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Everything posted by rickberry49

  1. So is this the TRAIN mode on the MASTER ARM sw below left MCFD? If I put MA and Laser to TRAIN my guns don't work period... I've always put the switches MA UP and GUN/PAC ARM UP... and my gun fires. Now that I've put the MA in TRAIN MODE and back to MASTER ARM full up, when I fire the gun it flips back to the full down position GUNARM?? never saw it do that before?? We're not taking about GAME vs SIM mode in the settings when they are talking about TRAINING ABOVE ARE THEY? I've never found how to get into training mode?
  2. now I'm a bit confused... sorry for the limited understanding but... why are we talking about training rounds vs REAL rounds. Is there a diff in the DCS A10? I've always thought I was shooting real rounds at the targets, just like dropping a bomb, once it's gone, it's gone...... how do you reload in mid air? If I take off in a REAL A10 I have a given number of BULLETS loaded in that big drum... when I shoot all of them at a target and I run out is that not the end of it???? I know this is just a game (I think of it more as what it really is, a very complex SIM) so with all the purists out there I should think the issue of reloading in mid air would be nonsense. Am I missing a point here in my understanding of how this SIM work?
  3. Sorry to hear that but, I guess in the real world you can't reload either.... Only other way is to use the cheat and load a new plane, but real HOGS don't cheat do they???
  4. I found the UFC menu under WEAPONS > 30MM > ROUNDS RESET....!! I did this and got a new 1150 count, but....!!!! after hitting STORE to exit and then exit out of the rest of the menus I see 0 in my HUD and DSMS... Is this supposed to work or not ??? anyone else have success..?
  5. Thank you so much for the mission stuff... just getting into that now so I can create a number of short focused training missions that I can repeat several times in a short amount of time... practice makes perfect...!!
  6. The quick restart is a GREAT idea, depending on your system it can be painfully slow waiting just to REFLY... I use GET A NEW PLANE option if and most often when I crash or get shot down. Just get a new ride and pick up where I left off... This is NOT the PUREST approach I know but... I'm trying to learn to fly not growing old waiting for the mission to reload.
  7. Lt Snake and Andryl hit it on the head... this is NOT a simple bang bang game, use the main menu training missions to help get started, once comfortable you can move to the BFT campaign (Basic Flight Training) that comes with the 2.0 install. You will need to repeat the basics many times before becoming proficient and learning the kbrd commands. In the process you'll start modifying your controller buttons to work the way YOU think and fly. Memorize the numerous commands and terms they are vital to future training and control of the sim. Be prepared to spend some time learning this thing but I can tell you it is an awesome sim... For what it's worth I've attached a MUSTKnow document I've been compiling, you really need to memorize and know all the stuff on it in order to understand training instructions etc.. Good Luck and happy flying MUSTKNOW.pdf
  8. You guys are taking on an ENORMOUS TASK, I do know what quality software development takes... My point is this... I see tremendous work by some very experienced guys, but when planning to show a new video, or produce a manual please consider (sometimes) the newbee and add perhaps create a quick easy to practice HANDS ON mission that supplements the great stuff you create. Or, possible use and identify one of the existing easy missions to demonstrate your point. The we can easily load the quick start mission for example and follow along exactly the same. For DRAGON and your team... A MILLION ATTABOYS AND A GOOD JOB... Can't wait to see it, if this neewbee can be of any help with beta testing or ?? please send me a PM and I'll try to help.
  9. Dog, I'm new to all of this but if I can help to create a centralized place (this Forum, the WIKI or ???) please send me a message with details on what I can do to help. I'd love to fly multiplayer, someday, but right now I'm just trying not to get shot down and get all this stuff into this OLD Brain... What I'm talking about in the Focused training missions would help tremendously... and I got to know others would benefit too... not to mention potential future income if we can grow the user base. Many dedicated users are creating GREAT stuff and much of it at no cost (thank you from this new user...!!!) But, as I said, I know what it takes to create this stuff (I just don't know how to do it myself) and what I'm proposing is not going to happen over night. But, if we keep moving forward with new stuff and the idea of creating some of it (not all of it) with the new user in mind we will start to see the ranks grow and that will be good for DCS and the existing users as well. Keep me posted...???
