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Everything posted by Yukari

  1. Seems that this issue is back in this version of OpenBeta ( ) again; can anyone else confirm?
  2. So there is a set group Invisible command which has been broken for multiplayer for a few months. :helpsmilie: What this "SetInvisible" command is supposed to do is to make a specific group ignored (thus invisible) by AI controlled groups. Note that this works perfectly in single player missions. It is the multiplayer that has the issue, or more specifically, only when joining server as a client. How to reproduce: Create a new mission with Mission Editor, place some AAA guns, say zu-23. Place a client aircraft, skill -> Client In ADVANCED (WAYPOINT ACTIONS), click on ADD to add an entry TYPE - Perform Command ACTION - Invisible [*]Run the mission offline, you will notice that these AAA won't attack player's aircraft. If these AAA/SAM has radar, the RWR on the player aircraft will not show any echo because the aircraft is invisible to AI group. So it works in single player. [*]Now save the mission and run it on a server. [*]Join the server as a client; choose the said aircraft and fly around these AAAs; these AAA still actively attack player aircraft because player is not invisible to AI. So this setting is not working in multiplayer environment. This can also be reproduced with SSE local groupName = "this is the client aircraft group name" local SetInvisible = { id = 'SetInvisible', params = { value = true } } Group.getByName(groupName):getController():setCommand(SetInvisible) Won't work either. :doh: However, all other setCommand works perfectly for multiplayer.
  3. DCS 2.5.2 Open Beta 更新7 DCS 2.5.2 Open Beta 更新7 DCS World 更新了所有地形 AI控制的B-17G——降落时不会再发生碰撞了 为所有的本地化版本加入了RBK-500AO的图片 修改了云层生成器,使之更正确地接近任务编辑器中的设置 修复了触发导致无线电菜单崩溃的问题 修复了载入相互链接的单位模板时的GUI错误 波斯湾 加入了设拉子城市、国际机场极其周边区域 加入了克尔曼城市、国际机场极其周边区域 加入了独特的迪拜六国城门瑞享酒店 加入了新种类的树木 F/A-18C 当航母一号弹射器被占用时,其他玩家现在可以正确地出生在二号、三号和四号弹射器上 雷达处于STT模式时将不会从一个目标跳到另一个目标,除非由玩家操作 实装了雷达的SIL(静默)和STBY(待机)模式 加入了S(单发)和R(连发)武器挂载选项 RWS模式下,被选中的A/A武器将不会显示在雷达页面 加入了夜视镜 COMM:手动输入的频率将不会出现在频道设置中 修复了多人游戏中F/A-18C在航母弹射器上出生时导致的随机崩溃问题 实装了航母ICLS系统 雷达:改进了用户通过单独的按钮控制改变扫描高度时,雷达天线的俯仰和滚转稳定系统 Ka-50 修复了开启SSAA后夜视镜FOV偏移的问题 修复了UHF_FREQ触发 DCS C-101 by AvioDev 修复了SFM下的自动启动问题(发动机未能正常启动) 为波斯湾地图添加了快速启动和任务 无线电导航:解决了多个导航设备无法正常工作的问题 战役 修复了“A-10C Shturmovik”战役中的第11个任务,现在目标更容易被摧毁 修复了“Mi-8 油田”战役中货物损坏的问题
  4. I didn't figure out how to program the countdown timer yesterday, so I thought I must have missed something obvious otherwise how come I can only count from 6:00. I've just tried and found out that I can just use the UFC keypad to enter the time I want. Silly me :doh: Anyway, I like your answer. It's informative and ... interesting :megalol: I guess it makes total sense to me. Thanks again! :thumbup:
