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Everything posted by BinaryMan

  1. I really hope that isn't a bug. its too darn useful to be...
  2. I have had no problems with getting the 29t to lock on and authorize firing. I'm fine if they have changed the missiles performance of the 25mpus and 29T. but if they do they have to update the range launch cues as well. It makes no sense from a design stand point, for combat aircraft (or someone making a game); to have launch cues be accurate for all but 2 weapons. If the 25mpus can't perform in most conditions at their authorized range it needs to be decreased; same for the 29Ts
  3. I'm really surprised that the su25t has been having so many bugs lately, didn't think they even changed anything for it? I wonder what happened
  4. The mpus used to have a good hit chance at long ranges but the missiles seems to under perform the launch queues now. with the 25mpus you generally have to be close than 25 km to hit.
  5. The launch queues for the kh25mpu and kh29t seems to be broken at the moment and the missiles seems to perform way less than what their launch authorization indicate. I posted about it here https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=176015
  6. I initially discovered this because I was missing with a lot of 25mpus in blue flag and wondered if I was doing something wrong.
  7. The performance for both the 25mpu and kh29t are way less than what the launch authorization for them are. This causes both missiles to not hit their target even within the authorized launch range. Furthermore, it appears to me that the missiles are not taking the appropriate glide slope; instead taking an overly shallow one and trying to compensate by attempting to pitch up when close to the target. 25 MPU: Won't hit on most causes unless closer than 25 km or have a ridiculous amount of vertical height on the target. When launching from a low altitude it requires usually <22 km from target. Kh29t: Won't hit at max range unless launched from high altitude. hits usually begin at 9 - 9.5 km however those are close to missing too. Vihkrs are not effected. I am unsure if other missiles are effected.
  8. I thought the instant action cas mission had the 97s? If so you have to account the amount the wind effects the parachutes of the sub munitions.
  9. its a currently an issue and has been discussed in this thread before. Probably not to be fixed https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=160134&page=2
  10. What really gets me about vs the mig15 ai is this
  11. Some very quick tips for sabre vs mig. In a high speed turning match you will be equal. In a climbing match the mig will beat you. Getting behind a mig is doable but slightly difficult. you want to keep you speed from 250-320 knots, simply turn at the mig. You need to keep your nose low, do not try to climb while turning or speed up too much. going slower than 220 knots is bad too Once you're relatively behind the mig is when the real tough part begins. The mig will try to use its climbing power to its advantage. Do not try to follow the mig into a climb if your airspeed is lower than 250. Instead keep your nose low trailing lower and behind the mig around 230-270 knots. You will be able to out turn the mig in this configuration. You will further find that the mig will continually climb and dive while turning to throw you off. Once you've gained around 290 knots of air speed you can finally follow the mig into the climb and go for the kill. I've attached a track against a high skill ai mig. blah.trk
  12. I ment to use the picture only for reference. Since that thread is 8 years old now I believe it working correctly. In your picture the target is slightly off to the right and just less than 90 degree parallel, so a aspect angle of 110 degrees to the right should be correct. Think of a circle drawn around the target and your aspect angle is the amount of degrees you have to go around the circle to get to the targets tail.
  13. 11r means 110 degrees aspect angle right I think the picture in this post will help you http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=534027&postcount=12 Aspect angle is the number of degrees measured from the tail of the target to your aircraft. Aspect angle is important because it tells you how far away you are in degrees from the target's stern, which is the desired position.
  14. Honestly the su25T campaign is really hard. I would go with the huey campaign.
  15. couldn't find a sub bug report forum for the f15c so I'll post it here. version when looking up with track ir in the f15c, if you look past straight up your camera will invert expectantly.
  16. What you are experiencing is a failure for the vihkrs to successfully find and maintain the laser your aircraft emits. Currently in the release reticle for the vihkrs performs poorly in cross winds. Additionally, even in the no wind condition vihkrs mainly enter the bottom portion of the laser beam. I have created a youtube playlist with the vihkrs in 3 wind conditions. no wind, 4 m/s left crosswind, 8 m/s left crosswind. My advice is as follows. Avoid crosswinds when using vihkrs if possible. In cross winds greater than 4m/s always launch high and upwind as necessary. I should also note, that sometimes you might find the the release queue for the launcher that is down wind will work while the upwind vihkr launcher doesn't. I'm unsure if this is a bug with the su25t or not. Wouldn't be surprised either way.