  10. Chuck, Your points are right on and exactly what I'm trying to promote but with actual missions created with these points in mind. Again, an amazing amount of great work on the A10 MANUAL, it's in my library now thanks..!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-uSpZROuEd3VEJOVlRvODNyREU/view But reading alone is not going to help make skilled users, they need to PRACTICE in a mission SPECIFICALLY CREATED ON THE SUBJECT using your points above. I taught HIGH END CAD/CAM systems for 25 of my 30 years as a consultant. And I can tell you that all the reading and lectures did not create good users. I created focused training labs that allowed them to put what they just heard or read to actual use and allowed for repetitive practice with different options and techniques. These users excelled over others who just read the manuals and then tried to learn on their own. I see this in the many videos out there, some guys have really LEARNED the concepts and not just how to fly the SIM. These are the guys this SIM was created for, and I suppose (I know) many of them spent years learning. I'm retired (thank God) and have the time to put in, and do... But, for many new users who still have a family to support and don't have unlimited time, it would be nice to provide a single place on THIS FORUM where they can get links to quality, manuals, see quality example videos, and either download free or purchased quality training missions prepared specifically for the topic a hand. I also went to your You Tube channel link provided and again an amazing amount of collective videos... but If I'm trying to JUST find A10 stuff a page with direct link(s) to all your great work on just the A10 would be most helpful to a new and (usually lost) user.
  11. I absolutely agree with EVERYTHING you guys have said...!!!! Plenty of videos out there, but as a newbee I had trouble determining who knew what they were talking about and who was not. I say one video where the pilot said "I've seen lots of videos on the subject and there is a lot of miss information in them." The advanced guys on this forum I think have done an amazing job helping answer questions from new users. Me included...!!! But, with a little effort I think we could create a page where links to QUALITY training is readily available to the new user. The stuff from 476th for example, amazing work.. and their new "476th - 476TTP 3-3.A10 - 24APR16_CombatFund.pdf" manual !!!! This info should not be buried in another THREAD but right up front and "STICKY" I guess it the proper term. And I also very much agree if you just want to go out and blow ^%$^% up there are many other simpler GAMES out there. But we need a balance to draw in new and "willing to put the time in" users. But my other suggestion is for more training focused missions. All the theory, example videos, manuals etc are very much needed but hands on practice in a controlled focused mission will go a long way to building the skill necessary to fly this thing. This is something I have not been able to find. If NTTR is on the way, GREAT.. this will definitely help and I'm looking forward to it. If others are available please post them here and show me how to make a STICKY PAGE and/or hook it to the existing WIKI and I'll be happy to try and start organizing some of the existing QUALITY work so many of you have put so much time into. Given the extraordinary amount of work I've seen in manuals, videos, missions/campaigns all that is needed is effort to BEGIN to try an organize it a bit, qualify it for quality and accuracy and make it readily available "links if necessary" in ONE place on this forum (like the WIKI) would make it just a bit easier to get a new user started. Perhaps the WIKI guy is the place for this??? I'm new at this forum thing so let me know who (advanced users) to link up with and I'll be happy to get started....
  12. Guys, I said in my comments that if it was a promo type video it was great....!!! And as you said there are lots of training videos out there. Some great and some not so great... All I'm trying to promote is that you advanced guys have a lot of knowledge and when you take the time to create great work like this please remember the newbees when possible. Happy flying...!!!
