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Everything posted by sirscorpion

  1. I am pretty sure, and we talked about it with in RVE. that Fuel for FC3 aircraft will have a very negligible effect. Taking an Air Base is a large task, and spawning under CAS and CAP pretty much means you will 90% get killed and IF you somehow make it and stop the assault Then you deserve the win. Its really only a limitation to that scenario and that scenario alone. Now take that scenario and putting people to sleep for refueling for 98% of the game play. Yeah its not worth using it any more as i Said 80% Fuel or 80% will put them on par with DCS grade aircraft. And thats all that is needed. And now closing an air base is easy, targets are limited. So that always needs to be the goal. and closing an Airbase is the true effective mean of stopping spawn take offs. Along with limited lives if people want to waste the limited lives on spawning under fire then thats their option.
  2. @Tirak, The list you provided for a US Vs Euro conflict is indeed the best short term fix for Blueflags if Blue gets the 14/18/AV8. The AJS37 does provide the only true anti ship ability in game and when the hornet is in it will also have that ability. Until the JF17,JH7 or Tu22m3 come on line "If ever". I am all for it, I hope by the time we get that full line up, Blue flags can have a scenario where Blue starts as a naval task force with zero ground bases and have to invade coastal airbases. That will be an amazing version of blue flags a mix between anti ship missiles naval cap, and LHD based insertions. @mia389 Its not the m2000 issue that it has fuel, But the FC3 aircraft do not, I think that system is obsolete now which the idea was to balance it with CAS, It does not work any more to fix its intended reason and thats to stop aircraft from spawning and taking off, simply the f15 can take tanks and the su27 has fuel already at 30%. With the limitations of life pools now on standard aircraft's, I think FC3 getting full tanks or even 70%~80% tanks will simply reduce the down time of the game aspect, which is a good thing. I want to fight more people in the sky, Having people on the ground alt tabbed for 10min to fly for another 10min is Really a bad overall effect on a server with limited slots, and limited time, and limited lives.
  3. Yeah I agree, people are jumping the shark when pretty labeling any one they do not agree with as "toxic", tone it down and the criticism was "constructive" though i do not personally agree with it for the AV8 At this stage, Its clearly still Very work in progress and a Dev sharing some stuff at the end of the long work day is always appreciated. Lets not go down the sycophants & fanboys road with bashing any one who dares share their opinion in a constructive manner, comparing that with "kids and pewdipie fans" is hilariously and ironically hypocritical.
  4. Agreed fully, RVE is pretty much in agreement with this, The M2k Is popular b/c it is a full fidelity fighter. IMO Standard Aircraft need to be 4 lifes the M2k Added to that category. The light fighters "Mig21 and F5" should get 5~6 lives "if they are to be prominent", this makes them really interesting options for Light ground attack missions and going Vs the high tech aircrafts. I also Advocate that FC3 aircraft should have at least 50% fuel to start with to make them more appealing, In the end people nearly always by pass that with "crashing the gear in the su27 and fuel tanks in the F15". so the fuel system does not really prevent short time to take off. sitting on the ground fueling, or even suggestions of ILS alignment and fueling for the m2k are just a no go in my book. More people flying in a limited slot server or even at some time limited player count is always a Greater option and outcome for game play than ppl alt tabbed for 10min while the time delay is done. The old system of taking out the bunkers to stop the spawn was the best way to prevent spawning.
  5. yeah would like to do the same
  6. There is a plan for the AV8b II Plus when the f18c is out, "in other words when the new ED ground radar is ready"
  7. Thanks for the answer, yeah figured saw looked into hundreds of pics and could not find one, surprisingly i found that there was a study and budget for an MAWS some time around 1994 not sure what happened to it, another attempt was made in the early 2000s for the AAR57 also didn't seem to work out. I would assume its all down to the but the F35 is around the corner logic.
  8. @zeus67, I really do hope we get the APKWS, "just fyi Polly dynamics is also considering it for the bo105 ROK" One question, will the harrier we are getting get a MAWS or MWS? all i found is that it uses the AN/ALR-67, though some newer sources indicate that the AAR-57 some time around 2004. "though i have never seen it on a harrier so far" Edit: yes LJDAM will be nice on triple racks
  9. The dark tone on the NA is quite nice also notice the gun pod color and dirt Huge high quality collection of photos of all USN and USMC squadrons/equipment http://www.seaforces.org/usmcair/VMA/VMA-214.htm Example more VMA-214 Black sheeps Wish we can get a more"dirty feel to the pods and such" DCS aircraft always felt a bit too clean
  10. Thank you for the response and hope every thing turns out ok. Is the next speculated platform the Eurocopter Tiger? If not what is it? What will be pollychops new focus Be after the split is done? ww2? Modern <yes plz or coldwar. fixed? helo? Will this set you guys back interns of development power/timelines? And what have you guys been working on during the past months or during the Hush times?