  5. Would you like to shed more light on the six minutes countdown (CD)? Why specifically 6 minutes? Thanks!
  6. You can choose to display elevation in meters or in feet. You can change the setting by press UFC osb and then select FEET option on UFC
  7. 目前录像系统的稳定性比以前好了许多,但是在地面启动时还是可能会出现与飞行轨迹(当然在地面是滑行)不符的情况,比如开进草地里 如果你的录象是F-15C的本机视角则必须有F-15C模组,因为录像中有驾驶舱视角,而读取驾驶舱的建模航电和贴图必须有F-15C模组或者FC3
  8. 先换挂载再启动飞机(可以开启电源和APU,发动机不能启动) SMS必须断电才能正常更新挂载 你可以先更换挂载再给SMS上电 SMS断路器在机外侧的面板上,只有地勤人员可以控制 目前即使给飞机断电然后重新开机SMS一样无法更新,这个可能是bug
  9. Razbam这个第三方制作组对现有的两个模组(M2000C和AV8B)的细节的处理和完成度都非常令人堪忧。 具体修改办法你可以参照上面Insonia的地址中的教程或者参考以下地址中的内容: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=196622 这些命令可以通过查阅对应模组文件加内的lua文件者或开启驾驶舱的dev选项显示各个connector的名称。
  10. DCS 1.5.7 更新1 DCS 1.5.7 更新1
  11. DCS 2.1.1 更新 DCS 2.1.1 更新
  12. DCS 2.1.0 更新 1 DCS 2.1.0 更新 1
  13. bk90制导应该是依赖当前的Mx, 用雷达修正Mx的位置后就能制导了 :thumbup:
  14. AJS发布后, sacksahne制作了一个AJS 37的武器快速查阅图表。 原链接:https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3033581&postcount=1 这张图表, 概括了常用的武器的投放方式, 对:joystick:入门、:smartass:学习和 :pilotfly:使用AJS的帮助很大。 在经原作者sacksahne同意后, 我制作了中文版的参考表。 作者还在不断更新这个图表, 稍后我会添加新版本的翻译。 另一个图表, 是CK37地址输入参照表。 原地址:https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=182229, 作者是funkyfranky 这张CK37的图表, 详细介绍了CK的输入代码和用途, 推荐与上述的武器图表配合食用, 效果更佳:thumbup: 同样经原作者同意后, 我完成了初步的翻译, 如原文有后续的修改, 我也会更新翻译内容:book:。 Special thanks to sacksahne and funkyfranky for making these two reference charts. Keep up the good work and fly safe! DCS AJS37 Weapon Ref Chart v1.3.zip DCS AJS37 Centralkalkylator Input Ref v1.3.zip
  15. I have the same issue. On one of my machine, I have a few *.miz saved just yesterday that cannot be "saved" or "saved as", but I managed to save one of them as a new file in ME when using the same version of DCS on my laptop. However, after the "save as", things such as groupName, unitName, triggerZone are broken; they now shows the dictionary key index instead of name as found in the l10n folder in .miz file. DictKey_UnitName_4953 like this.
  16. Any update/fix on missionCommands func? :helpsmilie:Can someone please confirm that using unitID instead of groupID still works for these three missionCommands functions? I've had a few tries using unitID but it doesn't work at all in either SP or MP. If groupID is used, they will work perfectly in SP mission; in MP, it works for the host only(so clients won't see F10 radio command). Unless I am missing something important. Thanks in advance. DCS version
  17. As mentioned by Wrecking Crew, if op is not comfortable with scripting, then maybe simply add some replacement groups/units and activate them on demand through radio menu F10. I script myself to respawn things in my mission. Here is how. Add a radio option that once triggered will set a flag to true, then add a "switched condition" trigger with condition "if flag is true" and action "do script". Then from here you have three options: use DCS functions, MIST or MOOSE. If you don't mind using MIST, then in the do script block, write: mist.respawnGroup('groupName', true) where 'groupName' is the name of group to be respawned. You can use DCS's own function as well but its a wall of code. Please find in the attachment my sample mission. Tested. respawn_example.miz
  18. If I understand correctly, the thing you are trying to achieve is to have AWACS, GC, or someone to guide you to the transport plane to be rendezvoused with. I am working on a fake "ground control" script on my server mission. I can see some similarity in here. What I can think of is to, for example, ask for position of say two plane in a trigger zone, then use some math to work out the relative velocity, height and distance between the two planes, and print it out. I don't think I can achieve what I've planned above without doing a script. So I'll just leave some simple code to see if it might help you in the making of your mission. rdv_mig = Unit.getByName("Player's MiG-21Bis") rdv_transport = Unit.getByName("Some transport name") posMig_21 = Unit.getPoint(rdv_mig) posTransportPlane = Unit.getPoint(rdv_transport) [color="YellowGreen"]-- Unit.getPoint() returns a vec3 point = {y, x, z}[/color] rdv_vA = posTransportPlane.z - posMig_21.z rdv_vB = posTransportPlane.x - posMig_21.x rdv_dist = math.sqrt(rdv_vA^2 + rdv_vA^2) [color="YellowGreen"]-- or you can choose to use MIST which has a function to calc the distance between 2 vec2/vec3[/color] if rdv_vA > 0 then rdv_hdg = math.atan(rdv_vA / rdv_vB) elseif rdv_vA < 0 then rdv_hdg = math.atan(rdv_vA / rdv_vB) + math.pi end [color="YellowGreen"]--since Heading to target is in degree, convert to degree[/color] rdv_hdg_deg = rdv_hdg * 180 / math.pi trigger.action.outText("Fly heading " .. rdv_hdg_deg .. " for " .. rdv_dist, 30) Don't have dcs now so I can't test it; but it should work, to some extent:joystick:. Good luck!