  13. Awesome video quality and great for promotion of DCS and the A10, but no real content for new users... Try to remember the new or potential new user that may be watching. See my post re: new user videos/training missions. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=167057 To make this a great training mission video, length was great but, can we create a simple mission that puts the user 10 miles out with instructions for questions below. Eliminate the first 3 mins of just flying. Or include in this segment: How did you contact TEXACO on the radio How did you set up your TACAN to find them What fuel panel settings were needed What approach method did you use to align up with the boom What's tips to stay connected How did you back off when full
  14. As a new user I'm not sure who is in control of this forum, is it DCS or ??? But it seems that TRAINING is a HUGE issue with this AWESOME but very complex simulation. You can PLAY IT like any other game (shoot em up bang bang) but if you want to really know what it is like to be a combat pilot, I have never seen anything like it before. PREPARE 3D is another awesome simulator if you what to learn to fly. But for combat this is it......!!!!! SLYDOG486 started a post about needed quality training videos, and many points were well taken and should be considered by anyone making a video especially a training video: Avoid long commentary that doesn't address the topic at hand Eliminate LONG sections where we just watch you fly or taxi and nothing else Make any control picks clear and close up if possible, the DCS training highlights the buttons SPEAK CLEARLY and slowly PLEASE, eliminate the BOBBLE HEAD movements unless it involves a tactical view of something Keep the training videos as short and focused as you can, too much info overload in some cases Given the above comments, I have found several excellent videos in the newly created (and much appreciated great work) YOUTUBE TRAINING LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC90p6sHsL5PN_urMRz65NyA Also, Cudo's to the 476th on their efforts, their videos are great and very well produced, so it is my feeling that if future video makers will follow these examples and avoid the issues above we have a great start... But, this is a very complex simulator and a new user who has never been a pilot is going to find it frustrating and that is bad news for the existing users and for DCS... DCS or who ever created this amazing SIM has created a good start in their training section to make it easier to learn this SIM but MUCH MORE is needed in my opinion, NOT only from DCS but the user community as well. I have seen many amazing videos about available missions and campaigns that you guys are working on. And I know the work it takes to do this.... (it's HUGE). But, if you want to grow your user base you have got to also focus on getting the new user up to speed. Many postings I see are for the SAME issues from another frustrated new user. Perhaps, make a video to address the issue and then simply point the user to it, problem solved. Now, supplemental to all the training videos, manuals etc... What I believe we need for new users, and I don't even begin to know how or where the mission creator guys are but... Having a section or page devoted to links to find other free and $$ missions/campaigns (especially training) with the ability to capture feedback from the users would be great. Short focused training missions are what I see are missing for new users. These two pages (youtube channel and Missions/Campaigns) should be prominent on the FORUM like the WIKI link... so any new guests can easily find them. I should think this would be something DCS would really want to promote in order to grow your user base. A frustrated new user, who stops using the SIM will only have BAD things to say about it, and this is not good for the existing users or DCS... The more skilled a user becomes the more they will want to purchase. This community is INCREDIBLE in their willingness to provide free information, missions etc... and God bless you for it. But, I don't have a problem pitching in a few bucks to a developer who creates another awesome mission or campaign, just don't get greedy...!!! The more skilled users you have the more potential market you have. So it is worth your time to get the new users up and running... I have worked in the computer industry for 30 years as a CAD/CAM Consultant and I can tell you that the customers who were well trained and productive with their systems purchased more equipment and training than those who tried to do it on their own. I have all I can do to learn to fly this thing, and know nothing about building missions etc... but I am willing to BETA test or help in whatever way I can to promote more QUALITY training missions for the new users. Let me know what you think or how I can help. I'm new and really don't know all the big players yet..
  15. I have the download manual.... an incredible amount of awesome work...!!!! I'll be reading this for some time.... but..... As I work thru the manual I can't wait for the supplemental missions. Are you with the 467th ? These guys have done some amazing work, I'd love to get to this skill level someday... Please keep in mind these schools of players when creating manuals, or missions... 1 Newbees - Focused, with the environment (airports, landscape, etc) designed to focus on the specific topic and skill to be practiced (takeoff, ILS, Bomb runs etc). Each and every skill is critical to the overall learning process, but I don't want to spend 15 min's starting the thing and then taxi for another 3 mins just to get to the end of the runway so I can repeat a proper takeoff and climb out. (for example). If proper takeoff skill is the lesson then put me at the end of the runway ready for throttle up. Shame on me if I didn't get skilled in startup and taxi before this step. Remember here we give baby steps 2 Basic Skilled - Now we can string together a SHORT, focused mission that involves a couple of the previously learned skills. Again, I don't want to fly for 10 mins to get to the target so I can practice a CCIP bomb drop, or JDAM or Mav attack only to get shot down as soon as I get there cuz I wasn't ready for all the AAA or SAMS in the mission. 3 Advanced - All you guys that make it look easy on the videos.... These missions are in the package now, many are pretty cool but, not where I want to be learning. One mission MZ.miz I just duck and turn away from the SU's as fast as I can. Forget trying to use A:A at the start this is NOT a learning mission. I'd like to see the package missions categorized perhaps with the above in mind, it would make it easier (again that is what we want to do to attract more users) for newbees to pick missions to run.