  17. Yeah you have to drop pretty far behind your targets with the 97s. however be aware that as altitude increases and speed decreases you should have to aim as far back. This might be mostly negligible. You don't have to aim as far back with the cbu87s as the bomblets maintain their inertia. It was CCRP.
  18. Windsortheater of course it depends on how high you are above your target's elevation when you release as well as air speed but generally you'll find that for a stationary target you have to aim bottom of the dashed circle if not further.
  19. So in the A10C PAC relies on EAC to be on. A10A is the same way also. In the A10C when EAC is turned on in flight it causes a 2 degree elevator down change. Inversely turning it off causes a 2 degree elevator up change. Also, EAC relies on other things to be on aswell but that's besides the point. So as I said earlier: Basically for the A10A, despite EAC being on and all of the autopilot functions working; before you switch to cannon mode it has yet to actually turn on. I think this is most likely an ED programming thing to get basic PAC functionality working. (I don't think the A10A always had PAC) (I'm guessing they stole code from the A10C) (don't quote me on this, its a lot of presumptions) More info on how the gun system works irl here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1256979&postcount=1 I did forget one important thing, PAC won't work if you have air brakes on. Another problem might be low airspeed. As I understand PAC has a limited range of motion and rate of change. This allows PAC to be overridden by the pilot and prevents it from issuing crazy control inputs. Because of this if your airspeed is to low, below 200 ish, you might find PAC is unable to keep the reticle on target. There is no indicator for EAC currently. Also I think you will find the best success for gun runs with dive angles 30 to 40 degrees. Against tanks ranges from .5 to 1 NM, Against all other targets .5 to 2 NM. And airspeed excess of 220 knots. Hope this helps Windsortheater.
  20. I think you misunderstand. Currently, PAC does not come on when you switch to cannon. Currently what happens when you switch to cannon is the trim position of the aircraft changes. Because a normal joystick's input is always mapped around where the craft is trimmed to, the craft pitches down when the trim is set forward. The pitching down behavior is an effect of how joystick input is mapped. It is an inherent problem with control mapping that cannot be over come. Furthermore, PAC for the A10A does work. And PAC is not the nose down behavior you get when you switch to the cannon. Currently, PAC is engaged only when the trigger is depressed, in cannon mode, with EAC on. I should also touch on this too. I can feel the aircraft's trim position change when I switch cannon. I would also like to reiterate that for you and me both PAC is only active when the conditions I mentioned above are met.
  21. I believe you are wrong and I'm also guessing you don't fly with a Force Feedback joystick (which I will abbreviate to FF joystick). The PAC system causes the aiming reticle to attempt stay on target only for the duration of the trigger's depression. This only happens when EAC is on and when the cannon mode is selected. This is because PAC depends on EAC to function, if EAC is off then PAC is non-functional. I know what I am about to say will sound wrong but bear with me; I have full confidence that I am right. I think what happens when you cannon select in the a10a is the "EAC/PAC Arms" causing a 2 degree elevator down change. For those who don't fly with a force feedback joystick this necessitates physically moving your joystick aft in order to maintain a level attitude. This is due to how trim works with non-FF joysticks. This trim behavior is consistent across both the A10A and A10C. So I have a microsoft force feedback joystick 2 and it has this lovely feature where the motors on it do not engage if you don't have your hand on the stick. With out touching my FF joystick Compare these behavior to how the aircraft functions without a FF joystick
  22. I believe you achieve the same effect of turning pac off by switching off EAC. However a proper method would be preferable. I also believe both cbus fall short of their target. Additionally there might be a problem with the 97s dispensing to early in ccrp while in step dives (30). could you confirm? Maybe ED are developing a fully modeled a10a :pilotfly: (we can only hope)
  23. I would love cbu-87s that actually release to their impact point.
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