  19. do local function detectClient(event) local airborneUnitName = event.initiator:getName() if(event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_TAKEOFF and event.initiator) then trigger.action.setUserFlag(50003, true) trigger.action.outText(airborneUnitName .. ' just tookoff!', 5) end end mist.addEventHandler(detectClient) end When you quit the mission an event is triggered(S_EVENT_MISSION_END) as well Event = { id = 12, time = Time, } this event, however, does no have an "initiator". In your code you did local airborneUnitName = event.initiator:getName() before the if clause. Try to simply place this line into the "if" do local function detectClient(event) if(event.id == world.event.S_EVENT_TAKEOFF and event.initiator) then local airborneUnitName = event.initiator:getName() trigger.action.setUserFlag(50003, true) trigger.action.outText(airborneUnitName .. ' just tookoff!', 5) end end mist.addEventHandler(detectClient) end so that when you quit a mission, an event is triggered and event handler does your function. It goes to the if, only to find that the event is not a takeoff event; then it stops there and leaves no scripting error
  20. If you want random types of planes to be re-spawned, you need to, as mentioned in above post made by Pikey, add your own "group table" and make an lua script. Say, something like this: --randomization acType = math.random(5) if acType == 1 then vars = { --group data 1} elseif acType == 2 then vars = { --group data 2} --… elseif acType == 5 then vars = { --group data 5} end mist.DynAdd(vars) more of which you can find on http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/DynAdd But you see.. the problem is that, it's a long lua script to be included in your mission with all those group data tables thingy. So the other way around is simply make some "template" groups(with task/waypoints) and use mist.respawn(). But no matter which way you choose to go, the process of "randomization" process(deciding what type to be spawned) have to be done by yourself. If you don't plan to add too many randomized groups, say 3 to 4, you can carry on with the "template group" method. 20-ish or more types of aircraft? Meh. Perhaps should do a long lua with group tables(so that you can do this file in other missions as well), but still quite reasonably to use template, it really depends. There, somewhere on the forum, is a script that can randomly spawn some A.I. traffic to your mission; it might help.
  21. Hi there. I might be very wrong but if I understand it correctly, you can control the plane in single player mission but not in multiplayer mission. That could be the limitation of current scripting engine. I a few weeks ago had a series of tries of spawning player-controllable aircraft dynamically(by dynamically, I meant I don't add the a/c group in the mission editor, but use this during the mission at some point coalition.addGroup(enum countryId, enum groupCategory, table groupData ) more of which you can read on hoggit wiki. But here is what I have. I got no problem spawning a group(with only one unit in it) with skill equals to "average", "hard", "excellent" or "player", but not "client"(if I tried to do that I got an internal scripting error). I was bothered by this for a long time and I notice in the description it says So my theory is, that when you spawn a mig29 in your SP mission and take control of it, the skill level is seen by DCS as "player"; when you do the same thing online, MOOSE or MIST, or DCS's own function cannot spawn a unit with a skill level "client". Instead of doing that, it spawns an A.I. controlled unit. As I've said before I could be very wrong on this but here is my two cents.