  16. I'd love to learn to make missions but... at age 67 memory is dedicated to learning to fly this thing... but count me in if you need beta testers for feedback. As a CAD/CAM consultant for 30 yrs I know what works for training new users. Your idea of quality videos is right on... I've seen many excellent ones (as I mentioned from the 476th) and like you I have gone nuts trying to figure out what some others were doing or having to watch endless null time. But, what I haven't been able to do is find the mission environments where I can jump into a quick mission environment that lets me focus on a well planned series of skills that can be QUICKLY restarted and repeated until the student is comfortable with that specific task. Being able to watch a SHORT to the point video then quickly practice the skill (including flight control) is what I think would bring more users into the sim... If these missions are out there (like the BFT Mission I got as part of the DCS World A10 package) I'd love to know where they are. I have seen other postings for guys creating "Formation Flying" missions and the like, these are great for experienced users. BUT.... if you want to attract NEW USERS, you gotta make this thing a bit easier (and much less time consuming to learn). I have some suggestions for the guys who wrote the BFT missions as well...if they want to contact me. Even the training that comes with the package is great, but even that could be made easier to get into from a new user perspective. I'd also be willing to pay a few bucks for a video/mission package. I don't know how many new users we have out there but world wide if you got $5 a pop for a good package from a 1000 new users worldwide??? I think it would be worth the effort.
  17. Thank you for your suggestions... I would love to learn to create missions or what ever they are called....but.... I have all I can do now to learn to fly this thing... as a former Navy Fighter Squadron Elect Tech, I have a new appreciation for what the real Pilots must go thru for training... Add to that landing on a Carrier...!! My point is that the previous writer wanted to create quality video tutorials, but I have found more than enough very good ones (and some not so good) to get me started learning. What I was trying to say is that, I feel, new users like me need the SAME environment (in a quick simple single mission) to load and repeatedly practice with. My ideas for practice Missions (not necessarily videos) would simply help the process and bring more users into the community. This is an awesome simulator, but as such I think many new users get frustrated with the complexity (as evident in the postings). If anyone wants to help grow the community I think we need NOT (remove the complexity) but make it easier to LEARN the collective individual skills needed to perhaps join a multiplayer game and not be the first one shot down... If you advanced users know of sources for downloading practice missions like the ones I've seen in some excellent videos from the 476th that would be outstanding. I'd even pay a few bucks for some that I've seen. But please keep the quality of the sim in mind always... Please keep in touch... I need all the help I can get... memory at age 67 is limited
  18. Having spent the better part of 2 months watching videos on You Tube, reading the manuals and piecing together a ton of notes I feel I have more than enough reference material. If I may add my Cadet input. What I need are more well crafted training missions that go directly to the topic in question. Trying to practice with the Quick Start or heading directly into a major campaign are limited or just Fly & Die and restart...!!! Which is time consuming at best... I did find the cheat for "Get New Plane" that does save some time when I get blasted or crash and burn... I have been working thru the "BFT Campaign" which is excellent but.... having to restart from the beginning when making a mistake half way thru or right at the end is frustrating and time consuming. As a new user, having a SHORT, easy to restart practice session is more needed than more videos. Although I do agree that we need well crafted, experienced videos, devoid of useless comments, too much head movement and SHORT AND TO THE TOPIC. I have seen many excellent videos many from the 476th and others. What I would like to help create is a set of missions that progress thru along with the video topic. Example: In cockpit start aircraft... practice as many times as