER >>dcs_id: "0.276", device_name: ["F18_COMBAT_READY_PANEL"], led: ["ALR67_POWER"] }, Thanks in advance.
  11. Solo. On se contacte sur C6 si tu veux ? ++
  12. That's it, it works! I opened UDP port 4353 on my router ! That's it, it works! I just opened UDP port 4353 on my router. Just open in UDP only, not UDP / TCP protocol. Works perfectly !!! Thanks again for your patience Holton;) ++
  13. Hello, yes it is the good IP, I looked in the advanced settings of my tablet, and it is displayed on GPSBridge and in my router. I tried different ways : -DCS launched, GPSBridge launched, port 8080 open on the router, GPSBridge status "service running" -DCS launched, GPSBridge launched, 8080 port closed on the router, GPSBridge status "can not connect" -DCS stopped, GPSBridge launched, port 8080 open, I get the position info from my PC, GPSBridge status "Provider" GPS "unknown In "export.lua" I deleted all other entries and left only DCS-to-GPS 1.1 command lines: userprofile = os.getenv ("userprofile"): gsub ("\\", "/") --dofile (userprofile () .. [[scripts / DCS_NMEA.lua]]) dofile (userprofile .. "/ Saved Games / DCS / Scripts / DCS_NMEA.lua") File "NMEA_test.tx" : C:/Users/Stef/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/NMEA_Test.txt $GPGGA,080000.00,4212.6092190,N,04240.9303901,E,1,05,1.3,0112.3,M,0000,M,,*4f $GPRMC,080000.00,A,4212.6092190,N,04240.9303901,E,000.0,000.0,010611,0,E,A*27 Thank you. ++
  14. Hello all, Solution download PaintNet : https://www.getpaint.net/ download plugin PSD and install it : https://www.psdplugin.com/ Open template.psd with PaintNet and "save as" in PSD format. Open with GIMP, and enjoy ! ++
  15. Hello Holton, I tried version 1.1, solo player, it still does not work. I will try via a Bluetooth connection. thanks again
  16. Hello Holton, Originally it is a "realease" version that I modified in open beta via the DOS command, the name of the folder is DCS. Thank you again for your help. My complet DCS_NMEA.lua --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Export start --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dofile("./Config/World/World.lua") -- Required to get mission date DCS_NMEA = { Start=function(self) package.path = package.path..";.\\LuaSocket\\?.lua" package.cpath = package.cpath..";.\\LuaSocket\\?.dll" socket = require("socket") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMUNICATIONS - Part 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For UDP and Serial Port there are three sections each to activate or deactivate depending on what method you like to use to connect. -- One here in the Start() function, below. The second in the end of ActivityNextEvent() function. The third in the Stop() function. -- UDP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use this to connect via UDP. Change IP to the devise you want to use. Alternatively the port too. Use the same port in your GPS device. ---[[To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. my_init = socket.protect(function() host2, port2 = "", 8080 --4353 -- replace IP with android device ip udp = socket.try(socket.udp()) end) my_init() --]] -- Serial Port --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use this to connect via Serial Port. Change COM Nr to the port you want to use. -- One way to use this is by Bluetooth Virtual Serial Port to connect to a Bluetooth compatible device. -- If Bluetooth is used, be aware that DCS will freeze as long as the used device isn't listening to the port. As soon as it listen, DCS will un-freeze. -- I do not know if this freezing behavior exist when a physical serial port is used, since I one have one to test. -- Remember to comment out the "dofile" line related to this MOD in Export.lua or all Serial Port sections in this file if you are not going to use it to avoid freezing. --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. sPort = "COM1" com = io.open(sPort,"w+b") --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a TXT file for debugging or a NMEA log or whatever -- Same as for the communication options, need to be activated or de-activated at three locations, all located below corresponding communication section. -- Remember to adjust the path below to DCS or DCS.openbeta or whatever path you have to your Saved Games section. --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. Test_file = os.getenv ("userprofile"):gsub("\\","/") .. "/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/NMEA_Test.txt" --Test_file = os.getenv ("userprofile"):gsub("\\","/") .. "/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Scripts/NMEA_Test.txt" file = io.open(Test_file, "w") --file:write(string.format("%s\r\n",Test_file)) --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xortbl = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, }, { 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, }, { 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 10, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 12, 13, }, { 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 14, 13, 12, }, { 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11, }, { 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2, 13, 12, 15, 14, 9, 8, 11, 10, }, { 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, 14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, }, { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, }, { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, }, { 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, }, {10, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 12, 13, 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, }, {11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 14, 13, 12, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, }, {12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, }, {13, 12, 15, 14, 9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2, }, {14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, }, {15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, }, } end, ActivityNextEvent=function(self,t) --LoGetSelfData