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Everything posted by Clorydric

  1. Sorry, I just noticed your reply... Haven't played for a few weeks. Mod has been (quickly) updated, but I haven't checked if everything was working properly. Please report any issues
  2. In the f-5 lua, search for "gear" and insert a new line after one of the landing gear handle lines. Then copy/paste the first line of code I wrote there . Don't forget the comma at the end of line.
  3. DCS reconnaît (en principe) automatiquement les joysticks connectés. Si un warthog est connecté, il appliquera le profil "warthog". Si aucun profil ne correspond, il utilisera le profil par défaut. Chaque avion a ses propres configurations de touche / joystick (les lua). En principe, pas besoin de les charger... Sauf si on a plusieurs configs /changement de pc. TARGET ne permet pas d'éditer les lua de DCS. Et à moins de savoir ce qu'on fait, il vaut mieux éviter d'y toucher. Il faut régler les mappings dans les options de DCS, l'édition des lua se limite à ajouter des raccourcis qui ne sont pas disponibles (ex. Pour les switchs 2/3 positions). Dans la fenêtre d'option de DCS, il y a un bouton "modificateurs", qui permet d'ajouter des touches/boutons joystick comme modificateurs. Si tu connais le lua... Tu devrais connaître NPP.
  4. If you really don't want to shift the camera, you can check the trim gauge in the control indicator (RCTRL+ENTER). If you need to have the scale in the control indicators, 1 - Do a backup of ".\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\F-5E\Cockpit\Scripts\ControlsIndicator\ControlsIndicator_page.lua" (a simple copy-paste is enough). 2 - Open it with Notepad++ and replace all the content with https://pastebin.com/raw/YKYcEa7Z 3 - Save and profit.
  5. { down = iCommandPlaneGearUp, up = iCommandPlaneGearDown, name = _('Landing Gear Lever - SWITCH'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('HOTAS')}}, { down = iCommandPlaneGearDown, up = iCommandPlaneGearUp, name = _('Landing Gear Lever - REVERSE SWITCH'), category = {_('Instrument Panel'), _('HOTAS')}}, Should work for SPST switches (like the APU switch on the TM warthog throttle). Use the first line if you want to retract gear when you press the button, use the second one if you want to extend gear when the switch is "pressed". "Wait... What ? How ?" -> "down = " gives the command that is sent to the plane when you "press" the physical button/switch on your device. -> "up = " gives the command that is sent to the plane when you "release" the physical button/switch on your device. Feel free to rename the command, but don't forget the quote marks/apostrophes. "Pressed, released ? What if I use a switch ?" On your desktop, press the windows key + R, and type "joy.cpl". Open your joystick properties. A "pressed" key will be bright red. As long as you only use joystick buttons (no fancy keyboard mappings with TARGET), this is not an issue.
  6. Salut ! Les touches * et / du numpad permettent de zoomer/dé-zoomer (de même que la molette souris). Et il est aussi possible de définir un axe pour le zoom. Accélération / ralentissement du temps agissent sur toute la simulation (équivalent aux paramètres de time compression sur FSX/IL2 '46, et tout autre simulateur de vol). Bref, mieux vaux éviter de mettre x60 pour faire un atterrissage... Ou de laisser x0.5 pour une mission de deux heures... (comment ça, "ça sent le vécu"?)
  7. I heard you were looking for shitty landings attempts ? Here's one... https://i.imgur.com/r75SmzX.mp4 :pilotfly:
  8. Dogfight modes (DM/DG) inhibits underwing/belly weapons release. You have to press the DOGFIGHT/RESUME SEARCH button to be able to drop bombs/fire rockets. Also double check the jettison switch is centered.