needed, successful completion move to In cockpit with aircraft already STARTED, begin "Follow me" TAXI practice 3 -5 min's tops ... successful completion move to At end of TAXI way heading to shutdown, again 3 - 5 mins tops THEN.... a mission that links all three together, once user is comfortable with each individual segment. I hated having to go thru the whole startup & taxi thing just to get to practice the shutdown and then fail because I forgot to shut off the PITOT heat switch... It is important to have all procedures correct but having the shutdown separate from the rest (for practice) would really have been nice. I was in VF143 as a flight deck TS in Nam and they NEVER shut off everything they should have. Just made sure all was correct before startup... In any case and to whatever competence level the user wants to achieve this concept is applicable to every video I've seen... Good and Bad... See video (short topic), have specific mission available to do practice till comfortable with subject. (without worry of getting shot down every 5 mins..trying to practice in a real mission or campaign. Example, 476th vFG - IQT - 02 - Instrument Departure and ILS Approach, excellent JOB...!!! BUTTTT..... So how do I EASILY get my plane to VAZIANI ??? this is my biggest wish...! Then how can I PRACTICE JUST the departure SEGMENT, in good weather, so I get the feel of what is going on? Then graduate to a ILS departure when I'm comfortable with this segment. Next, IN AIR on INbound to pick up TBLISI on 25X and practice DME ARC segment without having to go thru the whole departure thing just to practice the INBOUND segment, again in good weather then ILS. This type of SEGMENTED training practice, with SAME setup as example video would go a VERY long way to minimizing the frustration I see in many forum posts. Weapon CCIP delivery was another great video from 476th I'd like to have a short practice mission that puts me in the Air on the way to the target, I select the weapon, set up the run in and drop... restart back at beginning and do it again. I'D BE HAPPY TO BETA TEST ANY SUCH MISSIONS any of you propeller heads come up with and provide POSITIVE FEEDBACK for improvement. Many thanks to all who have taken such incredible time to create an amazing sim, the extensive amount of videos, and the add-on's available.
  19. New DCS World - South China SEa Spent 2 yrs in the Tonkin Gulf... would be pretty neat to shoot at some water targets...
  20. Thanks for the info...!!! I'll keep plugging away at my BFT campaign for now and look for your new stuff in the future...Keep us posted...!!! Great job with the training files. If you ever need Beta testers or user feed back let me know.
  21. Thank you Sir...!!! for the heads up... I was looking for some tactical training in addition to the BFT I'm working at now... Came across these and the message was a bit cryptic on the web site but you have explained it quite well. For now I'll just keep banging away at the BFT... still need plenty of work there, should keep me busy till the new release... One final ?? if I may... not all MIZ files apparently can't be simply copied to one of the campaign, or mission directories... I've downloaded a few previously for demos, I guess using a track file to show whats going on... Is there a difference in MIZ files??? how can we tell the diff other than they don't show up in the menu for campaign or mission even when copied to the directory.. Hope that makes sense to you... still gotta lot to learn..
  22. I found these downloads on the site... A-10C Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification Part A&B from http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/250299/ Got 2 files ... download completed OK DCSWA10C_CMP02B.V1.5.miz DCSWA10C_CMP02A.V1.5.miz At the bottom of the page note the following: This package is no longer for sale. Forum Thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=62992 V1.5 License: Paid - Paid version, License file included Language: English Size: 54.23 Mb Downloaded: 2722 DOES THIS MEAN THEY ARE NO LONGER CHARGEABLE ITEMS ?? IF NOT AVAILABLE... should probably kill the page? I put them in: USERpath\Saved Games\DCS\Missions\Campaigns\en Also tried putting them in: USERpath\Saved Games\DCS\Missions I have a MG.miz file here but the system does not see the two I added in either place... WHITE FLAG...!!! What am I missing ???
  23. ditto on the frame rate what is the impact vs default???
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