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Mr Red

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Everything posted by Mr Red

  1. Ok forget my last post just tried it on the George washington so it looks like there's a bug with the F18 on the hornet.
  2. Ok looks like there's an issue with the Foresstals on multiplayer servers, jumped in the ME and set off from the Forrestal but no issues, tried the Greyflag multiplayer servers had issues with the Forrestal on both servers but ok on the super carriers.
  3. The alignment of JDAMS while on the boat seems to corrupt something
  4. Anyone else having issues with the JDAMS not loading in coordinates in TOO mode also the TPOD not selecting the waypoint as wpdsg?
  5. As the title says, do I need to use the ships ATC to get mode1 active, I can only use the auto landing if I use ATC correctly. Thanks
  6. Hi guys, keep getting "Connection timed out" on multiplayer with Discord losing connection at the same time, it's happening within 10-15min of joining a server it's getting unplayable for me, I've attached my log files can some one give advice please, Thanks in advance dcs.log.old dcs.log
  7. Hey all, I've setup a carrier group with Stennis, Super carrier and Tarawa with destroyer and cruiser escorts, in the editor I've got three TACANS setup 73X, 74X and 75X with ICLS channels 1,2 and 3, the problem is the needles send me off to the left of the super carrier and don't even pick up the ICLS on the Stennis, all the TACANS work fine. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks
  8. We need craters, this provides ways of disrupting an airfield.
  9. Come on ED sure you can spend some time just doing the fine tuning, thanks o7
  10. If only these ordnance issues can be ironed out would make doing German ground pounding so much more interesting and popular
  11. Great mod mate, keep up the good work thankyou.
  12. Hi Suntag, I'm not sure if i'm going mad but still can't find it even when I search for "spitfire" it only shows me 2 post the first takes me to the original one where the links say it's in the trash bin and the second one is the reply telling me to search for spitfire. could you link it again. Many thanks.
  13. Hi Suntag, this takes you to a Scud mod
  14. Hey flyers, So anyone know if it works? if so how do we use it? and how do we set it up in mission building? Thanks.
  15. Is that shorter than very soon but longer than imminent?
  16. Any idea when the Gazelle will be out ;-)
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