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Everything posted by Darkbrotherhood7

  1. Dude, I don't have enough knowledge to talk about this subject, but keep in mind that it's not so simple, just because it's a 2x 30mm cannon, doesn't mean that it is powerful.
  2. I see your point but as I said, I'm not sure if it is realistic or not. Maybe that's a question to the Razbam Devs.
  3. I'm not sure, I agree that the DEFA 554 cannons have a low damage but, the real question is, this is realistic or not?
  4. I think that Belsimtek said that the F-5E will come out in may.
  5. Take a look: [ame= ] [/ame] 2:30- Opss! :doh::doh: :thumbup:
  6. The Skyraider would be nice! But I prefer the Super Tucano.
  7. Voted no! The Pucará it's a very limited aircraft! I would prefer the Super Tucano! Why not the F-117? :D Waiting for the F-15E. AV-8B and Tucano! :-D
  8. Just sharing a cool video about a normal day of F-14's pilots. [ame= ] [/ame] It's funny to see how complex is the RIO cockpit! :-D
  9. Just to be sure, in the next few weeks we'll see the official Viggen announcement?!
  10. Thanks for the mini-update, Nick! Waiting for the Tomcat update part 2 and the Viggen announcement! :-)
  11. Like the F-15E and the Harrier! :D As a Brazilian, I barely can understand some Spanish hahahaha :-)
  12. The Super Pulma would be nice, but I kinda prefer the NH-90. Why not the UH-60, or even better, why not the CH-47 or the CH-53?:D :D PS: The MI-26 is too fat hahaha
  13. hahahahaha Skyrim is also my favorite game! :D
  14. Well, actually it's not eurocopter anymore, now is Airbus helicopters! :D Would be very nice if they had an Airbus license!... My favorites ones are the RAAF version and the German version :-) Polychop, what do u guys think? it's possible to you get a Airbus license for the Tiger? :D
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