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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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  1. Did you check the laser code on the TGP? It sometimes (?) defaults to 1111 whereas the LGBs default to 1688. Speaking from expepience...
  2. Downloading right now. Let's see, if it worked ;) Thanks!
  3. No F-16 for me in the module manager as well...
  4. What is there even to think about? Reading some comments here makes me sick. It's 2018. Feeling in any way offended for Elysians request is just inappropriate and dumb. +1 for female voices!
  5. The Hotfix did it for me! Perfect FPS now for me! Thank you RAZBAM & ED! :D
  6. The same thing happened at the Viggen release. Well, I'll just switch to the open beta build then ;)
  7. Stingray87


    Nur halt in der F-5 nicht ;)
  8. Ich habe damals mit dem MS FS 95 angefangen und schnell darauf kam Jane's USNF 97. Aber am meisten Zeit habe ich in Jane's Fighters Anthology verbracht. Da hatte man die größte Auswahl an Jets :)
  9. Preordered. Now I have to get back to my new TM Warthog. :)
  10. I got mine a couple of days ago. They are my first pedals ever. I find them kinda sensitive with standard values. Can someone post recommendations for the axis fine tuning? It feels like I start from zero, when I am using them on the ground. Pretty twitchy :'D
  11. Ah, thanks for the explanation. :)
  12. Looks like he starts with the thrust reverse doors closed. The tarmac under the aft of the airctraft starts to smoke after a while. Nice. :D Is that the normal procedure?
  13. You are right. The term "announcement week" just made me expect more. :'D
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