  22. Good day everyone. I have had some difficulties figuring this out:cry:, so I'd appreciate any suggestion or help. Thanks in advance! Basically what I would like to achieve is to spawn a few aircraft/helicopters which are controllable by players, only after 20 mins into a mission. To put it simple, I have one and only one player slot when the mission starts; after 20 mins I'd like to spawn an aircraft so that another player can join/switch to. Well, this idea might sound weird and stupid but still I want to see it done... so here are what I've tried: I've had a go with some DCS functions: coalition.addGroup(country.id country, Group.Category groupCategory, groupData) It works fine with AI controlled group; however if I set skill level to "Client" in the groupData table, I got a scripting error 00121.921 ERROR DCS: Mission script error: : (null) Lua and .log file can be found here Later I learned according to http://en.wiki.eagle.ru/wiki/Simulator_Scripting_Engine/DCS:_World/Part_1, :doh:Ok, so this explains itself. Next I tried some functions in MIST and MOOSE. For MIST, I did mist.cloneGroup(...) This function takes a group name as a parameter, so I made a group with one plane in it, with skill level set to "Client", then I passed the group name to it. Got the same scripting error(null). mist.dynAdd(...) With this one, I made a template in ME, and pass the data table of this template to this function. No luck though. It turns out that these two only works with (in group data table) ["skill"] = AI_Skill_Level or ["skill"] = "Player". I have just started to learn MOOSE so I am not sure if this can be solved with MOOSE; I notice that there are some classes related, especially this one: MISSION.AddClient(CLIENT, self, Client) but I failed to understand how this work within the mission. I have looked through Gori Valley mission, only to find that this usage seems to have nothing to do with spawning a controllable group or adding a player slot, but is used to register a client into DATABASE(I could possibly be very wrong on this one). There might be other ways to work around these, for example, block a slot until 20 mins has passed; however, I still have lots of idea around being able to dynamically spawn a player controlled aircraft, on the fly, so I'd really really appreciate any :helpsmilie: or advice! Thanks again!
  23. Thanks for the reply! I kind of reset my system(clean install) every month; so long I've been installing(and activating) everything through module manager and it worked fine(without Version 1.2 or any steam version installed). But yeah.. maybe my memory doesn't serve me well. I'll go with your answer anyway. Thanks again. (it's gonna take a while for me to activating everything though..:doh:)
  24. Check out this post: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=114030 The command line to install the BS campaign should be something like: DCS_Updater.exe KA50-REPUBLIC_campaign which you can find and verify in the #4 post.
  25. Good day everyone, I have just noticed that modules installed via module manager are no longer activated automatically, as they once were. IIRC, when I logged in with my account, the module manager should prompt a window saying you have following ... modules available for installation; you install them and you are good to go.. or fly; and no activation prompt window at game start. So I assume that modules were self activated through MM. The problem is, MM still helps me to install all these modules I have, but as I start the game, heee, those mods are not activated by the MM as they once were automatically. That's to say, now I have to manually retrieve the CD Key from module manager and then complete the activation process when the game starts and prompts me to do so. Well.. that's actually not a big deal since I can still get the module(s) to work perfectly(enter CDKey and activate), but it could be quite annoying and frustrated to manually activate every single module I have.:cry: I am not sure if this is due to changes in ED's policy or DRM thingy or what; I have been looking into some posts reporting some similar problems with MM or activation, but it seems no one has yet mentioned anything about "MM not activating installed modules". Can anyone confirm this or shed some light, please? Thanks!:helpsmilie: I own NTTR so I try installing modules in 2.0 as well, but still no luck. NTTR Terrain installs and activates itself without any problem. Other modules, say A-10C and Hawk, still need to be activated manually.
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