  9. Salut ! Autre solution en complément des textures : jouer avec les arguments. (par contre, pas testé leur visibilité en MP) Ils s'utilisent comme suit : Dans le description.lua de la livrée, ajouter à la fin: custom_args= { [309] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [310] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [311] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [312] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [313] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [314] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [315] = 1.0, -- remove pylon [316] = 1.0, -- remove pylon } 309, 310, ... C'est le numéro de l'argument. Pour savoir quel argument utiliser (et quelle valeur lui assigner), on peut utiliser le modelviewer (bref, DCS World\bin\modelviewer2.exe) avec le .edm du coucou en question (ex. DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F-16C\Shapes\f-16c_bl50.edm). Une fois l'EDM chargé, ce qui nous intéresse, c'est le panneau "Args". Là, il faudra jouer un peu avec les sliders, jusqu'à trouver le bon... Et sa valeur. L'exemple donné au dessus est pour le Su-27, et permet d'enlever les pylônes. Pour le F-16, l'argument 1000 permet de déplacer/retirer (selon la valeur) le numéro d'id de queue. On peut aussi jouer avec le 799 pour changer la couleur de la verrière, les 32,31 et 442 changent le numéro d'id (respectivement unité/dizaine/centaine)... Ça permet aussi de presque transformer le F-5 en T-38 (arguments 308 et 314 = 1) ;) Pas oublier de commenter chaque ligne avec un --ceciestuncommentaire ... Question de savoir par la suite à quoi ça correspond.
  10. edit : Ok, tested and confirmed. Any edits to files in the Coremods folder will break the modified module. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE F-14 FIX WITH THE LATEST OPEN BETA UPDATE (Supercarrier release, build
  11. If you only need to change monitor setup/res, you can make "presets" by making copies of options.lua and write a batch to switch between configs. (this is what I do to quickly switch pancake<>VR) Assuming the batch is directly placed in Saved Games\DCS\Config, and your alternative option files are "MyOptions_1.lua" and "MyOptions_2.lua : @echo off choice /c 12 /m "Press 1 for MyOptions_1 and 2 for MyOptions_2" if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" goto OPT1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "2" goto OPT2 :OPT1 xcopy /y /f "MyOptions_1.lua" "options.lua" exit :OPT2 xcopy /y /f "MyOptions_2.lua" "options.lua" exit Then send a shortcut to desktop. Otherwise, you can use any notepad app (windows notepad or notepad++) to edit the settings by hand. edit : another approach, if anyone still interested. This variant allow to keep any changes made in DCS settings page. 1 - you'll need to enable windows developer mode (win 10 ONLY). The command we're going to use usually require administrator rights, dev mode bypass the admin requirement. To do so, open windows settings, and head to "Update and security > For developers". Tick "Developer mode". (you need an administrator session to enable this setting) 2 - Head back to Saved Games\DCS\Config\ and copy the options.lua 2 times. One copy should be named "options.2d.lua", and the other one "options.3d.lua" (obviously without quote marks). 3 - Create a new batch file in Saved Games\DCS\Config\ (right-click on the background > new > text file). Make sure the extension is .bat (and not .txt) !!! 4 - Open this batch with notepad/notepad++ and paste the following : @echo off choice /c 23 /m "Press 2 for pancake (2D) and 3 for VR (3D)" if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" goto OPT1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "2" goto OPT2 :OPT1 del options.lua mklink "options.lua" "options.2D.lua" exit :OPT2 del options.lua mklink "options.lua" "options.3D.lua" exit 5 - Save, select the batch, send shortcut to desktop and profit. If you prefer to use other keys to select your options, simply change this line, exemple with V for VR and F for flat : choice /c fv /m "Press F for flat (2D) and V for VR (3D)"
  12. What do you mean ? DCS doesn't detect your axis (can't select it from the droplist) ? Does it work without a modifier ? Try to setup the axis like this : Deadzone 0 X Sat : 100 Y Sat : 50 Curve : 0 Cursor : ON Invert : ON Some axis (like the hud brightness) may also work if you don't change the default Y saturation, but the result is... Unexpected.
