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  1. glad mavs are staying weird choice for text color though
  2. баг с автопилотом и триммером все еще присутствует https://streamable.com/p5i4su
  3. вот эта штука меня убивала уже не один раз, это все таки баг? не нашел в треде подтверждения
  4. "Reajust Free Turbine RPM Switch - Decrease" doesn't move, increase does move, both don't seem to do anything "Collective brake - Assign altitude lever" - bind doesn't move anything in game but the function works, but the actual button on the collective labeled "friction clutch of the collective" does the same thing, but has no bind in the settings
  5. i hope, i hope a lot that it is coming i hope even more that its going to be ported as a feature to other helicopters as well flying the huey is almost suicidal sometimes and you have to snap your neck around every second to see if youre getting blown up or not
  6. for the love of god, this feature is really important this thing alone makes helicopters insanely difficult to play for no reason you have multiple sets of eyes in the helicopter, in the huey its 4, and you have awareness of a horse wearing blinders
  7. soviets had them in afghan, when i google "mi24 afghan" a lot comes up
  8. They dont show up, I dont know if they function but i hope they will i think this is from real life, big difference
  9. Instant crash to desktop after using pilot jettison cover binds you dont need a track for this, and theres no way to save it cause game crashes anyway
  10. oh man this makes pedals so much better thank you, i straight up just cant even taxi with that thing on
  11. yes but i can go 120 no problem with a lot more weight than the pods and also speed stays the same while they have no rockets in them, thats not right, they get both lighter and should drag less
  12. i bought the huey on the weekend sale i knew it wasnt fast, but i didnt expect to be going 80 knots... tested some, big rocket pods seem to drag so much that you can barely go 90 on a good day, with 20% fuel and nothing else, no change if they are empty or full jettisoning them you just shoot to 120 (i think i had 125 max) pretty quickly i dont know much about helicopters but i dont think those tiny rocket pods should drag you so much as to reduce your speed by 30-40 knots... especially when they dont even have rockets in them huey rocketpods.trk
  13. no extra steps either, just fly upside down, forever singleplayer, online, all the same harrier.trk
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