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Posts posted by draconus

  1. 9 minutes ago, Flappie said:

    I'll report this but first I'm testing all FC3 aircraft. It seems the MiG-29S never gets the ILS signal. Am I doing something wrong?

    MiG-29S no ILS.trk 436.43 kB · 0 downloads

    I didn't check the track but russian birds don't use ILS. They use RSBN/PRMG instead which is supported on 4 Caucasus airports only. Check the table here:


    Note the blue numbers - some are only one direction, ex. Krasnodar-Center RWY 09.


    btw: I tried to look for anything official on the ILS glideslope signal range.


    "The glide slope is normally usable to the distance of 10 NM. However, at some locations, the glide slope has been certified for an extended service volume which exceeds 10 NM."

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Tom P said:

    It would be so cool to see the fuel purge during a connect/disconnect or a improper connection. Having the basket dance around behind the tanker while players are waiting for the right moment to push into it. The hose waving around as the aircraft makes the connection.

    And most importantly remove the magic magnet connection and add collision model.

    • Like 4
  3. On 5/15/2024 at 11:51 PM, Naquaii said:

    One is that that radar model for pulse in the AWG-9 isn't nearly as advanced as the one developed for the APQ-120 in the F-4E.

    Why? The quality standards changed or you have better info or more performance freedom?

  4. 7 hours ago, Tippis said:

    It tries to be resolution-agnostic so that the size is the same across resolutions, which is why higher resolutions get larger dots (in terms of pixel count).

    That's why I said - failed idea from the start. Higher resolution is supposed to get you better image, better spotting, not worse and not wrong size objects, fake dots. The display device is a mean to display the correct image. And correct means correct object angular sizes independent of resolution - just the fov vs monitor size. The resolution will be a factor in calculating how many pixels will be filled. If one FullHD monitor depicts an aircraft as 1 black pixel it means the same size 4K monitor should display more pixels for the same aircraft. As the range increases the FullHD will eventually show no pixel while 4K one will still show 1 pixel. Further away both will lose the sight. And even that one pixel should not be always black - it should take into account the color, light/glints and aircraft size/aspect. That's how it should work in DCS.

    7 hours ago, Tippis said:

    a very vocal contingent of forum posters have argued ferociously against ED ever implementing the known and working solution to this

    It's not a solution - it's another bad idea.

    6 hours ago, KoN said:

    With bigger and fast PC computers we can get photo realistic graphics now . I wish DCS had the same scale system as BMS, or il2 great battles , their VR scaling is what we need .

    You're contradicting yourself. Scaling would make graphic unrealistic.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, too-cool said:

    What mode should my displays be set up for ie; A/A, A/G? I'm talking about aids that help in lining up properly.

    Oh, you mean AAR? For an approach you can use AA on the left (you can find the tanker from afar, remember to turn off the radar when you get visual on a tanker), usual TSD or ADI at the center and HSI on the right (you'll fly toward tanker's TACAN). When you meet up and go formation it's stick and throttle from there, no instrument can help, unless at night, then maybe navflir on the HUD, but you'll be still under the tanker so nothing interesting in front of you.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ironhand said:

    There is no “dcs_updater update” in my bin folder. There is only dcs_updater.exe. And that will start the sim after checking for an update. That’s what I had tried first. The same is true in the start menu.

    "update" is an argument, "dcs_updater.exe" is a file to run with that parameter - then it only updates DCS, never runs the game.


  7. On 5/9/2024 at 5:37 PM, Ithronwise said:

    Timestamp of the file has changed with the update and also its size but there is no patch note about the Mirage 2000C in the release notes.

    Afaik this is normal since the modules need their files updated (1 dll and 1 manifest) to the new DCS version with every update, no matter if there were any additions/updates/fixes to the module itself.

    Also "potentially unwanted" comes from heuristic engines check.

  8. 11 minutes ago, TAIPAN_ said:

    But it would be nice if it was model scaling, though those at low resolutions would still find the scaling doesn't fit in 1-2 pixels so they would end up with something like a dot.

    DCS does the proper scaling already but at some range the model disappears and the "dot" is put in place instead. No matter the resolution there's always some range that the aircraft becomes 1 pixel or smaller. The point is to handle it well by gfx engine and depict it realistically - this should be priority, not some impossible PvP balance where everybody have different display size, resolution and fov.

    • Like 1
  9. The whole idea of fake dots is a fail. It should be a job of a 3D graphic engine to either render the object with proper angular size on the screen using 1 or more pixels, or render 1 pixel fading into background until disappearing when reaching range far enough. How to tell if it's 1 pixel or more? Basic math taking resolution vs fov vs object angular size - gfx engine's job. This way purposely lowering the resolution would be disadvatageous because you'll worsen your spotting - the 4K would still show a faint pixel while FullHD will lose the sight entirely at the same fov & range. It can't correlate well with RL spotting since we also have different sizes of monitors and can change fov on the fly.

    It is absolutely wrong to fill more pixels for the object that is farther than the one that is closer at the same aspect and light.

    Current dot also fails to take into account important features from the model like skin colors, light reflections/glints. We can see white parachutes from far away depicted by 4 black dots (a box), same as the aircraft this pilot just ejected from.

    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, Qcumber said:

    I've tried this setting again and it does not make any difference for me. The mirror screen is uncropped even when HMD mask is enabled. I've tried restarting. The MSSA mask does nothing either. Any ideas? 

    I don't use MSAA but the HMD mask crop was visible on mirror - obviously you can't notice it wearing headset because it's outside of the visible area. Can't tell the performance difference - it's minimal if any.

    • Like 1
  11. On 5/11/2024 at 5:51 PM, lwalter said:

    Nevertheless, what I'd like to know is whether the selection (lock?) of a target on a SA-8 radar by double-click is not working because I'm doing something wrong or because of a limitation in VR?

    The VR cursor (dot) is simply not recognized for this action, although it works for the buttons on the left :dunno:

    @Flappie Can it be reported as a bug then?

    ca vr sa15 radar lock.trk

    • Thanks 1
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