  11. Wish both teams the best, and Hope to get some official clarification on the new product line and who owns what "for customer support prospective" ALSO BO105 need the APKWS II it works on Universal carriers, we need it.
  12. Hey pollychop and crew, hope all is well, just wondering about the March 26 announcement on face book. "Dear all flightsim enthusiasts. We appologize for our current silence. Today I want to announce that we broke the 1500 likes a few days ago. We do thank every follower and customer of Polychop Simulations for all the trust and love for our current product and hope to amase you with our news what will be next through our pipeline. Surprise surprise, what is in the giftbox? You want to make a guess? During this year we will share some news about what was going on behind the curtains the past few month and what we aim for in the near future. So stay tuned, if everything goes as planned we will share some bigger news during the next weeks. Your Polychop Simulation Team" Hope to hear from you guys soon, and hope all goes to plan. Your fans.
  13. sirscorpion


    @Zeus67 do not delete its ok, you can tell us :D
  14. still no one has source on the TPOD HUD marker?
  15. That is great news, just to make sure the octagon shape is basically where the targeting pod is looking ? also any documentation or source will be highly appreciated!
  16. I dont know much about aircraft cannons details, but shooting 30mm from an IFV back in the 90s, autocanons do have a wide dispersion when on full RPM. now not saying its as much as an F5, but definitely way more than lots of other aircraft that at the moment nearly have laser pattern.
  17. The DEFA on the m2000 is about 2mil dispersion at 1000m. so so thats about 2m dispersion, the Gau12 for comparison is 5mil at 1000m
  18. Just a shot in the dark here, with ED ground radar coming soon TM and the current AJS radar, all provide some sort of terrain feed back, "i assume its passive" or maybe a super imposed 3D image that is calculated some how. Cant that be used to "fake" hotspots? Anyway, As i said i think the simplest solution is to add "fake noise" basically just a HUD effect around real targets. maybe at some point down the line as even doing that will need some coding.
  19. True, also retro doing that to all buildings in all 4 or 5 maps that are in the pipe is possibly an insane amount of work. The it seems the only way to do it with limited performance impact is have a few "fake" signatures that randomly pop around the real ones That is still significant, depending on its range. I dont know if you ever played Blue Flags mode online but hunting helos with fast jet is critical important and risky. And the ability to slave to a hotspot target sounds amazing, honestly with that my excitement for the NA went up 100%. you guys still considering the APKWS?:music_whistling:
  20. I was just about to ask you that question what are those "V" but decided "Dont bother the Devs too much" haha. Thank you that indeed sounds pretty amazing. For that I will get 2 AV8B copies honestly great Dev interaction. "on that note can you guys tell ED to find a way to gift products in an easy way? it got very hard now since you cant trade keys anymore" I do hope though they throw in a "Few" random ones, something like a few over smoke stacks and such, not simulate it but to make it a bit more interesting. maybe a randomizer that gives you fake icons from time to time can also work without trashing the FPS. Also can it detect helos and Aircraft? b/c that will be just evil.
  21. Gun Dispersion is about right, to be honest other Aircrafts have it the other way around. the m2000,mig21 and all the red fc3 aside from the F15. all have insanely small dispersion. Only one that should have dispersion that small is the Gau8, and even then its still too small of a group "slightly".
  22. The diamond or the Hex? I have seen the diamond in a few other harrier clips even the GR9, so i would assume thats the one. the Hex this is the only clip i saw.
  23. I am about 80% sure its the "diamond with a dot" or a "hex" to its right, if that is what you are looking for. I have seen it in other HUD clips
  24. M2000-5 will indeed be an amazing aircraft for DCS for sure. will for sure buy it. A side question though, just theoretically speaking here @Zeus67. How much ground work does the current M2000c provide as a foundation to the -5 ?"software prospective" .Assuming you have the information on the -5.
  25. Still think there something "off" with the HUD glass, compared to the link the one we have feels "smaller" and narrower" and more in an upright position. Still though hard to call final verdict till you can 6DOF around the pit in game.
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