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About HC_Official

  • Birthday 03/11/1970

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  1. I use windows server 2022 to host my DCS server (FYI legit keys only cost 25 quid)
  2. ahhhhhhhh, one of the most fun games to play as a PC owner ..... Driver Roulette
  3. yeah you can indeed do this on a mouse , but if you read my post I talking about sensitivity of keys
  4. so there Should be a option to change the sensitivity of the keys dunno how you think you can change sensitivity on a digital device
  5. go to DCS server install folder, then go inside distr folder , right click and run as admin one at a time on the 2 exe in that folder, (it should work now, if not reboot try again)
  6. There was talk about this 5 years ago Officially from ED about giving us a public bug tracker -> But 2 years later ED back tracked and decided not to do it, which was a shame sadly
  7. sadly this bug is still in todays build null
  8. I have had this a couple of times on grayflag , but most times it is ok it is annoying as hell when it happens because once DCS crashed to desktop
  9. u use a different bind to use radio when airborne
  10. I handled this issue by playing a audio annoying as hell sound along with a text message on screen for the person named player , it does this every 30 seconds to annoy the hell out of them until they leave Side Note: IF there is a person named player on the server and another person named player tries to connect, the server prevents them from joining, so it looks like you cannot have 2 people on a server with the same name at the same time
  11. i have the Virpil plus collective + an Alpha-L grip to go with it Do NOT buy the plus virpil collective as the twist throttle bit on it is pretty useless, get the normal version instead as you can save some coin
  12. had this myself earlier, DCS crashed when I tried to select a slot in MP
  13. it would be great if ED would add the bindings for the MPD's for the CH-47D to the base game
  14. yeah defo looks like sooooooooooooooo many missing right now
  15. specifically right now the grayflag servers are not showing up but are still running and connectable grayflag.dfa.wtf:11308 grayflag.dfa.wtf:10308 but in the website list if your filter by the word gray you get nothing ( and usually you would get about 5 or so listed)
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