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  1. Late war...Normandy is missing bombers, it would be nice to have decent modeled theatre! If no b17 than b26 and one for axis like ju88 or me410.
  2. Yes, AI gunners! Like in il2GB, if one player he could switch to bombardier/gunner stations when needed, if two players one is flying the plane while the other one is bombardier/gunner.
  3. I would and i bet many would too since there is no decent sim providing bomber role. I would do the same with PTO while waiting for clickpit modules. Realistic FM, immersion and gameplay variety have priority over clickpit in my book when it comes to ww2 birds. In ww2 birds after startup there is not much need for clickpits, almost everything fits on hotas!
  4. They don't need to be multicrew for 4,6 players.....that would be boring, two players are enough, pilot and copilot/bombardier. I would be happy even if they make them without clickpits like Flaming cliffs but with good FM.
  5. I think there is enough fighters and fighter bombers, what is missing are flyable B25 and Ju88 (a17 torpedo bomber)!
  6. I'd love to see flyable B-17, a dream come true, even if they make it flyable without clickpit. However if not possible as some stated above than B-25 would be perfect compromise that would fit well in Normandy and PTO. S!
  7. Hope map will soon be optimized for VR, my money is is on standby status for this map! S!
  8. By that logic there would be no game under 200$ out there. You ask to value your hard work while not valuing customers hard earned money (Normandy map case)!
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