return the same result as LoGetObjectById but only for your aircraft and not depended on anti-cheat setting in Export/Config.lua --Returned object table structure: --{ --Name = --Type = {level1,level2,level3,level4}, ( see Scripts/database/wsTypes.lua) Subtype is absent now --Country = number ( see Scripts/database/db_countries.lua --Coalition = --CoalitionID = number ( 1 or 2 ) --LatLongAlt = { Lat = , Long = , Alt = } --Heading = radians --Pitch = radians --Bank = radians --Position = {x,y,z} -- in internal DCS coordinate system ( see convertion routnes below) -- only for units ( Planes,Hellicopters,Tanks etc) --UnitName = unit name from mission (UTF8) --GroupName = unit name from mission (UTF8) --} local tNext = t local year = MissionDate.Year local month = MissionDate.Month local day = MissionDate.Day local pt = LoGetMissionStartTime()+LoGetModelTime() local h = pt/3600 local hh = math.floor(h) local m = (h-hh)*60 local mm = math.floor(m) local s = (m-mm)*60 local SD = LoGetSelfData local Lat = SD().LatLongAlt.Lat local Long = SD().LatLongAlt.Long local Alt = SD().LatLongAlt.Alt local Velocity = LoGetVectorVelocity() --{x,y,z} local VX = Velocity.x local VY = Velocity.y local VZ = Velocity.z local Speed = math.sqrt(VX*VX+VZ*VZ)*1.9438444924574 -- Speed from m/s to knot -- Course calculations if VX==0 and VZ==0 then radTC = 0 else radTC = math.atan2(VZ,VX) if radTC < 0 then radTC = 2*math.pi + radTC end end TC = radTC*180/math.pi -- Coordinates from decimal degrees to degrees and decimal minutes local dLat = math.floor(math.abs(Lat)) local dLong = math.floor(math.abs(Long)) local mLat = (math.abs(Lat)-dLat)*60 local mLong = (math.abs(Long)-dLong)*60 -- Cardinal directions local sigLat = Lat/math.abs(Lat) local sigLong = Long/math.abs(Long) if sigLat<0 then NS='S' else NS='N' end if sigLong<0 then EW='W' else EW='E' end -- Various unimportant GPS values for the GGA sentence not derivable from game local Q = 1 local nSat = 5 local HDOP = 1.3 local GeoSep = 00.0 -- GGA sentence local GGA = string.format("GPGGA,%02d%02d%05.2f,%02d%010.7f,%s,%03d%0010.7f,%s,%1d,%02d,%03.1f,%06.1f,M,%04.0f,M,,", hh,mm,s,dLat,mLat,NS,dLong,mLong,EW,Q,nSat,HDOP,Alt,GeoSep) local csGGA = 0 for c in string.gmatch(GGA,".") do csGGA = bxor(csGGA, string.byte(c)) end -- RMC sentence local RMC = string.format("GPRMC,%02d%02d%05.2f,A,%02d%010.7f,%s,%03d%0010.7f,%s,%05.1f,%05.1f,%02d%02d%02d,0,E,A", hh,mm,s,dLat,mLat,NS,dLong,mLong,EW,Speed,TC,day,month,string.sub(year,3,4)) local csRMC = 0 for c in string.gmatch(RMC,".") do csRMC = bxor(csRMC, string.byte(c)) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMUNICATIONS - Part 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UDP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. my_send = socket.protect(function() local json = string.format("$%s*%x\r\n$%s*%x\r\n", GGA,csGGA,RMC,csRMC) socket.try(udp:sendto(json, host2, port2)) end) my_send() --]] -- Serial Port --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. com:write(string.format("$%s*%x\r\n$%s*%x\r\n", GGA,csGGA,RMC,csRMC)) -- fills the serial buffer com:flush() -- send the serial buffer --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. file:write(string.format("$%s*%x\t$%s*%x\r\n", GGA,csGGA,RMC,csRMC)) --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Repeat every 0.5s return tNext + 0.5 end, Stop=function(self) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMUNICATIONS - Part 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UDP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. my_close = socket.protect(function() socket.try(udp:close()) end) my_close() --]] -- Serial Port --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. com:close(sPort) --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ To activate section, add a "-" among the other two on this row. To deactivate remove one of the tree. file:close() --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end } --[[ Perform a bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) ]]-- function bxor(a,b) local res, mult = 0, 1 while a > 0 and b > 0 do local a2, b2 = a % 16, b % 16 res = res + xortbl[a2+1][b2+1] * mult a = (a-a2) / 16 b = (b-b2) / 16 mult = mult * 16 end res = res + (a+b) * mult return res end -- ============= -- Overload -- ============= do local PrevLuaExportStart=LuaExportStart LuaExportStart=function() DCS_NMEA:Start() if PrevLuaExportStart then PrevLuaExportStart() end end end do local PrevLuaExportActivityNextEvent=LuaExportActivityNextEvent LuaExportActivityNextEvent=function(t) local tNext = t tNext = DCS_NMEA:ActivityNextEvent(t) if PrevLuaExportActivityNextEvent then PrevLuaExportActivityNextEvent() end return tNext end end do local PrevLuaExportStop=LuaExportStop LuaExportStop=function() DCS_NMEA:Stop() if PrevLuaExportStop then PrevLuaExportStop() end end end DCS.log 2019-02-03 20:00:04.100 ERROR Lua::Config: Call error LuaExportActivityNextEvent:[string "C:/Users/Stef/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua"]:132: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: [C]: ? [string "C:/Users/Stef/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua"]:132: in function 'ActivityNextEvent' [string "C:/Users/Stef/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua"]:293: in function <[string "C:/Users/Stef/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua"]:291>. 2019-02-03 20:00:04.645 ERROR Lua::Config: Call error LuaExportAfterNextFrame:[string "C:\Users\Stef\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Export.lua"]:39: attempt to index local 'myData' (a nil value) stack traceback: [C]: ? [string "C:\Users\Stef\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Export.lua"]:39: in function 'LuaExportAfterNextFrame' [string "C:\Users\Stef\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-BIOS\BIOS.lua"]:81: in function 'PrevLuaExportAfterNextFrame'
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