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    Long time FS fan. DCS now my main Flight Sim after the conclusion of Storm of War on IL2-CLoD.
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  1. my PC specs as follows:

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz   3.20 GHz

    16.0 GB

    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Windows 10 Pro

    Nvidia GEFORCE GTX 980 Ti

    VRAM 6144

    My experiance:

    High and low graphic setting:

    Multithread - unplayable jittering

    Singlethread - smooth graphics even on High graphic setting

    Single thread definately the best option for me. I would like to know how to adjust my VRAM though to see if i can get even better graphic settings.

  2. Within my group, there's a mixed experience. Out of interest, how many folks use Multi Thread Vs. Single Thread? S!
  3. This release video, the music, the camera, the whole presentation ..... man alive, it was something worthy of a repeat watch... immediately! Best wishes with the pre-orders and of course the release. I have to note that the unit pricing is competitive. We've (the community) been conditioned to accept unit prices which can lean in on the 100+ bucks side. (I accept this is a broad statement in the main). Seeing this module/unit pre-order pricing still leaning more on the 50 buck side and given the strongly expected quality that will be delivered, this price point is very competitive and it was enough for me to pre-order rather than wait the months needed for a discounted price to be offered. It helps that Heatblur is a developer that enjoys my confidence (a private buying psychology comment). Kudos to the Heatblur team. S!
  4. Windows Firewall - Allowed Apps - Remove old and replace / ensure DCS server is allowed app and tick Private and Public. Forgive the necro post but I believe it's appropriate. I recently suffered the same issue as the OP following the 2.9 DCS update in Oct 2023. Reinstalled by DCS dedi server and again, exactly same issue as the OP. Highwayman-ED's message above trigger this action. Cheers. Hope this works for you all also. S! Jack
  5. I've been able to get up over a few times over the week. Gun accuracy has been corrected. General reaction from all flying was similar. Echo comments from Awger above. Thanks ED. S!
  6. Great news! Just saw the notification. Looking forward to getting online for a test shortly. S!
  7. Lonnie604, have you mapped your controls to move the Throttle from Home to Outboard and then to Idle. See Wags video at 1m50s S!
  8. nzteddy, you are not wrong, there is much that is good, amazing and great with this module overall, indeed so much, that the obvious ugly ( the gun issue ) on the module stands out even more and frustrates. Looking forward to this finding it's way on the 'Fixed' list on a soon to be published Newsletter. Thanks for the push again! (of course, when this get's resolved fully and correctly, I'll need a new excuse for missing my shots, but don't let that delay the corrective action process ) S!
  9. and to rub it in, as we all know, the community already has a fix, tested and verified but using it means you cannot join a multiplayer server !!!.... .... another can of patience Johnson! S!
  10. Reading this thread, there clearly a solid positive impression overall for N2. The attention to the details mentioned above (and which clearly have been listened to) is paramount for the success of this map in DCS WW2 going forward. There are a number of particular servers (private and public) which depend heavily on the ability to create a "day in April 1944" to fly their intended mission. Moreover, there are many more flexible mission setup servers of course which benefit from having the representations of airfields and AGLs as accurate as possible. I don't think it's over stating it to say that history is indeed being remembered via DCS and the WW2 maps and aircraft the discussions are live and engaging and the knowledge base is deep. The is why it's great to see the messages from Ugra (@maestro) and we're all looking forward now to N2 with anticipation. S!
  11. An MSFS2020 map graphics equivalent would be amazing and I agree, the 'cartoon' aspect is noticable when you look for it. But, in it's defense of the DCS maps, my own experience is that they absolutely drift into the background of my consciousness and becomes something that is effecively not noticed at all when I get into the thick of it. Same is true for the cockpits as well. The new DCS skybox on the otherhand is probably Best in Class bar none! S!
  12. @MAESTR0 - This thread shows you guys are on it .... appreciate that it's work work work and please pass on respects to your wider team. The product changes and improvements are a big effort and because of this, the map products will endure the test of time and result in the business success necesary for your next projects. Very much looking forward to this released and this thread has changed my attitude towards this map some! S!
  13. @MAESTR0 Thanks for the working update...it's huge for an eager community waiting for information. I would comment on 2 things...1) the color as mentioned already and 2) trees on the airfields ... please get rid of trees on the big open airfield and inside taxi ways (between taxiways and runways) on the fields. Many folks sometimes take off and land into the wind and do not use a designated formal 'runway' in all cases. Trees were a real headache in N1 map .... Good luck with the rest of the development. S!
  14. Hi all, @BIGNEWY and @NineLine, Can you ask the developer team if they have any update for this gun issue please. I appreciate you have already passed up this request. Is there an expected date in 2023 for any answer / status update / decision about addressing it, from the developer team? S!
  15. Mileage varies .... I ended up getting the mod and have never looked back. I'd tried to improve the old part but was never happy. I passed on a some MaccyD meals electing for a simply hamburger instead and I had the deltamod price saved in short order! It's been far far more rewarding than the bigmacs could ever have been! Interesting to read the newer TM WHs have a different design for the slew! S!
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