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About shaggy

  • Birthday 05/20/1990

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    Photographer, Personal Assistant
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  1. Hello! I see that there has been many custom ground assets created for this lovely map. Would it be possible to get objects like generators, gpus, ladders, tuggs, fishing boats, lorries and other things like that as placable static objects? They would be lovely assets for mission creators to get FOB´s and other bases come to life. TIA
  2. Will this mod have a moving map ?
  3. 1) Use static models with triggers. 2) Group more then 4 aircraft 3) Leave a static aircraft on the ground in case no one has spawned in the aircraft. 4) Being able to remove trees with trigger on the Syria map 5) More of a layer styled list for units where you can drag and drop units into different folders so you can create whole battalions linked together. That way you can hide / unhide / select all units within one group.
  4. HI, what JA-37 model is that in your screenshots? Or is it a mod for the AJS to make it look like the JA-37 ?

    1. Saab87


      Hi thats my private JA-37 mod for the AJS. I also have the JA-37 Di mod with the two antennas 

  5. +1, I would like to know as well if possible
  6. I edited a file myself to get it to look better for our display. Download the attached zip file. extract it and copy the Bazar folder to your main DCS Installation. Or copy the to ParticleSystem2.hlsl file to: Your drive:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\_backup.007\Bazar\shaders Modified Aerobatic Smoke.zip
  7. On a private mod we had the same issue and narrowed it down to the lightning meshes on all our external lights. So might want to give the 3d people a heads up on that.
  8. Of course there are thousands of beautiful aircraft that could be built for DCS. Bu to me it´s strange that the Hawker Hunter haven´t become a reality for DCS. So many countries used it and there are so many version of it that could be produced. It would also fit well with the other cold war era fighters currently in DCS.
  9. Hello all. Is there a good guide of how to add the following things to a custom cockpit. ( our model uses its custom coded dll). 1) working mirrors 2) show / hide pilot body 3) add the garmin GPS module Any help would be most appreciated.
  10. Our team have been working on our own EFM for nearly a year. RED3|Ricks has done an amazing job and its starting to show in our show. Enjoy this action-packed video.
  11. Would it be possible to get a similar noise texture fix for nevada?
  12. Looking forward to this
  13. yeah so find the hex you need and replace it the zeros with it 0x000000ff. Keep the ff at the end and the 0x at the begining
  14. Thanks Automan! Its fixed now. Much appreciated help.
  15. I can only get this to work with the withe smoke, for the color smokes the hex code does not work for me. what does the 0x mean ?
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