  13. YES !!! Absolutely mandatory... Pretty sure there's another "nice" one, need to re-read them all :D
  14. Open .\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\F14\Input\F-14B\joystick\default.lua At the end of file, you'll find -- joystick axes axisCommands={ {action=iCommandViewHorizontalAbs,name=_('Horizontal View')}, {action=iCommandViewVerticalAbs,name=_('Vertical View')}, {action=iCommandViewZoomAbs,name=_('Zoom View')}, {action=iCommandViewRollAbs,name=_('Cockpit camera roll')}, {action=iCommandViewHorTransAbs,name=_('Cockpit camera move lateral')}, {action=iCommandViewVertTransAbs,name=_('Cockpit camera move vertical')}, {action=iCommandViewLongitudeTransAbs,name=_('Cockpit camera move forward/backward')}, }, } Add the following lines (or pick the ones you need) right after {action=iCommandViewLongitudeTransAbs,name=_('Cockpit camera move forward/backward')} (->before the 2 } ) : {action = device_commands.AHRS_LatCorrection, cockpit_device_id=devices.AHRS, name = _("X_Compass LAT Correction")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_UHF_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC159, name = _("X_UHF ARC-159 Display Brightness Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_UHF_VOL_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC159, name = _("X_UHF ARC-159 Volume Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_UHF_VOL_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC159, name = _("X_UHF ARC-159 Volume RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC159, name = _("X_UHF Radio Remote Display Brightness Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_UHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC159, name = _("X_UHF Radio Remote Display Brightness RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_VHF_BRT_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC182, name = _("X_VHF ARC-182 Display Brightness RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_VHF_VOL_PILOT, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC182, name = _("X_VHF ARC-182 Volume Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_VHF_VOL_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC182, name = _("X_VHF ARC-182 Volume RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_VHF_Remote_DISP_BRT_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ARC182, name = _("X_VHF Remote Display Brightness Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.ALTIMETER_Knob, cockpit_device_id=devices.BAROALTIMETER, name = _("X_Altimeter Pressure Setting Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RIOALTIMETER_Knob, cockpit_device_id=devices.BAROALTIMETER, name = _("X_Altimeter Pressure Setting RIO")}, {action = device_commands.CLOCK_Wind, cockpit_device_id=devices.CLOCK, name = _("X_Clock Wind Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RIO_CLOCK_Wind, cockpit_device_id=devices.CLOCK, name = _("X_Clock Wind RIO")}, {action = device_commands.WINGSWEEP_EmergencySweepLever, cockpit_device_id=devices.WINGSWEEP, name = _("X_Emergency Wing Sweep Handle")}, {action = device_commands.FLAPS_Lever, cockpit_device_id=devices.FLAPS, name = _("X_Flaps Lever")}, {action = device_commands.FUELSYSTEM_Bingo_Knob, cockpit_device_id=devices.FUELSYSTEM, name = _("X_BINGO Fuel Level Knob")}, {action = device_commands.HSD_Knob_Brightness, cockpit_device_id=devices.HSD, name = _("X_HSD Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.HSD_Knob_Course, cockpit_device_id=devices.HSD, name = _("X_HSD Selected Course")}, {action = device_commands.HSD_Knob_Course, cockpit_device_id=devices.HSD, name = _("X_HSD Selected Course")}, {action = device_commands.HSD_Knob_Heading, cockpit_device_id=devices.HSD, name = _("X_HSD Selected Heading")}, {action = device_commands.VDIG_HUD_bright, cockpit_device_id=devices.HUD, name = _("X_HUD Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.DISP_HUD_pitch_bright, cockpit_device_id=devices.HUD, name = _("X_HUD Pitch Ladder Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.VDIG_HUD_trim, cockpit_device_id=devices.HUD, name = _("X_HUD Trim")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_ALR67_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ICS, name = _("X_AN/ALR-67 Volume Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RWR_ALR67_Volume, cockpit_device_id=devices.ICS, name = _("X_AN/ALR-67 Volume RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RWR_Brightness_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.RWR, name = _("X_AN/ALR-67 Display Brightness Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RWR_Brightness_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.RWR, name = _("X_AN/ALR-67 Display Brightness RIO")}, {action = device_commands.CMDS_Chaff_Counter_Control, cockpit_device_id=devices.COUNTERMEASURES, name = _("X_AN/ALE-37 Chaff Counter")}, {action = device_commands.CMDS_Flare_Counter_Control, cockpit_device_id=devices.COUNTERMEASURES, name = _("X_AN/ALE-37 Flare Counter")}, {action = device_commands.CMDS_Jammer_Counter_Control, cockpit_device_id=devices.COUNTERMEASURES, name = _("X_AN/ALE-37 Jammer Counter")}, {action = device_commands.DECM_Vol_Knob, cockpit_device_id=devices.DECM, name = _("X_DECM ALQ-100 Volume")}, {action = device_commands.ECMD_Knob_Brightness, cockpit_device_id=devices.ECMD, name = _("X_ECMD Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Sidewinder, cockpit_device_id=devices.ICS, name = _("X_ICS Sidewinder Volume")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.ICS, name = _("X_ICS Volume Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.RADIO_ICS_Vol_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.ICS, name = _("X_ICS Volume RIO")}, {action = device_commands.RADAR_DDD_bright, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, name = _("X_DDD_Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.RADAR_DDD_pulse_vid, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, name = _("X_DDD_Pulse video")}, {action = device_commands.RADAR_PD_thresh_clutter, cockpit_device_id=devices.RADAR, name = _("X_Radar PD threshold clutter")}, {action = device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Vol_Pilot, cockpit_device_id=devices.TACAN, name = _("X_TACAN Volume Pilot")}, {action = device_commands.TACAN_Knob_Vol_RIO, cockpit_device_id=devices.TACAN, name = _("X_TACAN Volume RIO")}, {action = device_commands.TID_bright, cockpit_device_id=devices.TID, name = _("X_TID Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.TID_contrast, cockpit_device_id=devices.TID, name = _("X_TID Contrast")}, {action = device_commands.VDIG_VSDI_bright, cockpit_device_id=devices.VDI, name = _("X_VDI Screen Brightness")}, {action = device_commands.VDIG_VDI_contrast, cockpit_device_id=devices.VDI, name = _("X_VDI Screen Contrast")}, {action = device_commands.VDIG_VSDI_trim, cockpit_device_id=devices.VDI, name = _("X_VDI Screen Trim")}, {action = device_commands.WEAP_Gun_Ammo_adjust, cockpit_device_id=devices.WEAPONS, name = _("X_Gun Ammunition Counter Adjustment")}, {action = device_commands.WEAP_Gun_Elevation, cockpit_device_id=devices.WEAPONS, name = _("X_Gun Elevation Lead Adjustment")}, Now you should be able to bind all "clicky pit" axis to your joystick/throttle axis. Some axis are supposed to be reserved for the RIO, some for the pilot... They will be available for both ('till HB changes this behavior). Some axis doesn't have a full range, you may have to play with axis settings : Cursor mode, reversed, saturation or dead zone.
  15. What about using a symlink ? Go to .\DCS World\Mods\Aircraft\F14\, shift+right click on the Sounds folder and select Copy as path. Next, go to .\Saved Games\DCS\Mods\Aircraft\F1, shift+right click on the explorer background and select "open command prompt here". In the command prompt, type mklink /d Sounds [paste the path here with right click]What's a symlink ? In short, your Sounds folder in Saved Games\DCS\... will be the Sounds folder in DCS World\Mods\... Think of some kind of "advanced" shortcut. (little word of warning... I don't have any references of sounds files being copied in my DCS log, and making the symlink/copying the folder doesn't seems to change anything for me. Please be cautious and make a backup of the sounds folder before trying to make the symlink. If it works without issues, the backup can be deleted and you won't have to worry about updates.)
  16. Il me semble qu'il y a aussi une option "avionique de jeu", dans l'onglet "divers"... A décocher, évidemment.
  17. Great ! Now I have an even better reason to fly the Fulcrum... I guess we'll need a few liveries with Tuckson's awesome nosearts :D
  18. This could help : https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3660353&postcount=140
  19. Maybe ;) Head to ..\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\F14\Cockpit\Scripts\VerticalDisplayIndicator\Indicator\ and backup "overlay.lua" (a simple copy-paste is enough) Open it with notepad. The last line should be "Add(crtdarkvignette)" Try to comment it (prefix with double -, ex. "--Add(crtdarkvignette)" ) and (If I remember correctly, 'cause I haven't played on pancake for ages), it should make the export screen easier to read. If it doesn't, just revert by removing the double dash.
  20. Lots of DCS binaries are flagged as generic trojan since the 2.5.6 update, not only the F-14 ones > false positives coming from behavioral analysis. If you're unsure, you can submit the file to https://www.virustotal.com. I know it's certainly not a wise habit, but I end up excluding the whole DCS folder from on-access scan, setting ACE to restrict write access to admins only. (Don't do it if you don't know what you're doing) As I'm using a normal (non-admin) user session on a daily basis, it should be a little safer (and improve performances).
  21. Have you read this (to import BC7 textures into Gimp) ? https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=236816 Could be interesting... Channels are pretty annoying to edit... You'd better do all the work in layers, then copy their content to alpha. IIRC, for the texts, once you've remove all previous texts in RGB and alpha channels : (keep in mind I'm using photoshop, you'll have to adapt the procedure to Gimp) 1 - Write your texts (you'll end up with text objects, still editable) 2 - Once your texts are good, make a copy (sort them in groups, it would be much easier). You'll need to have a group with your RGB texts, and another one with "alpha" texts. Hide the RGB group. 3 - In the "alpha" group, modify all texts colors to white (or the opposite of your alpha background. Mine is white texts on black background) 4 - Pixelize all texts in this group, then merge layers. You should end up with all your white texts on a single transparent layer (white texts no longer editable). 5 - Select this layer content and ctrl+C 6 - Enable and select the alpha channel, disable RGB channels 7 - Paste in place 8 - Enable your RGB texts layers. Make sure RGB and alpha texts are exactly aligned. Good luck ;)
  22. When flying in VR, it seems that afterburner and engines sounds come from the front of the plane. Idk if this issue also exists with pancake/trackIR... For testing purposes, I replaced the afterburner wavs (ex. DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\Engines\F14_Afterburner_Int_01_New.wav) with a LOUD, low-pitched wave. If I turn my head to the left, my right earphone vibrate (front side). After a little mod to the sdef files (position/forward to -10m), it sounded in the left earphone (back side). Before : wave = "Effects/Aircrafts/Engines/F14_Afterburner_Int_01_New" position = {1.5, 0, 0} gain = 0.95 inner_radius = 15 release = 1.5 After : wave = "Effects/Aircrafts/Engines/F14_Afterburner_Int_01_New" position = {-10, 0, 0} gain = 0.95 inner_radius = 15 release = 1.5 Files concerned : in DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Sounds\sdef\Aircrafts\Engines\ : F110AfterburnerStartInt.sdef F110AfterburnerInt01.sdef F110AfterburnerInt02.sdef F110EngineInt01.sdef F110EngineInt02.sdef Technical informations : DCS open beta SteamVR + Valve index Little OT / Speaking of the afterburner, is there a way to make it use the default DCS shader and textures without editing the F-14b.lua ? (I'm trying to make this mod to work without breaking IC )
  23. Not to my knowledge, I think this is just a light emitter (just like the nav lights). This is not part of the afterburner shader.
  24. The background isn't really transparent, it's a texture with 0% opacity. The writings are both on the RGB channels and on the alpha (transparency). As far as I understand, the RGB channels are used to show the texture in game, and the alpha is used for the red lightning. On the left, RGB channels. On the right, the alpha (transparency). I suppose you've overwriten the RGB texture while flattening all layers, making the background fully black. I suggest you to : 1 - Disable the alpha channel 2 - Paint on the RGB channels to mask existing texts (you may have to use something else than a "simple" brush because the texture is not "flat") 3 - Add you own texts on a new layer. 4 - re-enable the alpha channel, disable RGB channels 5 - On the alpha channel, paint writings in black 6 - Copy the alpha of your texts on the alpha of the texture. You have to save your texture in a "Color+alpha" preset. The best compression setting would be BC7, but I'm not sure it is compatible with paint.net. If you can't find BC7, use DXT5 (aka BC3, lesser quality) or uncompressed (aka, best quality but uses A LOT of storage). The intel dds export plugin setting in photoshop :
  25. Use the texture template and paint your red nose in the texture template ? You can import the game texture in a new layer, as a reference to help you. Also, you'd better use the Intel plugin and save in bc7 rather than the Nvidia plugin with the DXT 1/3/5.
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